Introduction to International Relations, An: Opening the Global System, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 4, 2020) © 2021

  • Patrick J. McDonald University of Texas, Austin
  • Terrence L. Chapman University of Texas, Austin
  • Robert G. Moser University of Texas, Austin



  • Inspire engagement through active learning
  • Provide an immersive reading experience
  • Assess student progress with performance insights

For Introduction to International Relations courses.

A flexible, module-based presentation to engage today's students

An Introduction to International Relations: Opening the Global System offers an engaging, module-based presentation of key IR concepts. Authors Patrick McDonald, Terrence Chapman and Robert Moser break the traditional IR curriculum into 35 concise modules. By presenting the material in these manageable "chunks," the authors meet the current generation of students where they are.

To highlight the relevance of IR, the authors illuminate key concepts via discussion of contemporary stories such as Brexit, the civil wars in Syria and Ukraine, and the North Korean nuclear crisis.

Hallmark features of this title

  • The authors tell the story of International Relations via 35 concise modules, presenting material in a consistent format of manageable “chunks.”
    • Modules begin with an introduction that focuses on a prominent world event to illustrate relevant core questions.
    • 4 to 6 brief core narrative sections offer interactive tools to reinforce student understanding.
    • A concise summary and assessment section ends each module.
  • Presenting coverage of advances in disciplinary knowledge alongside discussions of the core IR concepts that have long been taught, the authors encourage students to think systemically about international relations.
  • An emphasis on real-world application of concepts helps students make sense of the complicated world they hear about in the news.

Features of Revel

  • Theory in Context videos illustrate key concepts by way of particular case studies. These videos explain a theory and demonstrate how it can be used to understand the historical developments of an important set of events.
  • Thinking Theoretically videos take a deep dive on a key theory discussed in the module.
  • Introduction videos offer snapshots of the module's main concepts.
  • Watch video clips provide brief illustrations of world events that are applicable to the concepts being discussed.
  • Data-rich interactive maps, figures, and tables with Social Explorer technology let students interact with real data to explore the concepts they've just read about. The 2nd Edition includes an expanded selection of data interactives.
  • Current Events Bulletins bring currency into your classroom with author-written articles that connect key concepts with real-life current events. New or revised articles added regularly help students engage with the course.
1. Studying International Relations
2. The International System
3. Thinking Theoretically about International Relations
4. Rationalist Approaches in International Relations
5. Social and Psychological Approaches to International Relations
6. Critical Approaches in International Relations
7. War
8. The Origins of War, Part I
9. The Origins of War, Part II
10. War, War Termination, and the Global Political Order
11. Military Power and Security Politics
12. Civil War and International Relations
13. Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Deterrence
14. Threats to Nuclear Deterrence: Credibility, Missile Defense, and Nuclear Proliferation
15. Terrorism and Counterterrorism
16. Organized Coercion, War, and Political Order
17. States, Sovereignty, and Failed States
18. Domestic Politics and International Relations
19. Democracy in International Relations
20. Great Power Politics
21. Global Governance
22. International Law
23. International Norms
24. Collective Identity in International Relations
25. Global Civil Society and Transnational Activists
26. Global Economic Integration
27. Trade Policy
28. The International Politics of Exchange Rates
29. The International Politics of Capital Flows
30. International Organizations in the Global Economy
31. Poverty and Development
32. International Migration
33. Environmental Politics
34. Global Economic Integration and the State
35. Stability and Change in the International System

About our authors

Patrick J. McDonald is an Associate Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin. He has won multiple teaching awards there and published in multiple political science journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, World Politics and International Organization. His book, The Invisible Hand of Peace, won best book awards from the American Political Science Association and Georgetown University.

Terrence L. Chapman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin. He is also a Senior Editor at International Studies Quarterly, the flagship journal of the International Studies Association. His research has appeared in multiple political science journals, including the Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Politics and International Organization. His book, Securing Approval: Domestic Politics and Multilateral Authorization for War, won a best book award from the American Political Science Association.

Robert G. Moser is a Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin. He has won several teaching awards and is currently serving as department chair. He is the author of Unexpected Outcomes: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Representation in Russia and Electoral Systems and Political Context: How the Effects of Rules Vary Across New and Established Democracies. His articles have appeared in World Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly,Electoral Studies and Post-Soviet Affairs.

To keep up with the McDonald author team, visit their website.

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