IDEAS & Aims for College Writing, MLA Update Edition, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (June 12, 2015) © 2016

  • Tim Taylor
  • Linda Copeland

VitalSource eTextbook

ISBN-13: 9780321956088
IDEAS & Aims for College Writing
Published 2015

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For courses in Developmental Writing.  
This version of IDEAS & Aims has been updated the reflect the 8th edition of the MLA Handbook (April 2016) *

A unique aims/purposes-based developmental writing program

IDEAS and Aims fulfills a growing need in classrooms for a more contemporary approach, and a different type of writing textbook specifically developed with course redesign in mind. Its consistent focus on subject, purpose, audience, and genre leads students to effectively analyze the writing situations they will encounter in their college courses and in their everyday lives. This is accomplished through the use of an easy to remember template tool called IDEAS (Interest, Details, Explanation, Audience, and Style) that helps students see writing not only as an important academic and lifelong skill.  

*The 8th edition introduces sweeping changes to the philosophy and details of MLA works cited entries. Responding to the “increasing mobility of texts,” MLA now encourages writers to focus on the process of crafting the citation, beginning with the same questions for any source. These changes, then, align with current best practices in the teaching of writing which privilege inquiry and critical thinking over rote recall and rule-following.

NOTE: Both brief and comprehensive tables of contents follow.


1. What It Means to Be a College Student: Following the Codes
2. The Reading Process
3. The Writing Process

4. Writing Paragraphs
5. Paragraphs Working Together: The Essay

6. Descriptive Writing
7. Reflective Writing
8. Informative Writing
9. Analytical Writing
10. Evaluative Writing
11. Persuasive Writing

12. Working with Sources
13. Documenting Sources
14. Style Matters
15. Handbook: Correcting Sentence Errors



1. What It Means to Be a College Student: Following the Codes
The Code of Behavior
    Be an Active Learner
     Selection “Self-Control is the Key to Success” by David Brooks   
Show Good Character
Practice Critical Thinking
The Code of Communication
    Discourse Communities as Audience
     Selection “To: Subject: Why It’s All About Me by Jonathan Glater
    Meet the Expectations of College Writing Assignments
     Selection “Student Expectations As Causing Grade Disputes” by Max Roosevelt
2. The Reading Process
Active Reading: A Conversation with an Author
     Reading “‘Only Connect…’: The Goals of a Liberal Education” by William Cronon
Read as a Believer and as a Doubter
Put IDEAS to Work when Reading
     Selection “Black Men and Public Space” by Brent Staples
Demonstrate Your Understanding of a Text Through Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Quoting
    The Essentials of Summarizing
    The Essentials of Paraphrasing
    The Essentials of Quoting

3. Writing and the Process of Writing
Assess the Writing Situation—Subject, Purpose, Audience, and Genre
Direct Your Writing with a Thesis Statement
Put IDEAS to Work: The Essentials of Good Writing
Practice Writing as a Process—Embrace the Messiness and Discoveries Before the Finished Product
The Writing Process
First Drafting
     Selection Eva’s First Draft---Extended Analogy
Revising and Redrafting
Editing and Proofreading
     Selection “Writing a Paper is like Buying a Swimsuit” by Eva Thorne, Annotated Student Paper
Writing Assignments
    Extended Analogy Essay: Writing is Like…
Writing Development Plan Paper


4. Writing Paragraphs
    Building Paragraphs
Unify Your Paragraphs with a Topic Sentence
Create Support in Your Paragraphs Using Details, Reasons, Examples, and Explanations
Use Coherence Strategies to Connect Your Support
Organize Support Using Patterns of Development
    Causes and/or Effects
    Comparison or Contrast
Analyze Paragraphs for Coherence
5. Paragraphs Working Together: The Essay
Write Effective Introduction Paragraphs
    Strategies for Writing Introduction Paragraphs
    Avoid Common Mistakes in Introduction Paragraphs
Create Conclusion Paragraphs That Leave a Lasting Impression
    Strategies for Writing Conclusion Paragraphs
    Avoid Common Mistakes in Conclusion Paragraphs
Understand the Various Strategies for Organizing Paragraphs and Using Transitions
    Paragraphs Working Together: “Stop the Cyberbully,” Annotated Paper


