About our author
Anita Finkelman, MSN, RN, is a visiting lecturer for the Faculties of Health Sciences, Nursing Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beersheba, Israel. Recently she was visiting faculty at Northeastern University Bouvé College of Health Sciences School of Nursing for four years and served as chair for the School of Nursing Accreditation Task Force. Her past positions include assistant professor of nursing at the University of Oklahoma College of Nursing, where she taught undergraduate and graduate nursing research online and was course coordinator for undergraduate nursing research. She was awarded a VANA Program grant to develop an undergraduate long-term experience at the VA Medical Center in Oklahoma City, developing a summer internship and a postgraduate nurse residency program. At the University of Cincinnati, she was associate professor, clinical nursing and also director of the undergraduate program.
She received a BSN from TCU, Fort Worth, Texas, and a master's degree in psychiatric/mental health nursing, clinical nurse specialist, from Yale University. She also completed postmaster's graduate work in healthcare policy and administration at George Washington University and additional health policy work as a fellow of the Health Policy Institute, George Mason University.
Ms. Finkelman has 40 years of nursing experience, including clinical, educational and administrative positions and extensive experience developing distance learning programs and online products related to simulation learning and distance education for publishers and healthcare organizations and for curriculum review and revision. She served as director of staff education for two acute care hospitals and director of a large continuing education program at the University of Cincinnati. Her consulting projects have focused on distance education, curriculum, teaching practices, nursing education accreditation, healthcare interprofessional education, health policy and healthcare administration.
Ms. Finkelman has authored many books, chapters and journal articles, and served on editorial boards. She has lectured on administration, healthcare education, health policy, continuing education and psychiatric/mental health nursing, both nationally and internationally. In addition to this text, her other recent books are Professional Nursing Concepts, 4th Edition (2019), Jones & Bartlett Learning; Teaching IOM/HMD: Implications of the Institute of Medicine and Health & Medicine Division Reports For Nursing Education, Vol. I and II, 4th Edition (2017), American Nurses Association; and Case Management for Nurses (2011), Pearson Education. The IOM book and the Professional Concepts book have both won publishing awards.