Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Education, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (May 31, 2007) © 2008

  • Anita K Barry Professor Emerita, University of Michigan, Flint

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles
  • The goal of this book is to enrich the perception of language behavior and language interactions among individuals and informs the approach to classroom instruction.
  • Helps define the connections between linguistics and education, and how the study of language affects all aspects of education.
  • Eleven distinctive chapters on linguistics, using language in all its proper contexts, and how linguistics and literacy work together.
  • Exercises, Suggested Projects, and Further Reading at the end of every chapter.
  • Glossary of terms at the end of the book.

CHAPTER 1        The Linguistic Perspective


Why Should Teachers Study Linguistics?

What is the Linguistic Perspective?

What is Linguistics?

What Do Linguists Do?

Goals of the Book

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 2        Foundations of Linguistics: Phonetics


Oral vs. Written Language




Phonetic Spelling and the English Alphabet

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 3        Foundations of Linguistics: Phonology and Morphology




Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 4        Syntax and Grammar Teaching


Word Classes

Constituent Structure

Other Syntactic Knowledge

    Linear Order


    Sentence Nesting

    Traditional Grammar

Grammar Teaching Revisited

Teaching Usage

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 5        Language Change and Variation


Language Change

History of English


    Old English

    Middle English

    Modern English

Mechanisms of Change



    Morphology and Syntax

Regional Variation



Sociolinguistic Variation

Dialect and Ethnic Identity

    African American Vernacular English

    Other Ethnic Dialects

Attitudes toward Dialect Differences

Language and Gender

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 6        The Written Word


Writing Systems

Background of English Orthography

What English Spelling Represents

Spelling Reform

Other Writing Conventions


Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 7        Using Language in Context



Conversational Intent: How Do You Know What Someone Really Means?

    Disambiguating Ambiguity

    Discourse Function

Conversational Appropriateness

Language Choices and Social Appropriateness

Classroom Register

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 8        Child Language Acquisition


Basic Assumptions

Stages of Language Development

    Before First Words

    First Words

    Multiple Word Utterances: The Idea of Syntax

    Grammatical Morphemes: Fleshing Out the Telegram

    Later Development: Sounding Like an Adult

Learning the Meaning of Words

Acquiring Pragmatic Skills

Learning Strategies and Individual Differences

Acquisition Theory: How Do Children Do It?

Brain Structure and the Critical Age Hypothesis

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 9        Language Disorders and Impairment


Hearing Impairment

Visual Impairment

Cognitive Impairment

Some Theoretical Questions

    What is the Relationship between Language and Cognition?

    What is the Relationship between Language and Speech?

    Is There a Critical Age for Language Acquisition?

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 10      Language Planning and Policy


Language Planning and Policy around the World

Choosing a National Language

Dominant vs. Minority Languages

Responses to Minority Dialects of English in the United States

Educational Policy and Minority Dialects

Educational Policy and Bilingualism

The English-Only Movement

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading


CHAPTER 11      Linguistics and Literacy


What Do We Mean by "Literacy"?

Elements of Literacy

The Beginnings of Reading and Writing

Decontextualized Language

Construction of Discourse

Metalanguage: Becoming Aware of Language

Linguistics and Literacy: Reflections

Discussion of Exercises

Suggested Projects

Further Reading



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