Learn Adobe Animate CC for Multiplatform Animations: Adobe Certified Associate Exam Preparation, 2nd edition

Published by Peachpit Press (June 12, 2018) © 2018

  • Joseph Labrecque
  • Rob Schwartz



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This study guide uses text integrated with video to help learners gain real-world skills that will get them started in their career in animation and interactive media design and lays the foundation for taking the Adobe Animate Certified Associate (ACA) exam. A mix of project-based lessons, videos, and quizzes throughout prepares beginning learners for an entry-level position in a competitive job market.

Written by an instructor with classroom teaching experience, the book covers all of the objectives of the latest Interactive Media Using Adobe Animate CC Adobe Certified Associate Exam.

  • Leading instructors prepare learners for a career in animation and interactive media design and for the Adobe Certified Associate Exam.
  • Covers all of the objectives of the latest Interactive Media Using Adobe Animate CC Adobe Certified Associate Exam.
  • Web Edition product uses video instruction with supporting text to teach Animate skills and prepare you for the ACA exam--available in print and digitally.

Getting Started

1 Welcome!

2 Design a Vector Animation

3 Construct an Animated Image

4 Compose an Animated HTML5 Greeting

5 Generate a Promotional Video

6 Build a Poem Generator

7 Tick-Tock…Build a Virtual Clock

8 Develop a Mobile Quiz App

9 Wrapping It Up!

10 Leveling Up with Design (online)

11 Working with Outsiders (online)

ACA Objectives Covered


Joseph Labrecque is a creative developer, interactive designer, and educator withover 15 years of experience building expressive web, desktop, and mobile solutions. He regularly teaches classes on Animate CC, web animation, graphics production, and mobile application design for the University of Denver, where he is also employed as a senior interactive software engineer. Joseph is also the principal of Fractured Vision Media, LLC, a digital media production company, technical consultancy, and distribution vehicle for a variety of creative works. He is founder and sole member of the studio recording project: An Early Morning Letter, Displaced. Over the past decade, Joseph has authored a number of books, articles, and courses on design and development technologies, tools, and concepts through publishers such as Adobe Press, Peachpit Press, Lynda.com, LinkedIn Learning, Pluralsight, and more. He is an Adobe Education Leader (AEL) and Adobe Community Professional. He received the Adobe Education Impact Award in 2010 and serves on the AEL Advisory Board. Joseph regularly speaks about Animate CC and related topics at conferences such as Adobe MAX and is eager to share his expertise in venues both large and small.

Rob Schwartz (author of Chapters 10 and 11) is an award-winning teacher with 20 years of experience in technical education. In addition to holding several Adobe Certified Associate certifications, Rob is an Adobe Certified Instructor. As an Adobe Education Leader, Rob won the prestigious Impact Award from Adobe, and in 2010 he ran the Top Certifying Academic Center for the Adobe certification exams and was named #1 Instructor Worldwide in the Adobe Certified Associate World Championship. Rob gives presentations worldwide about Adobe certifications. Find out more about Rob at his online curriculum website: brainbuffet.com.

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