Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle School: A Learner-Centered Approach, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (March 13, 2014) © 2015

  • George S. Cathcart University of Alberta
  • Yvonne M. Pothier Mount Saint Vincent University
  • James H. Vance University of Victoria
  • Nadine S. Bezuk San Diego State University


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Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle School provides valuable research-based instructional strategies, resources and activities to help you evaluate how children think mathematically and how to link that knowledge to developmentally appropriate teaching practice.

Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eTextThe Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos illustrate classroom activities and one-on-one discussions with children which help students apply and connect what they’re learning about teaching with real children and real classrooms. (See pages 82, 188, and 363 for examples.)
  • New examples of children’s work help students examine actual children’s in relation to the chapter topics. (See pages 194, 317, and 408 for examples.)
    • Students see a range of children’s understanding of concepts, helping them to understand learning trajectories.
    • EXPANDED “In Practice” features link samples of children’s work with plans for effective instruction.
  • UPDATED Internet links presented throughout help students connect with high quality online teaching resources for each chapter topic. (See pages 20, 224, and 541 for examples.)

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Instructors, visit pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks to register for your digital examination copy.

Additional text features include:

  • NEW! Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are integrated throughout the book to help students learn the relevance of the standards for each chapter topic. 
  • Activities and examples throughout each chapter let students experience concepts and give them a bank of resources to use with children.

Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eText
The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos illustrate classroom activities and one-on-one discussions with children which help students apply and connect what they’re learning about teaching with real children and real classrooms. (See pages 82, 188, and 363 for examples.)
  • New examples of children’s work help students examine actual children’s in relation to the chapter topics. (See pages 194, 317, and 408 for examples.)
    • Students see a range of children’s understanding of concepts, helping them to understand learning trajectories.
    • EXPANDED “In Practice” features link samples of children’s work with plans for effective instruction.
  • UPDATED Internet links presented throughout help students connect with high quality online teaching resources for each chapter topic. (See pages 20, 224, and 541 for examples.)

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Instructors, visit pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks to register for your digital examination copy.

Key content changes include:

  • NEW! Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are integrated throughout the book to help students learn the relevance of the standards for each chapter topic.
  • UPDATED research on mathematics teaching and learning appears throughout.

  • 1            Teaching Mathematics: Influences and Directions

    2             Learning and Teaching Mathematics

    3             Developing Mathematical Thinking and Problem-Solving Ability

    4             Assessing Mathematics Understanding

    5             Developing Number Concepts

    6             Developing Understanding of Numeration

    7             Developing Whole-Number Operations: Meaning of Operations

    8             Developing Whole-Number Operations: Mastering the Basic Facts

    9             Estimation and Computational Procedures for Whole Numbers

    10           Developing Fraction Concepts

    11           Developing Fraction Computation

    12           Developing Decimal Concepts and Computation

    13           Understanding Ratio, Proportion, and Percent

    14           Developing Geometric Thinking and Spatial Sense

    15           Developing Measurement Concepts and Skills

    16           Collecting, Organizing, and Interpreting Data

    17           Developing Algebraic Thinking




    About the lead author

    Nadine Bezuk is interested in helping teachers help all children be successful in math. She teaches elementary math methods for prospective teachers and conducts professional development for inservice teachers. She's particularly interested in the effective teaching of fractions. She has taught elementary, middle school, and high school math, along with developmental math at the college level. She is the director of the San Diego State University (SDSU) Professional Development Collaborative, associate director of the SDSU Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, and active in the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), having served as President and as Executive Director. She has been the author of all 6 editions of Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle Schools and has published several articles in journals of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and is a regular speaker at NCTM conferences.

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