Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (May 18, 2023) © 2008

  • Gilbert M. Masters Stanford University
  • Wendell P. Ela University of Arizona

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ISBN-13: 9780137848584 (2023 update)

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Appropriate for undergraduate engineering and science courses in Environmental Engineering.

Balanced coverage of all the major categories of environmental pollution, with coverage of current topics such as climate change and ozone depletion, risk assessment, indoor air quality, source-reduction and recycling, and groundwater contamination.

1. Mass and Energy Transfer.

2. Environmental Chemistry.

3. Mathematics for Growth.

4. Risk Assessment.

5. Water Pollution.

6. Water Quality Control.

7. Air Pollution.

8. Global Atmospheric Change.

9. Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery.

Useful Conversion Factors.


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