iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 7th edition

Published by Big Nerd Ranch Guides (May 5, 2020) © 2020

  • Christian Keur
  • Aaron Hillegass


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iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential concepts, tools, and techniques for developing iOS applications. After completing this book, you will have the know-how and the confidence you need to tackle iOS projects of your own.

Based on Big Nerd Ranch's popular iOS training and its well-tested materials and methodology, this bestselling guide teaches iOS concepts and coding in tandem. The result is instruction that is relevant and useful. Throughout the book, the authors explain what's important and share their insights into the larger context of the iOS platform. You get a real understanding of how iOS development works, the many features that are available, and when and where to apply what you've learned.

  • Completely reworked to teach iOS programming using the Swift programming language
  • Expanded coverage of Auto Layout, web services, and Core Data, as well as new coverage of size classes and collection views
  • From Aaron Hillegass and the legendary Mac programming experts at The Big Nerd Ranch, the worldwide leader in professional training for Mac developers!
Coverage of Xcode 11, Swift 5, and iOS 13.
  • 1. A Simple iOS Application
  • 2. The Swift Language
  • 3. Views and the View Hierarchy
  • 4. Text Input and Delegation
  • 5. View Controllers
  • 6. Programmatic Views
  • 7. Localization
  • 8. Controlling Animations
  • 9. Debugging
  • 10. UITableView and UITableViewController
  • 11. Editing UITableView
  • 12. Subclassing UITableViewCell
  • 13. Stack Views
  • 14. UINavigationController
  • 15. Camera
  • 16. Saving, Loading, and Application States
  • 17. Size Classes
  • 18. Touch Events and UIResponder
  • 19. UIGestureRecognizer and UIMenuController
  • 20. Web Services
  • 21. Collection Views
  • 22. Core Data
  • 23. Core Data Relationships
  • 24. Accessibility
  • 25. Afterword
Christian Keur (Atlanta, GA) is a software engineer and instructor at Big Nerd Ranch, where he maintains the course materials for the company's highly acclaimed iOS Bootcamp on which this book is based. Christian earned a degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and can often be found wandering around Atlanta, glancing up at the stars, or reading a book.

Aaron Hillegass (Atlanta, GA), founder of Big Nerd Ranch and a former employee at NeXT and Apple, has nearly two decades' experience programming and teaching Objective-C, Cocoa, and, more recently, iOS. Aaron is the co-author of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X and Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide.

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