Inclusive Classroom, The: Strategies for Effective Differentiated Instruction, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (January 1, 2023) © 2024

  • Margo A. Mastropieri
  • Thomas E. Scruggs
  • Kelley S. Regan George Mason University


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For courses in inclusion and introductory special education.

Research-based strategies for effective differentiated instruction

The Inclusive Classroom presents the best of inclusion practices. Using a non-categorical approach, it explains the fundamentals of inclusive teaching, effective general teaching skills, and ways to differentiate instruction for specific content areas. Targeted, evidence-based teaching strategies and classroom-ready tips show ways to improve all students' educational progress.

The 7th Edition features a new chapter about facilitating students' transitions; enhanced diversity, equity and inclusion content; new research; and the latest standards and practices.

Hallmark features of this title

Classroom-ready features proven to make a difference for all students

  • Strategies for describe specific research-based techniques for inclusive classrooms. In the Classroom offer tips, check-lists, templates, and practical strategies for effective classroom applications.
  • Classroom Scenarios illustrate how the concepts are used in practice.
  • Inclusion Checklists help teachers identify common challenges and plan interventions at a glance.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom offers strategies to support students with respect to race, gender, religion, language and ethnicity.
  • Research Highlights explain the recent research behind certain teaching strategies.
  • Apps for Education show how new technologies can be used to improve students' academic or social skills.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: Part 4, Facilitating Transitions, is devoted exclusively to facilitating the transitions students make throughout their school years. Coverage includes transitioning from preschool and throughout the grade levels, to graduation and transition to employment, postsecondary education, or other settings.
  • UPDATED: Council for Exceptional Children's (CEC) high-leverage practices (HLPs) are highlighted throughout the book, with specific call outs and examples of how HLPs apply to the material.
  • UPDATED: Emphasis on diversity, cultural responsiveness, and equity includes classroom features, examples, strategies, and culturally responsive teaching skills.
  • UPDATED: Coverage of early, secondary, and middle school includes appropriate grade-level strategies.
  • NEW: Links to the 2020 Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards for Special Educators at the end of each chapter identify the specific standards that align with the chapter learning objectives.

The LMS-Compatible Assessment Bank streamlines assignments and grading

  • NEW: Learning objective quizzes, application exercises, and chapter tests are included in an LMS-compatible packaged file. Quizzes and application exercises give students feedback and model responses based on their answers.

Features of Pearson+ eTextbook for the 7th Edition

  • UPDATED: Video examples, including authentic classroom videos and interviews with experts in the field, expand on principles or concepts in each chapter, helping put the reading into context. Video examples include experiences from CHIME, a fully inclusive school in Los Angeles, and the Dr. William W. Henderson School in Boston, also an exemplary inclusion campus for K to 12 students.
  • NEW: Interactive Glossary lets students quickly build their professional vocabulary as they read.


  1. Introduction to Inclusive Teaching
  2. Collaboration: Partnerships and Procedures
  3. Teaching Students with Higher-Incidence Disabilities
  4. Teaching Students with Autism and Lower-Incidence Disabilities
  5. Teaching Students with Gifts and Talents and Other Diverse Learning Needs


  1. Effective Differentiated Instruction for All Students
  2. Response to Intervention and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
  3. Improving Motivation and Social Behavior
  4. Promoting Inclusion with Classroom Peers
  5. Improving Attention and Memory
  6. Teaching Study Skills
  7. Assessment


  1. Literacy
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science, Social Studies, and Transitions

PART 4: Facilitating Transitions

  1. Transitions

About our authors

Margo A. Mastropieri, PhD, is University Professor Emerita and past coordinator of the Special Education Program, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University (GMU). She has served as a diagnostic remediator for the Learning Center at Mount Holyoke College and as a classroom teacher for students with disabilities, from preschool to secondary levels, in Massachusetts and Arizona. Prior to working at GMU, Margo served as Professor of Special Education at Purdue University and as Assistant Professor of Special Education at Utah State University, where she also worked as a researcher at the Early Intervention Research Institute. She earned her PhD from Arizona State University. Margo has codirected federally funded research projects in mnemonic strategy instruction, inclusive science and social studies education, and writing instruction at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, in addition to directing undergraduate and doctoral-level training grants. She has served as coeditor of Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, the journal of the Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC); coeditor of the research annual Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Emerald); and coeditor of the CEC journal Exceptional Children. Among Margo's publications are over 200 journal articles, over 60 chapters in books, and more than 30 coauthored or coedited books. She is also the recipient of the distinguished University Professor title from George Mason University, the GMU Teaching Excellence Award, and the Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award, which is the Commonwealth's highest honor for faculty at Virginia's public and private colleges and universities.

Thomas E. Scruggs, PhD, is University Professor Emeritus, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University. He served as a classroom teacher for students with a variety of mild, moderate, and severe disabilities, including gifted students, at the preschool to secondary levels in Massachusetts and Arizona. Prior to working at GMU, Tom served as Professor of Special Education at Purdue University, where he was also the director of the Purdue Achievement Center, and was a research/evaluation specialist at Utah State University. He earned his PhD from Arizona State University. He has directed or codirected externally funded research projects in peer tutoring, test-taking skills, mnemonic strategy instruction, and inclusive science and social studies education at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. With Margo, Tom served as coeditor of Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, and Exceptional Children. Among his publications (mostly in collaboration with Margo) are over 200 journal articles, over 60 chapters in books, and more than 30 coauthored or coedited books. Tom is also a recipient of the Scholarly Achievement Award from the College of Education and Human Development at GMU.

Tom and Margo are the recipients of the CEC Special Education Research Award and the Distinguished Research Award from the American Educational Research Association: Special Education Special Interest Group for their research efforts in working with and advocating on behalf of individuals with exceptionalities.

Kelley S. Regan, PhD, is Professor and former Academic Program Coordinator of the Special Education–General Curriculum program at George Mason University. She has served as a special education teacher of students with learning disabilities, emotional/ behavioral disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders, and autism at the elementary and middle school levels in public day schools or self-contained settings and as a lead mentor teacher at a Professional Development School site. Prior to working at GMU, Kelley was Assistant Professor at The George Washington University where she prepared teachers of students with emotional/behavioral disorders. She received her PhD from GMU. Dr. Regan has led or co-led state and federally funded research projects in eCoaching to support the clinical preparation of in-service teachers and in writing instruction with the integration of a technology-based graphic organizer for students with and without disabilities in grades 3–12. She has also man- aged federally funded projects related to program improvement and the preparation of leadership personnel. Kelley is the former editor of the Teacher Educators' Journal, published by the Virginia Association of Colleges for Teacher Educators. Her research has been published in numerous research journals, including Exceptional Children, Behavioral Disorders, Journal of Special Education, Teacher Education and Special Education, and Learning Disability Quarterly. Kelley teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in literacy and instructional methods and mentors and teaches doctoral students. 

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