K-12 Classroom Teaching: A Primer for New Professionals, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (December 24, 2014) © 2016

  • Andrea M. Guillaume


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Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eTextThe Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos. Watch and Think features include a set of video links along with guiding questions interspersed throughout each chapter. The brief videos illustrate chapter content and extend thinking about current topics. (See page 100 for an example.)
  • Quick Assessment Checks allow readers to self-assess their mastery of chapter outcomes as they read. (See pages 60 and 61 for examples.)
  • Learn More pop-ups allow readers to explore topics in more depth. (See page 60 for an example.)

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book!  Students, register for or purchase your eText at pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks. Instructors, visit pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks to register for your digital examination copy.

Additional text features include:

  • Students learn the key aspects of classroom teaching through an active approach to learning that includes numerous helpful features.
    • Warm-Up Exercises begin each chapter to help readers access their thinking related to major points about to be explored.
    • NEW! Chapter Outcomes support readers’ mastery of the content and guide their work with the chapter.
    • A clear presentation of information plus illustrative figures present concepts in a succinct format.
    • Teaching Tips as boxed features interspersed throughout the chapters provide students with plentiful practical classroom suggestions. Included are generic teaching tips, inclusive and responsive teaching tips, and 21st-century teaching and learning tips.
    • Words from Teachers include the voices of previous readers, now teachers, offering advice and writing samples for such activities as building community, encouraging student participation, structuring a productive learning environment, and pursuing financial literacy.
    • Parting Words of advice relate the chapter issues in an interesting, encouraging, and useful manner.
    • Opportunities to Practice are provided as application exercises that follow the content of each chapter. The exercises extend readers’ connections with the content in a variety of ways that directly relate to the world of the classroom.
    • Blank Forms–observation guides, lesson plan forms, and assessment and management plans–provide additional structured practice and application of the chapters’ key ideas.
    • Extending the Learning: Sites and Search Terms sections close each chapter with suggestions of web sites related to the chapter’s content, providing connections to professional organizations and instructionally related resources and materials.

Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eText
The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos. Watch and Think features include a set of video links along with guiding questions interspersed throughout each chapter. The brief videos illustrate chapter content and extend thinking about current topics. (See page 100 for an example.)
  • Quick Assessment Checks allow readers to self-assess their mastery of chapter outcomes as they read. (See pages 60 and 61 for examples.)
  • Learn More pop-ups allow readers to explore topics in more depth. (See page 60 for an example.)

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Students, register for or purchase your eText at pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks. Instructors, visit pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks to register for your digital examination copy.

Key content changes include:

  • NEW! Students are exposed to the most current research and literature, including hundreds of new citations. Included are:
    • Coverage of recent trends such as national demographic shifts, international and national assessment practices and results, Positive Behavior Interventions and Support, bullying, and issues surrounding GLBTQ students and students with GLBTQ families; research on effective instruction (instruction that is associated with achievement found throughout as in Chapters 1 and 6); instructional strategies and models (Chapter 7); discipline (Chapter 9); and classroom management (in Chapter 10).
  • NEW! A sharpened focus on inclusive and responsive instruction brings students more clearly into the realities of today’s diverse classrooms. Prevalent examples include:
    • Treatment of student diversity including an exploration of deleterious practices such as segregation of schools and the differential experiences of students based on positionalities such as race, ethnicity, special education status, and socioeconomic status (Chapter 3).
    • More extensive treatment of cultural competence and of teambuilding with students and families (Chapter 3).
    • Treatment of strength-based approaches in contrast to deficit-based thinking (Chapter 4).
    • Other examples invite readers to link aspects of their own cultures to classroom management (Chapter 9), and explore the role that student factors play in some teachers’ expectations and disciplinary approaches (Chapter 10). In addition, Chapter 7 includes instructional models that are responsive to today’s contexts. These include content conversations—or discussion—and Project Based Learning.
  • NEW! The nature and implications of a rapidly changing digital world are made clear in a number of examples throughout the text, for example:
    • Chapter 1 provides global trends about Internet penetration and national trends about how we use our technologies. It also addresses some of the legal implications connected with teac

Chapter 1 The Nature of Teaching

Chapter 2 Developing Your Stance Toward Education

Chapter 3 Students and Families: Teambuilding

Chapter 4 Providing Inclusive and Responsive Instruction

Chapter 5 Planning for Instruction

Chapter 6 Advice on Instruction: Come In

Chapter 7 Instructional Models and Strategies

Chapter 8 Student Assessment

Chapter 9 Managing the Learning Environment

Chapter 10 Classroom Discipline: Encouraging Appropriate Behavior

Chapter 11 Growing in Your Profession




Andrea Guillaume began her career in education as a public middle school teacher. She specializes in pedagogy, particularly in active teaching and content methods. She has written several textbooks and a number of articles related to instruction and teacher development. At California State University, Fullerton, she works with teachers in several courses at both the preservice and graduate levels. She leads an arts-rich credential cohort, and she works with the university’s faculty to enhance instruction and student learning. She also enjoys working with teachers new to their career in a local induction program. Andrea presents widely—often to international audiences—and has written numerous texts and articles related to teaching.

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