Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 15, 2020) © 2021

  • Don Kauchak University of Utah, Professor Emeritus
  • Paul Eggen University of North Florida, Professor Emeritus

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ISBN-13: 9780136874812 (2020 update)

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Introduction to Teaching helps you make informed decisions about becoming a teacher and ensures you have an up-to-date picture of the ever-changing face of education. Issues in reform, professionalism, diversity, urban education and using technology in day-to-day teaching situations are emphasized throughout the text. Cases, classroom examples and hands-on applications bring topics to life allow you to better relate to, understand and apply the material.

The 7th Edition includes new topics and significant updates about important developments in education. The most interactive and applied text in the field, Introduction to Teaching keeps you actively involved in your learning and provides a realistic look at the world of teaching.

1. Do I Want to Be a Teacher?
2. Changes in American Society: Their Influence on Our Students
3. Student Diversity: Culture, Language, Gender, and Exceptionalities
4. Education in the United States: Its Historical Roots
5. Educational Philosophy and Your Teaching
6. Governance and Finance: Regulating and Funding Schools
7. School Law: Ethical and Legal Influences on Teaching
8. Choosing the Right School
9. The School Curriculum in an Era of Standards
10. Classroom Management: Creating Productive Learning Environments
11. Becoming an Effective Teacher: Reaching All Students
12. Educational Reform and You
13. Developing as a Professional

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