Inclusive Assessment: An Applied Approach, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (March 29, 2023) © 2024

  • Terry Overton University of Texas - Brownsville
  • Adam W. Jordan College of Charleston


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For courses in special education assessment.

A practical, applied approach to assessing learners for inclusion

Inclusive Assessment presents the complex procedures of the assessment process using an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach. Each step includes practice exercises that introduce portions of assessment instruments, protocols, and scoring tables. Students participate in the educational decision-making process using data from classroom observations, curriculum-based assessment, functional behavioral assessment, and norm-referenced assessment.

The 9th Edition reflects a commitment to inclusive spaces and practices. New content addresses changing trends, new instruments and MTSS.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Practice exercises are provided for each step of the assessment process, including assessment instruments, protocols, and scoring tables.
  • Technical prerequisites of understanding assessment are covered in Part 2. Learners gain the statistical foundation they need to administer and interpret assessments, which is covered in depth in Part 3.
  • Coverage of formal and informal assessment lets students practice curriculum-based, behavioral, and norm-referenced assessment.
  • Case studies help students understand the nuance of interpreting assessment results.
  • Test Review Tables summarize the assessment instruments covered in their respective chapters.
  • Learning Objectives identify expected chapter learning outcomes in advance. Chapter Summaries revisit the objectives.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW/UPDATED: Increased assessment explanations or newly updated instruments include:
    • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 4th Edition (WIAT-4)
    • Conners, 4th Edition
    • Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd Edition
    • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 5th Edition
    • Test of Language Development, 5th Edition
    • Expressive Vocabulary Test, 3rd Edition
    • Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, 2nd Edition
    • Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 4th Edition
    • Transition Planning Inventory, 3rd Edition
  • NEW: Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) are emphasized in Chapter 7, in addition to continued coverage of Response to Intervention (RTI).
  • NEW: The Big Picture chapter introductions help students see how the chapter content is applied in practice.

The LMS-Compatible Assessment Bank streamlines assignments and grading

  • Learning objective quizzes and application exercises are included in an LMS-compatible packaged file. Questions give students feedback and model responses based on their answers.

Features of Pearson+ eTextbook for the 9th Edition

  • Video Examples, including authentic classroom videos and interviews with experts in the field, expand on principles or concepts in each chapter, helping put the reading into context.
  • The Interactive Glossary lets students quickly build their professional vocabulary as they read.


  1. Introduction
  2. Laws, Ethics, and Issues


  1. Descriptive Statistics
  2. Reliability and Validity
  3. An Introduction to Norm-Referenced Assessment


  1. Curriculum-Based Assessment and Other Informal Measures
  2. Response to Intervention and Progress Monitoring
  3. Academic Assessment
  4. Assessment of Behavior
  5. Measures of Intelligence and Adaptive Behavior
  6. Special Considerations of Assessment in Early Childhood
  7. Special Considerations of Transition


  1. Interpreting Assessment for Educational Intervention

About our author

Terry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed.D. in special education. She taught in public schools in Texas and was a school psychologist in Virginia, an LSSP in Texas, a professor, and a dean before retiring in 2016. She lives in Laguna Vista, Texas, along the Texas-Mexico border and the Gulf of Mexico. Since her retirement, she has found a second career as an author of fiction books for adults and children.

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