Introduction to Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering Design, 1st edition
Published by Pearson (December 30, 2014) © 2016
- Edward S. Neumann
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An introductory course in civil engineering
Sustainable Civil Engineering Design: A Project-Based Approach
Introduction to Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering Design: A Project-Based Approach is designed to accompany a one-semester introductory course to civil engineering. The text introduces students to the field of civil engineering and sustainability through team projects which require them to identify design problems, define design objectives, generate and evaluate alternatives, and make recommendations for follow-up studies and designs. The projects outlined in this text will help students learn to think critically in order to solve design problems, develop an understanding of public policy as it relates to design and civil engineering, become familiar with current issues in civil engineering, and sharpen their written communication skills.
- Grading rubrics that students can use as guidelines for preparing team reports.
- Background information on the importance of sustainability in design, with a special emphasis on climate change and federal law.
- A two-page diagnostic writing assessment for students to complete prior to team reports helps the instructor identify students who need further help with writing skills.
- Information on using Internet databases to develop site maps for team projects.
About the Authors
1. Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems
Historical Perspectives
The Infrastructure of Civilization
Civil Engineering as a Learned Profession
Design of Systems, Components, and Processes
Feasibility Assessment
Detailed Design
Construction Drawings
Goals that Guide Design
Sustainability and Environmental Protection
Economic Efficiency
Acceptability to the Public
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
2. Sustainability and Design—Writing Skill Assessment
Philosophical Perspectives
Sustainability Issues Related to Design
Methods for Assessing the Achievement of Sustainability Goals in a Design
Carbon Footprint
Life-cycle Analysis
Environmental Impact Assessment
Additional Considerations
Climate Change
Environmental Protection
The 3Rs
Sustainable Communities
Sustainability Strategies
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
3. Climate Change
Measurement of Temperature Change and Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Factors that Influence Atmospheric Temperature and Climate
Modeling of Climate Change
Potential Consequences and Risks Associated with Climate Change
Implications for the Design of Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems
Key Terms
Exercises To Develop Design Skills
4. Federal Laws and Acts
The Federal Legislative Process
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Clean Water Act (CWA)
Wetlands Portion of Clean Water Act (Section 404)
Executive Order 11988—Floodplain Management
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
The Surface Transportation Bill
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
5. The Phases of Design
A Framework for Organizing Civil Engineering Design
Critical Thinking
Phases of the Design Process
Needs Assessment and Problem Definition—Phase 1
Establishment of Design Goals—Phase 2
Generation of Alternative Solutions—Phase 3
Evaluation of Alternative Solutions—Phase 4
Selection of a Solution and Recommendations—Phase 5
Verbal and Graphic Communications—Phase 6
Implementation of the Solution—Phase 7
Project Management, Communications, and Teamwork
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
6. Needs Assessment and Problem Definition—Report 1
What Basic Needs Will a Design Meet
What Physical Design Characteristics Should be Examined
What Opportunities and Challenges Does the Site Offer
Who are the Gainers and Losers
What are the Political Realities
Clients, Constituents, and Project Approval
Public Agencies and the Private Sector
Public-Private Partnerships
Non-Profit Groups
Techniques to Assist With Problem Definition
Principles of Problem Definition
Methods for Defining Problems
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
7. Establishment of Design Goals—Report 2
Writing Goal Statements
Characteristics of Design Goals
Categories of General Design Goals
Performance Goals
Safety Goals
Health Goals
Sustainability and Environmental Protection Goals
Economic Efficiency Goals
Public Acceptability Goals
Design Codes and Standards
Ranking and Weighting of Goals
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
8. Synthesis and the Generation of Alternatives—Report 3
Breaking the Design Problem Down into Components or Sub-Problems
Techniques to Assist with the Generation of Solutions
Providing Evidence that Design Goals are Being Met
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
9. The Evaluation of Alternative Solutions—Report 3
Goals Matrix
Computing Decision Scores
Trade-Off Analysis
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
10. Development of Site Maps and Data Bases
Step 1—Downloading Usgs Dems for the Base Map
Step 2—Importing Dems into Esri Arcmap
Step 3—Mosaicking Dems Using Esri Spatial Analyst Extension
Step 4—Clipping Dems to Depict Project Boundary
Step 5—Smoothing the Raster Image
Step 6—Creating Contours Using Esri Spatial Analyst Extension
Option A: Convert Z Unit from Meters to Feet
Option B: Z Factor Conversion from Meters to Feet
Step 7—Selecting Styles/Symbolization of Major and Minor Contours
Step 8—Attaching Contour Labels
Step 9—Exporting Contours to KML
Step 10—Viewing Contours in Google Earth
Summary of Steps
Software Licenses
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
11. Site Evaluation and Use of Contour Lines
Site Characteristics of Importance
Location and Boundaries
Land uses Surrounding the Site
Previous and Current Uses
Topography and Morphology of the Site
Drainage Patterns and Floodplains
Geotechnical Features
Environmental Resources
Existing Utilities
Historic and Cultural Features
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
12. Abstraction and Modeling
Iconic Models
Analog Models
Symbolic Models
Modeling Software
Theories, Laws, and Empirical Relationships
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
13. Licensure, Ethics, Liability
The Code of Ethics
NSPE Code of Ethics
ASCE Code of Ethics
Legally Binding Design Codes
Contract Law
Tort Law
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Design Skills
Appendix A—NSPE Code of Ethics for Professional Engineers
Appendix B—ASCE Code of Ethics for Civil Engineers
14. Team Management, Communications, and Leadership
Directing and Communications
Keys to Effective Teamwork
Key Terms
Exercises to Develop Management and Leadership Skills
15. Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula and Programs
Accreditation of Undergraduate Programs
Required Courses and Elective Courses
Capstone Design
Undergraduate Extracurricular Opportunities
The Graduate Degree Program
Other Post-Graduate Program Options
Key Terms
Exercises to Enhance Preparation for Life-Long Learning
Appendix A: Writing Assignment to Assess Writing Skills—Designing to Achieve Sustainability
Appendix B: Rubric for Team Report 1—Problem Definition
Appendix C: Rubric for Team Report 2—Design Goals and Constraints
Appendix D: Rubric for Team Report 3—Design
Alternatives and Evaluation
Edward S. Neumann earned his PhD in the Urban and Regional Planning program in the Department of Civil Engineering at Northwestern University, where he received a Resources for the Future Doctoral Fellowship. He served as Director of the Harley O. Staggers National Transportation Center at West Virginia University. He also served as Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for ten years, and as Director of the Transportation Research Center at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). A licensed civil engineer in Nevada, he is a recipient of the James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Wayne T. Van Wagoner Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and was named Outstanding Engineer in Government/Education by the Southern Nevada Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He has taught capstone design in civil engineering and introduction to engineering courses for over 42 years.
Jeffery J. Jensen earned his masters and bachelor degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Since 2000, Mr. Jensen has been teaching the following courses at UNLV: Introduction to Civil Engineering, Introduction to Surveying, CAD tools for Civil Engineering and GIS Applications for Civil Engineers. He received an Eisenhower Grants for Research Fellowship, ITE District 6 Fellowship and ESRI User Conference Student Assistantship. Mr. Jensen is a licensed secondary teacher and professional engineer (PE) in civil engineering within the State of Nevada.
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