Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (April 11, 2019) © 2020

  • David I. Schneider University of Maryland


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For courses in Visual Basic Programming.

A current and comprehensive introduction to visual basic programming

Schneider's Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic has been consistently praised in the industry since 1991 and is a favorite of instructors and students. Schneider emphasizes problem-solving by discussing techniques early. He also ensures each chapter is rich yet concise, developing chapters around crucial subjects rather than covering many topics superficially.

The 11th Edition is updated for Visual Basic 2017, providing an ideal tool for students learning their first programming language. The text keeps pace with modern programming methodology while incorporating current content and good programming practices.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Predefined classes are presented early in the book, so students do not start to create classes until the very end.
  • Objects are given familiar names, rather than programming terminology, to keep them in context.
  • Real data is used and examples are streamlined so students are not distracted from the programming techniques illustrated.
  • Over 130 different types of examples (with over 51 covering business-related applications) and 1,300 exercises are included.
  • Carefully designed exercises appear at the end of each section. Exercises require students to trace programs, find errors and write programs. The exercises both reinforce the understanding of the key ideas of the section and challenge the student to explore applications.

New and updated features of this title

The most current and powerful capabilities of Visual Basic

  • NEW: Instructions for carrying out 13 important Visual Basic operations are presented on the inside back cover.
  • UPDATED: Visual Basic version has been upgraded from Visual Basic 2015 to Visual Basic 2017.
    • NEW: VB2017 IntelliSense features are used.
    • NEW: VB2017 Run to Click debugging feature is explained and used in a walkthrough.
  • UPDATED: 145 Screen captures have been replaced with up-to-date versions. Output for most applied exercises and programming projects are shown in screen captures to help clarify the intent of the exercise.
  • UPDATED: Databases used in 35 exercises have been updated or expanded.
  1. An Introduction to Computers and Problem Solving
  2. Visual Basic, Controls, and Events
  3. Variables, Input, and Output
  4. Decisions
  5. General Procedures
  6. Repetition
  7. Arrays
  8. Text Files
  9. Additional Controls and Objects
  10. Databases
  11. Object-Oriented Programming


  1. ANSI Values
  2. How To
  3. Files and Folders
  4. Visual Basic Debugging Tools

About our author

David I. Schneider spent over 32 years teaching at the University of Maryland and has published an impressive 28 books over the past 18 years. He is the author of several best-selling texts, including his Visual Basic Series with Prentice Hall. Why are his books best-sellers? Students love his extensive use of examples and applications: a concept that stems from his teaching experience and results in books that are “tried and true.” His best-selling Visual Basic texts have been successfully used for many years and have received consistent praise from both students and instructors.

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