Human Side of Organizations, 10th edition
Published by Pearson (February 29, 2008) © 2009
- Michael Drafke College of DuPage
- Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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For Human Relations, Behavior in Organizations, Organizational Behavior courses.
Widely used and respected, this text has been adopted by hundreds of colleges in the U.S. and Canada since its first inception. "The Human Side of Organizations" delivers complete, up-to-date, practical information on how people behave in organizations, how organizations and job design affect behavior at work, and how change impacts the business organization. This new edition strives to make material more meaningful to readers through new spot check exercises, student self-assessments, personal point exercises, and skill-building activities that reinforce the material step-by-step.
For Human Relations, Behavior in Organizations, Organizational Behavior courses. Widely used and respected, this text has been adopted by hundreds of colleges in the U.S. and Canada since its first inception. "The Human Side of Organizations" delivers complete, up-to-date, practical information on how people behave in organizations, how organizations and job design affect behavior at work, and how change impacts the business organization. This new edition strives to make material more meaningful to readers through new spot check exercises, student self-assessments, personal point exercises, and skill-building activities that reinforce the material step-by-step.  New to this Edition: ·       Contains groups of five-question formative tests that address knowledge and understanding. ·       Contains answers at the end of each assessment so students can check their progress. New! Student self-assessments–now appear in every chapter. ·       Help students apply chapter material to their own frame of reference. New! Skill-building exercises–appear in this edition. ·       Allow students to apply the chapter materials step-by-step using realistic organizational situations. New! YouTube™ links–appear in this edition. ·       Offer an innovative and contemporary way to illustrate chapter content. New! Personal Point exercises–appear in this edition. ·       Encourage reflection and reinforce chapter material in a more personal way. New! Fully updated in this edition to include: ·       An increased section on problem-solving ·       An earlier placement of Ethics and Etiquette ( now Ch. 5) ·       Expanded ethical focus boxes ·       More on change management ·       Key terms and definitions in the margin ·       Updated Internet addresses ·       Learning objectives linked to end-of-chapter questions Features: Four-part organization–Includes: 1) Humans Are People; 2) The Organizational Framework; 3) Inducing Organizational Activity; and 4) Strategies for Improving Organizational Behavior. ·        Gives students a complete and understandable text that moves logically forward, promoting the learning experience. Goals and Objectives–start of each chapter and are presented just as they are in business and management: broad goals first followed by specific objectives. ·        Focuses students’ attention on key points and concepts. Focus Boxes–brings the world of work closer to the student. ·       Offers a broad range of applications, including: Reality Checks; A Question of Ethics; and a Global Glance. Cartoons, tables, figures, and photos–maintain the text’s contemporary appearance and engaging style. ·       Emphasizes key points in entertaining and innovative ways (look for popular Dilbert cartoons, photos and more!). ·                                 Marginal notes–offer a running glossary in the margins as well as NetNotes. ·       Gives students glossaries that contain key terms and concepts and their definitions. ·       Offers NetNotes that highlight additional Internet sites. Checking for Understanding–includes questions that are directly linked to the learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter. ·       Reinforces key content and tests for comprehension. Applications–are included in each chapter. ·       Provides students with opportunities to improve their organizational behavior skills through analysis of realistic situations. Experiential exercises–appear at the end of each chapter. ·       Gives students hands-on experience with specific chapter concepts.
·       Contains groups of five-question formative tests that address knowledge and understanding.
·       Contains answers at the end of each assessment so students can check their progress.
New! Student self-assessments–now appear in every chapter.
·       Help students apply chapter material to their own frame of reference.
New! Skill-building exercises–appear in this edition.
·       Allow students to apply the chapter materials step-by-step using realistic organizational situations.
New! YouTube™ links–appear in this edition.
·       Offer an innovative and contemporary way to illustrate chapter content.
New! Personal Point exercises–appear in this edition.
·       Encourage reflection and reinforce chapter material in a more personal way.
New! Fully updated in this edition to include:
·       An increased section on problem-solving
·       An earlier placement of Ethics and Etiquette ( now Ch. 5)
·       Expanded ethical focus boxes
·       More on change management
·       Key terms and definitions in the margin
·       Updated Internet addresses
·       Learning objectives linked to end-of-chapter questions
1.     Work and Its Place in Life
2.     Perception and Problem Solving
3.     Primary Communications
4.     Improving Communications and Managing Conflict
5.     Ethics and Etiquette
6.     Jobs, from Design to Appraisal
7.     Formal Organizations: How People Organize
8.     Understanding Management
9.     Small Groups and the Informal Organization
10. Individuals and Self-Management
11. Motivation and Morale
12. Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work Life
13. The Dynamics of Change
14. Leadership
15. Stress
16. Challenges and Opportunities
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