Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (October 18, 2016) © 2017

  • David H. Johnson
  • Frank P. Johnson Millersville University , Wilfrid Laurier University


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Clear, concise, practical, and reader friendly, this widely popular text is set up to ensure understanding of how to use the concepts of group dynamics.

  • Relevant theory and research are combined with skill-building exercises to help students implement what they are learning in their own lives.
  • Step-by-step coverage of the theory and research relevant to group dynamics makes the topics clear.
  • Lists of the most important concepts introduce each chapter.
  • Comprehension tests throughout each chapter help students assess how well they know the material being covered.
  • Experiential exercises teach the content inductively and develop readers’ small group and interpersonal skills.
  • A glossary provides readers with the definitions of important concepts.
  • NEW! The latest and most exciting theoretical work and research from psychology, sociology, and other social sciences keeps readers on the cutting edge of the field of group dynamics.
  • NEW! A new chapter on group dynamics, democracy, and peace highlights the relevance of group dynamics to working for peace and building democracies.
  • NEW! An enhanced balance between traditional and contemporary topics appeals to a variety of courses and instructors.
  • Experiential exercises teach the content inductively and develop readers’ small group and interpersonal skills.
  • A glossary provides readers with the definitions of important concepts.
  • NEW! The latest and most exciting theoretical work and research from psychology, sociology, and other social sciences keeps readers on the cutting edge of the field of group dynamics.
  • NEW! A new chapter on group dynamics, democracy, and peace highlights the relevance of group dynamics to working for peace and building democracies.
  • NEW! An enhanced balance between traditional and contemporary topics appeals to a variety of courses and instructors.
  • CHAPTER 1 Group Dynamics
  • CHAPTER 2 Experiential Learning
  • CHAPTER 3 Group Goals, Social Interdependence, and Trust
  • CHAPTER 4 Communication Within Groups
  • CHAPTER 5 Leadership
  • CHAPTER 6 Using Power
  • CHAPTER 7 Decision Making
  • CHAPTER 8 Controversy and Creativity
  • CHAPTER 9 Managing Conflicts of Interest
  • CHAPTER 10 Valuing Diversity
  • CHAPTER 11 Group Dynamics, Democracy, and Peace
  • CHAPTER 12 Cooperative Learning in the Classroom
  • CHAPTER 13 Leading Growth and Counseling Groups
  • CHAPTER 14 Team Development, Team Training 5
  • CHAPTER 15 Epilogue

David W. Johnson is an Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota.  He is Co-Director of the Cooperative Learning Center.  He received his doctoral degree from Columbia University.  He has authored over 500 research articles and book chapters.  He is the author of over 50 books.  He is a past-editor of the American Educational Research Journal.  He held the Emma M. Birkmaier Professorship in Educational Leadership at the University of Minnesota from 1994 to 1997 and the Libra Endowed Chair for Visiting Professor at the University of Maine in 1996-1997.  He received the American Psychological Association’s 2003 Award for Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Practice.  In 2007 he received (with his brother Roger) Brock International Prize in Education administered by the College of Liberal Studies at the University of Oklahoma.  In 2008 he received the Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award from the American Education Research Association.  In 2010 he received the Jeffrey Rubin Theory To Practice Award, awarded by the International Association for Conflict Management and the Program on Negotiation at the Harvard Law School.  In 2011 he received the A. M. Wellner Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.  For the past 40 years Dr. Johnson has served as an organizational consultant to schools and businesses throughout the world.  He is a practicing psychotherapist.

Frank P. Johnson graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education and received a Masters of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School in Boston and his Doctor in Ministry degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological School. He has 35 years experience in the field of Applied Behavioral Science, with professional recognition from NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science, Association for Creative Change, Consultant/Trainers Southwest, and the Mid-Atlantic Association for Training and Consulting. He was employed for 13 years at the University of Maryland Counseling Center, teaching group counseling, and, during that time was a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Maryland School of Psychiatry and Human Behavior. He has written many journal articles, contributed chapters to books, and is the co-author of Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills. He has been a consultant with a variety of organizations, including educational, governmental, religious, and industrial. From 1984 - 1996 he was employed at Ethyl Corporation as a Human Resources Development Associate. Since his retirement from Ethyl, he has served as an Interim Minister in several churches and is now employed as a Chaplain for Canon Hospice in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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