Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (January 3, 2016) © 2017

  • Stuart G. Walesh Valparaiso University, Indiana

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For courses in creativity and innovation for engineers.

Emphasizing the Importance of Innovation and Creativity for Engineers

This first edition of Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineerswas primarily designed for engineering students interested in acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) that will help them be more creative and innovative. While intended primarily for engineering students, the widely applicable principles, ideas, tools, and methods introduced will also be useful for practicing engineers and as well as members of other disciplines.

The text argues for a “whole-brain” approach to the study of engineering, using neuroscience as a foundation. While the left brain (logical and analytic) is essential to the study of engineering, the author believes that engineering students and practitioners will be more successful if they learn to also engage in more right brain processing (intuitive and emotional). Similarly, they should draw on knowledge of conscious and subconscious thinking and view the brain as a muscle that can be continuously strengthened.

Building on that “Neuroscience 101” foundation, the text prepares future and current engineers to work smarter–either as individuals or within teams and organizations–by generating and developing new ideas. The nine chapter structure uses clear objectives, many examples, and numerous exercises to explicate its methods, ultimately enabling students and practitioners to realize that they’re already capable of creative - innovative thinking. They only need to apply the 20 methods described in the book to unlock their brain’s natural capabilities and then produce creative-innovative results for their benefit and for the benefit of others.

About the Book

  • Eleven basic methods demonstrate the need for and importance of a “whole-brain approach” in the study of engineering.Formal education often emphasizes left-brain thinking (verbal, analytic, logical, literal, temporal, and symbolic). Though left-brain thinking is incredibly valuable for engineers, students and their teams are more likely to be successful if they learn to also engage in right-brain thinking (nonverbal, synthetic, intuitive, emotional, nontemporal, and real). The included eleven methods enable students to make fuller use of intellectual resources, recognizing that although creative and innovative ideas lie within most of us, individuals and groups need mechanisms to release them.
  • Seven characteristics of creative/innovative individuals highlight traits that students are likely to recognize in themselves.
  • Strategies and tactics for implementing creative and innovative ideas are presented.
  • Nine chapter structure progresses from definitions to neuroscientific insights and whole-brain methods, then to methods, examples, and strategies for implementation.
  • Learning objectives begin each chapter as lists that describe what the reader should be able to do after working through the chapter.
  • Approximately 60 Personal Note, Historic Note, or Views of Others text boxes appear throughout chapters. Personal Notes provide an opportunity to reinforce a chapter’s content with anecdotes; Historic Notes and Views of Others  use history and the thoughts of others to strengthen the chapter’s message.
  • The body of each chapter ends with concluding thoughts or a summary followed by a list of cited references and by exercises.
  • Highly varied examples of creativity and innovation and their benefits appear throughout the text. All chapters (with the exception of Chapter 2) identify and describe 90 creative/innovative ideas, products, processes, structures, facilities, systems, and approaches. This strong examples/benefits thread is intended to inspire engineering students  to work smarter and to achieve higher levels of creativity and innovation in all aspects of current studies and later in professional, personal, family, community, and other activities.
  • Over 80 exercises, which appear at the end of all chapters, provide opportunities for further exploration of ideas, information, and techniques presented in the chapters. Most exercises are well-suited for modest to major team projects.

1. Why Should You Learn More About Creativity and Innovation?

2. The Brain: A Primer

3. Prelude to Whole-Brain Methods

4. Basic Whole-Brain Methods

5. Overcoming Obstacles to Creativity and Innovation

6. Characteristics of Creative and Innovative Individuals

7. Advanced Whole-Brain Methods

8. Creativity and Innovation Examples From Various Engineering Specialties

9. Moving On: The Next Move Is Yours

Stuart G. Walesh, PhD, PE, D.WRE, Dist.M.ASCE, F.NSPE, provides management, engineering, and education/training services as an independent consultant for business, government, academic, and volunteer sector organizations. He earned his BS in civil engineering at Valparaiso University, his MSE at Johns Hopkins University, and his PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is a licensed professional engineer.

Stu has over four decades of engineering, education, and management experience in the government, academic, and business sectors; he has served as a project manager, department head, discipline manager, author, marketer, sole proprietor, professor, and dean of an engineering college. As a member of various organizations, Stu mentored and coached junior professionals in areas such as communication, team essentials, and project planning and management.

Water resources engineering is Stu’s technical specialty. He led or participated in watershed planning, computer modeling, flood control, storm water and floodplain management, groundwater, dam, and lake projects. His experience includes project management, research and development, stakeholder participation, litigation consulting, and expert witness services. Areas in which he provides management and leadership services as an independent consultant include technical and nontechnical education and training (on-site and distance learning), mentoring and coaching, corporate universities, writing and editing, speaking, marketing, meeting planning and facilitation, project planning, and team essentials.

In addition to Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers (2016), Stu authored Urban Surface Water Management (Wiley 1989); Flying Solo: How to Start an Individual Practitioner Consulting Business (Hannah Publishing 2000); Managing and Leading: 52 Lessons Learned for Engineers (ASCE Press 2004); Managing and Leading: 44 Lessons Learned for Pharmacists (co-authored with Paul Bush, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 2008); and Engineering Your Future: The Professional Practice of Engineering (Wiley 2012; the first and second editions were published in 1995 and 2000). He also authored or coauthored hundreds of publications and presentations in the areas of engineering, education, and management and facilitated or presented hundreds of workshops, seminars, webinars, and meetings throughout the United States.

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