6. Descriptive Writing
Create a Dominant Impression—Make It Real for Your Readers
Use Concrete, Specific, and Inviting Details
Use Descriptive Verbs
Put IDEAS to Work in Descriptive Writing
Student Writer at Work
     Reading Harrison’s Letter, Annotated Student Problem Letter
Reading and Writing: IDEAS in Action
    Selection 1 “Dandelion: A Virtuous Weed” by Craig Holdrege, Annotated Professional Essay
    Selection 2 “The Trail Winds…” (excerpt from “A Rare Jewel”) by Jane Braxton Little
    Selection 3 “Clog Dancing at the Illinois State Fair” by David Foster Wallace
    Selection 4 “The Knife” by Richard Selzer
    Selection 5 “Just Off Main Street” by Elmaz Abinader
Additional Writing Assignments
Descriptive Place-Based Paragraph or Essay
Problem in Your Community Letter
Real Estate Description: Describing to Make the Sale

7. Reflective Writing
Answer This Question: So What?
Employ Examples, Anecdotes, and Evidence for Support
Use Concrete, Specific, and Inviting Details
Put IDEAS to Work in Reflective Writing
Student Writer at Work
     Selection “Why the Best Kids Books Are Written in Blood” by Sherman Alexie, Annotated
          Professional Essay
     Selection “‘Sorry It’s Late’—Seeing Both Sides of an Age-old Homework Dilemma” by Sam Johnston, Annotated Student Paper
Reading and Writing: IDEAS in Action
    Selection 1 “The Day I Met Bruce Lee” by Bonnie Devet, Annotated Professional Essay
    Selection 2 “County Hams” (excerpt from Pleasures of the Smokehouse) by John Egerton
    Selection 3 “Pigskin Anticipation” (excerpt from Pulled Pork and Pigskin) by Wright Thompson
    Selection 4 “Two Bad Bricks” by Ajahn Brahm
Additional Writing Assignments
Reflecting on a Culinary Tradition paragraph/s
Reflecting on a Current Event Essay
Case Study: Marketing Ideas Memo
8. Informative Writing
Get Your Facts Straight
Make the Information Interesting
    Consider the Readers’ Needs
    Move from Old to New Information
Organize Appropriately
Put IDEAS to Work in Informative Writing
Student Writer at Work
      Selection “Coach Pick” by Collin Seibert, Annotated Student Paper
Reading and Writing: IDEAS in Action
     Selection 1 “The Apple, Alcohol, & ‘Johnny Appleseed” by Michael Pollan, Annotated Professional Essay
     Selection 2 Excerpt from The Cave of the Bats by Richard Conniff
     Selection 3 “A Night of Lynching, a Life of Remembering” by Sarah Cohen
     Selection 4 “Seven Sustainable Wonders” by Alan Thein Durning
     Selection 5 “Soup” from The New Yorker
Additional Writing Assignments
Historical/Cultural Marker: Informing about a Place in Your Community
Career Profile Assignment
 Rejection Letter    
9. Analytical Writing
Analyze a Subject by Breaking It Down and Building It Back Up
Support Your Analysis (Your Point) with Details, Examples, and Explanation
Use Critical Thinking when Analyzing
Put IDEAS to Work in Analytical Writing
Student Writer at Work
     Selection “The Real Marlboro Man” by Janet Lopez, Annotated Student Paper
Reading and Writing: IDEAS in Action
     Selection 1 “American Jerk” by Todd Schwartz, Annotated Professional Essay
     Selection 2 “The School Smarts Effect” by Kirsten Weir
     Selection 3 “Space Invaders” by Richard Stengel
     Selection 4 “But What Do You Mean?” by Deborah Tannen
Additional Writing Assignments
Analyzing the Influence of an Idea
Analyzing an Ad
     Case Study: PTA Memo
10. Evaluative Writing
Consider the Criteria for Success
Show How the Subject Is (or Is Not) a Success
Put IDEAS to Work in Evaluative Writing
Student Writer at Work
     Selection “A Kennel for Ben” by Karl Martinson, Annotated Student Paper
Reading and Writing: IDEAS in Action
     Selection 1 “The Dangers of Social Networking Sites in College” by Britney Wilkins, Annotated Professional Essay
     Selection 2 “Review of Carrying Lightning” by Lee Zimmerman
     Selection 3 “What Makes a Good Patient” by Scott Haig, MD
     Selection 4 “The Flight from Conversation” by Sherry Turkle
Additional Writing Assignments
Evaluating the Credibility of an Online Source (.org)
Restaurant Evaluation
Case Study: Evaluative Letter about Whether Dexter Should be Paroled
11. Persuasive Writing
Know Your Audience’s Expectations
Use the Rhetorical Toolkit: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
Put IDEAS to Work in Persuasive Writing
Student Writer at Work
     Selection “Why Prisons Don’t Work” by Wilbert Rideau, Annotated Professional Essay
     Selection “A Close Look at ‘Why Prisons Don’t Work’” by Navid Montazeri, Annotated Student Paper
Reading and Writing: IDEAS in Action
     Selection 1 “‘A’ is for ‘Absent’” by Chris Piper
     Selection 2 “Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment” by Robert L. Heilbroner
     Selection 3 “Put the Brakes on Driving While Texting” by Leonard Pitts
Additional Writing Assignments
Consequences of a Problem Paper
Summary-Analysis-Response (SAR) Essay
Job/Internship Application Letter


