Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 15, 2020) © 2021

  • Mark E. Young University of Central Florida, Professor Emeritus

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ISBN-13: 9780136912293 (2020 update)

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MyLab Counseling with Pearson eText for Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques

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Learning the Art of Helping teaches the art of helping using a practical, relationship-focused approach. It emphasizes the skills necessary to be effective in the art of helping, from basic building blocks to advanced therapeutic techniques. The text is practical, innovative and focused on the relationship between the helper and the client. The author incorporates the latest research on effective treatments, while offering an integrative perspective. Stop and Reflect sections, exercises, homework, class discussion topics and Journal Starters help you learn to become a reflective practitioner.

The 7th Edition includes additional coverage of cultural issues in a new chapter, as well as expanded sections highlighting issues of culture in research, the therapeutic relationship and helping skills specific to children.

1. Helping as a Personal Journey
2. The Therapeutic Relationship
3. The Cultural Climate and the Therapeutic Relationship
4. Invitational Skills
5. Reflecting Skills: Paraphrasing
6. Reflecting Skills: Reflecting Feelings
7. Advanced Reflecting Skills: Reflecting Meaning and Summarizing
8. Challenging Skills
9. Assessment and Goal Setting
10. Change Techniques, Part I
11. Intervention and Action: Change Techniques, Part II
12. Outcome Evaluation and Termination Skills


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