Ironworking, Level 1, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (March 7, 2011) © 2012


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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Introduction to the Trade, Trade Safety, Tools and Equipment of the Trade, Fastening, Mobile Construction Cranes, Rigging Equipment, Rigging Practices, Trade Drawings One, Structural Ironworking One, Plumbing, Aligning, and Guying, Oxyfuel Cutting, Introduction to Arc Welding, Bar Joists and Girders, Metal Decking, and Field Fabrication.

·        Updated after 12 years to include revised module titles more pertinent to content covered and re-sequencing of topics based on subject matter expert input.

·        Includes a full color insert.

·        Well-illustrated, up-to-date, and practical information.

·        Compliance with the Office of Apprenticeship requirements for related classroom training (CFR 29:29).

·        Curricula developed by the industry for the industry.

·        National standardization providing portability of learned job skills and educational credits.

(Total Level Hours: 235 Hours (includes 72.5 hours of Core Curriculum which is a prerequisite for Level 1 completion and must be purchased separately.))


30101-11 Introduction to the Trade (5 Hours)

Discusses the historical development of the ironworking trade. Explains personal qualities that contribute to successful employment. Describes the organization and purpose of apprenticeship training, and the safety obligations of the employer and employee.


30102-11 Trade Safety

(12.5 Hours)

Describes the consequences of on-the-job accidents and the responsibilities of OSHA. Identifies potential ironworker health and safety hazards and safe work practices around cranes. Explains the safe use of personnel lifts. Discusses the safe use and operation of aerial platforms, hoists, and fall protection systems.


30103-11 Tools and Equipment of the Trade (10 Hours)

Identifies and explains commonly used safety tools and equipment. Describes the proper use of common hand tools and power tools. Identifi es power sources for ironworking tools.


30104-11 Fastening

(5 Hours)

Explains how to recognize types of bolts, washers, and nuts. Describes the types of bolts and the procedures used with the calibrated wrench and the turn-of-nut tightening methods.


30105-11 Mobile Construction Cranes

(10 Hours)

Identifi es and describes common lifting equipment and construction cranes. Describes using crane manuals, performing recordkeeping, and following safety requirements. Describes ANSI signals for cranes. Provides procedures for assembling and disassembling construction cranes.


30106-11 Rigging Equipment

(10 Hours)

Describes the use and inspection of basic equipment and hardware used in rigging. Explains common slings and how to determine sling capacities and angles. Covers the selection and inspection of rigging equipment, including block and tackles, chain hoists, come-alongs, jacks, and tuggers. 


30107-11 Rigging Practices (15 Hours)

Identifies the site and environmental hazards associated with rigging. Explains how to attach rigging hardware for routine

lifts and identify the components of a lift plan. Describes how to perform sling tension calculations and determine the weight

of beams and basic weight estimation.


30108-11 Trade Drawings One (12.5 Hours)

Identifies the materials used in steel-framed buildings. Explains how to read basic structural blueprints.


30109-11 Structural Ironworking One (7.5 Hours)

Identifies the types of construction that utilize structural steel, the components of the structures, and the process involved in

erecting a steel structure. Explains the principles of structural stresses and the requirements of bolted connections.


30110-11 Plumbing, Aligning, and Guying (5 Hours)

Describes the purpose and function of aligning and plumbing steel structures, the tools that are used, and the procedures for

performing the plumbing and aligning. Identifies and explains column base and baseplate components and foundation



29102-09 Oxyfuel Cutting (17.5 Hours; from Welding Level One))

Explains the safety requirements for oxyfuel cutting. Identifies oxyfuel cutting equipment and setup requirements. Explains

how to light, adjust, and shut down oxyfuel equipment. Provides instruction on cutting techniques that include straight

line, piercing, bevels, washing, and gouging.


30112-11 Introduction to Arc Welding (22.5 Hours)

Identifies different welding equipment and processes. Describes the safety precautions associated with arc welding. Explains

how to identify weld joints, their dimensions, and applications from welding symbols and drawings. Instructs the trainee on

how to set up and use SMAW equipment and explains the governing welding codes.


30113-10 Bar Joists and Girders

(5 Hours)

Explains how to recognize the various types of bar joists and how they are designated. Describes the proper procedures for rigging and storing steel joints. Explains the use of joist girders in steel joist construction systems and the proper erection procedures for bar joists. Includes OSHA Subpart R. 


30114-10 Metal Decking

(10 Hours)

Identifies and explains decking types and profiles and how decking is packaged, shipped, and stored. Describes erecting decking and job-site safety. Discusses the effects of deck penetrations and damage. Includes OSHA Subpart R. 


30115-10 Field Fabrication

(15 Hours)

Identifies the safety hazards associated with field fabrication. Describes how to use common layout tools. Explains how to fabricate angle iron, channel, T-shapes, and W-shapes to given dimensions. 


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