Java: How To Program, Late Objects, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (July 23, 2021) © 2018

  • Paul Deitel Deitel & Associates, Inc.
  • Harvey Deitel

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ISBN-13: 9780137502479 (2021 update)

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For courses in Java programming

Unparalleled breadth and depth of object-oriented programming concepts

The Deitels’ groundbreaking How to Program series offers unparalleled breadth and depth of programming fundamentals, object-oriented programming concepts and intermediate-level topics for further study. Java How to Program, Late Objects, 11th Edition, presents leading-edge computing technologies using the Deitel signature live-code approach, which demonstrates concepts in hundreds of complete working programs. The 11th Edition presents updated coverage of Java SE 8 and new Java SE 9 capabilities, including JShell, the Java Module System, and other key Java 9 topics. [Java How to Program, Early Objects, 11th Edition also is available.]

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Computers, the Internet and Java
  2. Introduction to Java Applications; Input/Output and Operators
  3. Control Statements: Part 1; Assignment, ++ and -- Operators
  4. Control Statements: Part 2; Logical Operators
  5. Methods
  6. Arrays and ArrayLists
  7. Introduction to Classes and Objects
  8. Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look
  9. Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
  10. Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism and Interfaces
  11. Exception Handling: A Deeper Look
  12. JavaFX Graphical User Interfaces: Part 1
  13. JavaFX GUI: Part 2
  14. Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions
  15. Files, Input/Output Streams, NIO and XML Serialization
  16. Generic Collections
  17. Lambdas and Streams
  18. Recursion
  19. Searching, Sorting and Big O
  20. Generic Classes and Methods: A Deeper Look
  21. Custom Generic Data Structures
  22. JavaFX Graphics, Animation, and Video
  23. Concurrency
  24. Accessing Databases with JDBC
  25. Introduction to JShell: Java 9’s REPL for Interactive JavaChapters on the Web
    1. Operator Precedence Chart
    2. ASCII Character Set
    3. Keywords and Reserved Words
    4. Primitive Types
    5. Using the DebuggerAppendices on the WebIndex

Online Chapters and Appendices

  1. Swing GUI Components: Part 1
  2. Graphics and Java 2D
  3. Networking
  4. Java Persistence API (JPA)
  5. JavaServerTM Faces Web Apps: Part 1
  6. JavaServerTM Faces Web Apps: Part 2
  7. REST-Based Web Services
  8. (Optional) ATM Case Study, Part 1: Object-Oriented Design with the UML
  9. (Optional) ATM Case Study, Part 2: Implementing an Object-Oriented Design
  10. Swing GUI Components: Part 2
  11. Java Module System and Other Java 9 Features
    1. Using the Java API Documentation
    2. Creating Documentation with javadoc
    3. Unicode®
    4. Formatted Output
    5. Number Systems
    6. Bit Manipulation
    7. Labeled break and continue Statements
    8. UML 2: Additional Diagram Types
    9. Design Patterns

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