Introduction to Information Systems: People, Technology and Processes, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2021

  • Patricia Wallace Johns Hopkins University

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ISBN-13: 9780137500338 (2021 update)

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Introduction to Information Systems will teach you what information systems are all about and why they are so fundamental to business and society. While discussing business strategies, technology trends and innovations, and other major topics rigorously, the text enriches those topics with probing discussions about the roles people play in building, shaping, implementing, and sometimes obstructing information systems.

The 4th Edition features many new discussions and examples about emerging technologies and industry trends. Beyond memorizing terms and concepts, the text includes new interactive role-playing simulations. Each simulation is an opportunity for you to apply and experience chapter knowledge in action and then assess your choices based on the feedback provided.

1. Information Systems and People
2. Information Systems and Strategy
3. Information and Communications Technologies: The Enterprise Architecture
4. Databases and Data Warehouses
5. Information Systems for the Enterprise
6. Developing a Digital Presence: Websites, Social Media and Mobile Apps
7. Business Intelligence and Analytics
8. Collaborating with Technology
9. Knowledge Management and E-Learning
10. Ethics, Privacy, and Security
11. Systems Development and Procurement
12. Information Systems Project Management and Strategic Planning

1. Facebook's Privacy Challenges
2. Enabling the Sharing Economy: The Case of Uber Technologies
3. Apple: Can the Company Pull Off off Another Disruptive Innovation?
4. Managing the Federal Government's IT Project Portfolio

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