Interpersonal Skills for Leadership, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (March 4, 2004) © 2005

  • Susan M. Fritz University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • William Brown University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • Joyce Povlacs Lunde University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • Elizabeth A. Banset

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles

For courses in interpersonal skills, communication, leadership development, or service learning in Business Studies departments.

This practical resource provides an introduction to interpersonal skills theories which are reinforced through experiential activities. Coverage focuses on the development of the basic interpersonal skills necessary to command one's own life, relate well to other people and to lead others in positive directions.

  • NEW - Chapter on communicating online—Chapter 17.
    • Helps students expand their use of online communicating.

  • Field tested nationally—By over 30 faculty and 1500 students.
    • Assures consistency and accuracy of information.

  • Discussion questions and exercises—In each chapter.
    • Reinforces and challenges students understanding of the material presented.

  • Emphasizes skills in journaling.
    • Prompts readers to make journal entries at the close of each chapter, further reinforcing material.

  • Methods for less stressful and more rewarding lifestyles—Presented throughout.
    • Gives students effective skills to apply to all aspects of their lives—at home, in their communities, and in their workplace.

  • Emphasizes active learning, asking students to “learn by doing”.
  • Emphasis on critical-thinking skills.
  • Incorporation of service learning—Integrated into the curriculum of the course in relation to servant leadership.
    • Encourages students to link service learning experiences to servant leadership themes.

  • Case studies—In each chapter, set in contexts to which students can easily relate.
    • Reinforces the material presented with examples that are relevant to today's students.

  • Chapter on communicating online—Chapter 17.
    • Helps students expand their use of online communicating.

 1. Introduction.

 2. Active Listening.

 3. Nonverbal Communication.

 4. Perception.

 5. Self-Concept and Self-Esteem.

 6. Values.

 7. Creating the Vision and Establishing Goals.

 8. Time Management.

 9. Handling Stress.

10. Levels of Communication.

11. Trust—A Key Leadership Ingredient.

12. Resolving Conflict.

13. The Nature of Power and Influence.

14. Responding with Empathy.

15. Cross-Cultural Communication.

16. Gender Issues.

17. Communicating Online.

18. Servant Leadership.


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