Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (February 1, 2016) © 2017

  • Robert F. Blitzer Miami Dade College



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About the Book
  • Engaging applications and real-world data put learning into context. Bob Blitzer is on a constant search for data that can be used to illustrate algebra applications. He has used this research to update the chapter- and section-opening applications, examples, and exercises in the text.
    • NEW AND UPDATED! More than 100 new or revised examples, applications, and exercises are based on new or updated data sets. Many of these applications involve topics relevant to college students, such as the number of hours college students sleep and tuition costs, while others tackle larger issues such as climate change and mental illness.
    • Blitzer Bonuses are features that provide interesting connections to the math at hand, showing students that math is a dynamic discipline applicable to the real world.
      • These features have been integrated into MyMathLab, with new engaging Blitzer Bonus videos to connect the math to the real world in a visual way, and are assignable with corresponding assessment exercises to ensure that students watched the video and understood the topic at hand.
  • Additional study skills support is available to students through in-text features and the updated Learning Guide:
    • Great Question! presents helpful study tips in the form of a question a student might have. Answers to the questions offer suggestions for problem solving, point out common errors to avoid, and provide informal hints and suggestions.
    • Achieving Success boxes offer strategies for success in math courses, along with suggestions to help developmental students achieve their full academic potential.
    • UPDATED! The Learning Guide helps students make the most of the Blitzer program. This workbook gives students the opportunity to practice the topics, with side-by-side examples and practice problems, and guidance for test preparation. New projects foster conceptual understanding in an active classroom environment, and are included in the Learning Guide. The Learning Guide is available for students in MyMathLab, or as a printed, unbound workbook.
  • Explanatory Voice Balloons translate algebraic ideas into everyday English, help clarify problem-solving procedures, present alternative ways of understanding concepts, and connect problems-solving strategies to concepts students have already learned.
  • Check Point exercises, after every example, make the text more interactive by offering students the opportunity to test their understanding of the example by working a similar exercise. Answers to all of the Check Points are in the answer section.
  • Extensive exercise sets offer several types of exercises. This variety makes it easy to create well-rounded homework assignments from the text or in MyMathLab. Exercise types include the following:
    • Concept and Vocabulary Checks provide fill-in-the-blank and true/false exercises that assess students' understanding of the definitions and concepts presented in the section. These are also assignable in MyMathLab.
    • Practice Plus Problems are more challenging exercises that require students to combine several skills or concepts.
    • Explaining the Concepts exercises ask students to explain terms and concepts in their own words, helping them to develop a mathematical vocabulary.
    • Critical Thinking Exercises stretch student thinking by taking concepts one step further, while asking students to draw conclusions and justify answers. Make Sense and True/False exercises also fall under this category.
    • Review Exercises review previously covered topics to improve and maintain students' understanding and mastery of the material.
    • Preview Exercises help students prepare for the following section by previewing the concepts that they will soon encounter.
    • Application Exercises allow students to apply the skills they’ve learned to a realistic or interesting scenario.
    • Technology Exercises are meant to be used with a graphing utility, reinforcing graphing calculator skills developed in the section.
  • Mid-Chapter Check Points allow students to stop and assess the skills and concepts they've learned separately over several sections. The Mid-Chapter Check Points will now be available as a pre-made assignment in the Blitzer MyMathLab courses.
  • A “Getting Ready for Intermediate Algebra”  section helps  students make the transition from introductory algebra to intermediate algebra, ensuring that they have the appropriate prerequisite skills needed to move on.
  • Chapter Summaries are organized by section and highlight important concepts and topics with side-by-side examples to make it easy for students to study and check for mastery of key concepts.


Also available with MyMathLab.

MyMathLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

  • NEW! Blitzer Bonus Videos in MyMathLab mirror the features in the text. These animation-style videos use Bob Blitzer’s signature style and voice to provide interesting real-world connections—in a highly visual way—to the mathematical topics at hand.
    • Corresponding assignable Blitzer Bonus exercises are available to test student understanding of the topic covered in the video, and make the video truly assignable.
  • An updated, mobile-compatible video program provides students with extra help for each section of the textbook.
    • Section Lecture Videos cover important topics from every section of the text, and are now mobile-compatible.
    • Chapter Test Prep Videos offer step-by-step video solutions to every problem in each Chapter Test in the textbook. These videos are also now available on YouTube.
  • Assignable Concept and Vocabulary Check questions available in MyMathLab assess students’ understanding of the definitions and concepts presented in each section.
  • Mid-Chapter Check Point exercises allow students to stop and assess the skills and concepts they’ve learned separately over several sections.
  • NEW! Learning Catalytics™ in MyMathLab is an interactive, student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking. Now included in MyMathLab, Learning Catalytics enables you to generate classroom discussion, guide your lecture, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Pearson-created content for developmental math allows instructors to take advantage of this exciting technology immediately.
  • NEW! A Student Success Module includes videos, activities, and post-tests for these three student success areas:
    • Math-Reading Connections, including topics such as Using Word Clues, and Looking for Patterns.
    • Study Skills, including topics such as Time Management and Preparing for and Taking Exams.
    • College Success, including topics such as College Transition and Online Learning.
    • Instructors can assign these videos and/or activities as media assignments, along with pre-built post-tests to make sure students learn and understand how to improve their skills in these areas. Instructors can integrate these assignments with their traditional MyMathLab homework assignments to incorporate student success topics into their course as they deem appropriate.

About the Book
  • Engaging applications and real-world data put learning into context. Bob Blitzer is on a constant search for data that can be used to illustrate algebra applications. He has used this research to update the chapter- and section-opening applications, examples, and exercises in the text.
    • NEW AND UPDATED! More than 100 new or revised examples, applications, and exercises are based on new or updated data sets. Many of these applications involve topics relevant to college students, such as the number of hours college students sleep and tuition costs, while others tackle larger issues such as climate change and mental illness.
    • Blitzer Bonuses are features that provide interesting connections to the math at hand, showing students that math is a dynamic discipline applicable to the real world.
      • NEW! These features have been integrated into MyMathLab, with new engaging Blitzer Bonus videos to connect the math to the real world in a visual way, and are assignable with corresponding assessment exercises to ensure that students watched the video and understood the topic at hand.
  • Additional study skills support is available to students through in-text features and the updated Learning Guide:
    • UPDATED! The Learning Guide helps students make the most of the Blitzer program. This workbook gives students the opportunity to practice the topics, with side-by-side examples and practice problems, and guidance for test preparation. New projects foster conceptual understanding in an active classroom environment, and are included in the Learning Guide. The Learning Guide is available for students in MyMathLab, or as a printed, unbound workbook.

Also available with MyMathLab.

MyMathLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

  • NEW! Blitzer Bonus Videos in MyMathLab mirror the features in the text. These animation-style videos use Bob Blitzer’s signature style and voice to provide interesting real-world connections–in a highly visual way–to the mathematical topics at hand.
    • Corresponding assignable Blitzer Bonus exercises are available to test student understanding of the topic covered in the video, and make the video truly assignable.
  • An updated, mobile-compatible video program provides students with extra help for each section of the textbook.
    • Section Lecture Videos cover important topics from every section of the text, and are now mobile-compatible.
    • Chapter Test Prep Videos offer step-by-step video solutions to every problem in each Chapter Test in the textbook. These videos are also now available on YouTube.
  • NEW! Learning Catalytics™ in MyMathLab is an interactive, student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking. Now included in MyMathLab, Learning Catalytics enables you to generate classroom discussion, guide your lecture, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Pearson-created content for developmental math allows instructors to take advantage of this exciting technology immediately.
  • NEW! A Student Success Module includes videos, activities, and post-tests for these three student success areas:
    • Math-Reading Connections, including topics such as Using Word Clues, and Looking for Patterns.
    • Study Skills, including topics such as Time Management and Preparing for and Taking Exams.
    • College Success, including topics such as College Transition and Online Learning.
    • Instructors can assign these videos and/or activities as media assignments, along with pre-built post-tests to make sure students learn and understand how to improve their skills in these areas. Instructors can integrate these assignments with their traditional MyMathLab homework assignments to incorporate student success topics into their course as they deem appropriate.