12. Working with Sources
Find Sources
Evaluate Sources
Summarize, Paraphrase and Quote Effectively and Ethically   
See Research as Discovery
I-Search Paper
Student Writer at Work
     I-Search Abstract by Darrius Johnson
     Selection “Curling” By Darrius Johnson, Annotated Student Paper

13. Documenting Sources
Document Sources
Avoid Plagiarism
Use the MLA Style Documentation Style
    The Basics of MLA In-Text Citations
    Introducing Source Material in MLA Style
    Providing a Correctly Formatted Works Cited List
Use the APA Documentation Style
The Basics of APA In-Text Citations
Introducing Source Material in APA Style
    Providing a Correctly Formatted References List
Research-Based Essay
Student Sample Essay
     Selection “%#@$&*: Profanity on Campus Should Be Banned” by Marissa Torres, Annotated Student


14. Style Matters
The Building Blocks of Sentences: Clauses and Phrases
The Simple Sentence
Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences
Compound-Complex Sentences
Using Effective Modifiers
Appositives and Parallel Constructions
Concision---Eliminating Wordiness
Quick Reference: Sentence Patterns

15. Handbook: Correcting Sentence Errors
Quick Reference Editing Guide
A. Catch the Big Three: Fragments, Run-Ons, and Comma Splices
A.1 Fragment (Frag)
A.2 Run-On (RO) & Comma Splice (CS)
B. Avoid Shifts
B.1 Shifts in Point of View (Shift)
B.2 Shifts in Verb Tense (Tense)
B.3 Shifts in Irregular verb Tense
C. Master Grammar: Pronoun Case, Pronoun Reference, and Agreement
C.1 Pronoun Case
C.2 Pronoun Reference
C.3 Pronoun Antecedent Agreement (PA Agr)
C.4 Subject Verb Agreement (SV Agr)
D. Pay Attention to Punctuation: Apostrophes, Commas, Quotation Marks, Semicolons, and Colons
D.1 Apostrophes (apos)
D.2 Commas (C)
D.3 Quotation Marks/Dialogue (Quote)
D.4 Semicolon (;)
D.5 Colon (:)
E. Avoid Bungled Sentences: Modifiers and Parallelism
E.1 Modifier Error—Misplaced or Dangling (M)
E.2 Parallelism (//)
F. Mind Your Mechanics: Abbreviations, Capitals, Numbers, and Titles
F.1 Abbreviation (Abbrev)
F.2 Capitalization (Cap)
F.3 Number (Number)
F.4 Title (title)
G. Understand Usage and Avoid the Spell Check Trap

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