1. Variables, Real Numbers, and Mathematical Models

1.1 Introduction to Algebra: Variables and Mathematical Models

1.2 Fractions in Algebra

1.3 The Real Numbers

1.4 Basic Rules of Algebra

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

1.5 Addition of Real Numbers

1.6 Subtraction of Real Numbers

1.7 Multiplication and Division of Real Numbers

1.8 Exponents and Order of Operations


2. Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable

2.1 The Addition Property of Equality

2.2 The Multiplication Property of Equality

2.3 Solving Linear Equations

2.4 Formulas and Percents

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

2.5 An Introduction to Problem Solving

2.6 Problem Solving in Geometry

2.7 Solving Linear Inequalities


3. Linear Equations in Two Variables

3.1 Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables

3.2 Graphing Linear Equations Using Intercepts

3.3 Slope

3.4 The Slope-Intercept Form of the Equation of a Line

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

3.5 The Point-Slope Form of the Equation of a Line


4. Systems of Linear Equations

4.1 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing

4.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by the Substitution Method

4.3 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by the Addition Method

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

4.4 Problem Solving Using Systems of Equations

4.5 Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables


5. Exponents and Polynomials

5.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

5.2 Multiplying Polynomials

5.3 Special Products

5.4 Polynomials in Several Variables

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

5.5 Dividing Polynomials

5.6 Long Division of Polynomials; Synthetic Division

5.7 Negative Exponents and Scientific Notation


6. Factoring Polynomials

6.1 The Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping

6.2 Factoring Trinomials Whose Leading Coefficient is 1

6.3 Factoring Trinomials Whose Leading Coefficient is Not 1

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

6.4 Factoring Special Forms

6.5 A General Factoring Strategy

6.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring


7. Rational Expressions

7.1 Rational Expressions and Their Simplification

7.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

7.3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions with the Same Denominator

7.4 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions with Different Denominators

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

7.5 Complex Rational Expressions

7.6 Solving Rational Equations

7.7 Applications Using Rational Equations and Proportions

7.8 Modeling Using Variation


8. Basics of Functions

8.1 Introduction to Functions

8.2 Graphs of Functions

8.3 The Algebra of Functions

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

8.4 Composite and Inverse Functions


9. Inequalities and Problem Solving

9.1 Reviewing Linear Inequalities and Using Inequalities in Business Applications

9.2 Compound Inequalities

9.3 Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Value

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

9.4 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables


10. Radicals, Radical Functions, and Rational Exponents

10.1 Radical Expressions and Functions

10.2 Rational Exponents

10.3 Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions

10.4 Adding, Subtracting, and Dividing Radical Expressions

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

10.5 Multiplying with More Than One Term and Rationalizing Denominators

10.6 Radical Equations

10.7 Complex Numbers


11. Quadratic Equations and Functions

11.1 The Square Root Property and Completing the Square; Distance and Midpoint Formula

11.2 The Quadratic Formula

11.3 Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

11.4 Equations Quadratic in Form

11.5 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities


12. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

12.1 Exponential Functions

12.2 Logarithmic Functions

12.3 Properties of Logarithms

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

12.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

12.5 Exponential Growth and Decay; Modeling Data


13. Conic Sections and Systems of Nonlinear Equations

13.1 The Circle

13.2 The Ellipse

13.3 The Hyperbola

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

13.4 The Parabola; Identifying Conic Sections

13.5 Systems of Nonlinear Equations in Two Variables


14. Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem

14.1 Sequences and Summation Notation

14.2 Arithmetic Sequences

14.3 Geometric Sequences

            Mid-Chapter Check Point

14.4 The Binomial Theorem

Bob Blitzer is a native of Manhattan and received a Bachelor of Arts degree with dual majors in mathematics and psychology (minor: English literature) from the City College of New York. His unusual combination of academic interests led him toward a Master of Arts in mathematics from the University of Miami and a doctorate in behavioral sciences from Nova University. Bob’s love for teaching mathematics was nourished for nearly 30 years at Miami Dade College, where he received numerous teaching awards, including Innovator of the Year from the League for Innovations in the Community College and an endowed chair based on excellence in the classroom. In addition to his Developmental Algebra Series, Bob has written textbooks covering college algebra, algebra and trigonometry, precalculus, and liberal arts mathematics, all published by Pearson Education. When not secluded in his Northern California writer’s cabin, Bob can be found hiking the beaches and trails of Point Reyes National Seashore, and tending to the chores required by his beloved entourage of horses, chickens, and irritable roosters.

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