Human Resource Management, 14th edition

Published by Pearson (January 6, 2015) © 2016

  • R Wayne Mondy Retired; McNeese State University
  • Joseph J. Martocchio University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



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Hands-On Learning Tools

  • NEW! HR Bloopers present scenarios that describe potential mistakes that may occur in HR practice. Questions that follow in MyManagement Lab provide students with the opportunity to test their understanding and recall of the chapter material based on the information contained in the scenario.
  • Ethical Dilemma offers challenging ethical considerations in HR practice when HR professionals must make choices between what is right and wrong as well as appropriate versus inappropriate application of HR practices. Questions that follow provide students with the opportunity to express what they would do and to consider the factors in the dilemma that might influence a person to make an unethical choice.
  • Social media and its relation to HR professionals is examined throughout the text. Understanding how social media is used for recruitment and knowledge sharing is essential to effective HR activities.
  • Dodd—Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act addresses a variety of executive compensation issues with which HR professionals should be familiar. Executive compensation is determined quite differently than compensation for other employee groups, and these differences are highlighted in the relevant chapters.
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that employers provide health insurance to their employees or pay substantial penalties. This law has influenced the minimum benefits that must be included in health insurance. Prior to the passage of this law, health insurance was offered as a discretionary benefit.
  • End-of-chapter exercises provide in-depth, thought-provoking questions to the material covered in the text.
  • NEW! Tables and figures are included throughout the text to enhance student learning by providing visual examples of HR practices or analytical tools (for example, the series of “what-if” questions that help companies to determine whether individuals are contingent workers or full-fledged employees).
  • Small business and HR provides students with an appreciation of how HR practices in small businesses are often different than in larger companies. For example, some employment laws do not apply to small businesses.

Chapter Specific Updates

  • Chapter 1 - Expanded discussions of the HR profession and HR as a strategic business partner are included. A competency model for the work HR professionals perform has been added as well as a brief introduction to human capital, or the idea that employees are assets.
  • Chapter 2 - Several new examples are added throughout the chapter that put corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability practices in context.
  • Chapter 3 - The introduction compares and contrasts equal employment opportunity (EEO) and workforce diversity.
  • Chapter 4 - A new section on competencies and competency modeling has been added given the increased use along with or instead of traditional job analysis.
  • Chapter 5 - The discussion of contingent workers has been expanded. Explicit criteria for distinguishing between contingent workers and employees are now included.
  • Chapter 6 - The discussions of selection norms and selection test reliability have been expanded. Drug testing has been added as a possible component of the selection process.
  • Chapter 7 - The ordering of Chapters 7 and 8 have been reversed. The discussion of performance appraisal methods has been expanded greatly and organized into four categories: trait, comparison systems, behavioral systems, and results-based systems. In addition, samples of many of the methods have been added to this chapter.
  • Chapter 8 - The presentation of training needs assessment was expanded. A brief discussion of massive open online courses has been added to the e-learning section. A new section on team training and the types and applications of team training has been included.
  • Chapter 9 - The focus on components of compensation system design has been enhanced. The discussions on seniority pay, merit pay, incentive pay, and person-focused pay (skill-based and competency-based) have been expanded. The discussion of pay policy incorporates the role of pay mix as an important element. Interindustry wage differentials are explained to further convey why pay differs from company to company.
  • Chapter 10 - A brief historical explanation has been added to help students understand the existence of some employee benefit offerings as well as why some are required by law and others are not. The discussion of health-care plans has been expanded to include fee-for-service plans. Additional information has been added to the section on consumer-driven health care. The life insurance section has been expanded by including specific kinds of life insurance options.
  • Chapter 11 - Chapters 11 through 13 have been reordered. A brief historical perspective on the economy and nature of the workplace is presented to help set the context for unionization. An expanded discussion to help explain the rise of unionization is included, as well as an expanded discussion of the challenges to the status of unions today. Additional reasons for union decertification are discussed.
  • Chapter 12 - The discussion of employment at will has been expanded to more fully explain its three exceptions. The just cause standard for terminations is introduced. Along with this discussion, the seven tests to determine whether a planned termination decision meets the just cause standard are included.
  • Chapter 13 - Several new examples are added throughout the chapter to enhance the context of safety, health, and wellness in companies.
  • Chapter 14 - A new section that more effectively sets the context for global HR has been added. It is organized into four areas – country politics and economic structure, national cultural norms, legal system, and labor force characteristics and dynamics.

Also available with MyManagementLab®

MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

MyManagementLab allows you to engage your students in the course material before, during, and after class with a variety of activities and assessments.


The Chapter Warm-up helps you hold your students accountable for learning key concepts in each chapter before coming to class. The assignment consists of basic questions related to topics in the text, and gives students the chance to access their eText to read about the topics in question. Grading and item analysis in the assignment allow you to see what students know and don’t know.  

Enhanced eText: Engagement in lecture is essential to student success, and continuing that engagement outside of class is just as critical. The new Enhanced eText found within Pearson’s MyLab keeps students engaged in learning on their own time, while helping them achieve greater conceptual understanding of course material.
Just as a great instructor brings course material to life, the Enhanced eText brings reading to life – with animations, interactive tutorials, and more. In the Enhanced eText, immediate practice suited to a variety of learning styles is just a click away.


Learning Catalytics is an interactive, student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking. Now included with MyLab with eText, Learning Catalytics enables you to generate classroom discussion, guide your lecture, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Instructors, you can:

  • Pose a variety of open-ended questions that help your students develop critical thinking skills
  • Monitor responses to find out where students are struggling
  • Use real-time data to adjust your instructional strategy and try other ways of engaging your students during class
  • Manage student interactions by automatically grouping students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning

Business Today: Bring current events alive in your classroom with videos that illustrate current and topical business concepts.            

Reporting Dashboard: View, analyze, and report learning outcomes clearly and easily, and get the information you need to keep your students on track throughout the course with the new Reporting Dashboard. Available via the MyLab Gradebook and fully mobile-ready, the Reporting Dashboard presents student performance data at the class, section, and program levels in an accessible, visual manner.                                                                          



Branching, Decision-Making Simulations: Decision-making simulations put your students in the role of manager as they make a series of decisions based on a realistic business challenge. The simulations change and branch based on their decisions, creating various scenario paths. At the end of each simulation, students receive a grade and a detailed report of the choices they made with the associated consequences included.

Video Exercises: These engaging videos explore a variety of business topics related to the theory students are learning in class. Quizzes assess students’ comprehension of the concepts covered in each video.

Writing Space: Better writers make great learners — who perform better in their courses. Designed to help you develop and assess concept mastery and critical thinking, the Writing Space offers a single place to create, track, and grade writing assignments, provide resources, and exchange meaningful, personalized feedback with students, quickly and easily.

Thanks to auto-graded, assisted-graded, and create-your-own assignments, you decide your level of involvement in evaluating students' work. The auto-graded option allows you to assign writing in large classes without having to grade essays by hand. And because of integration with Turnitin®, Writing Space can check students’ work for improper citation or plagiarism.
Quizzes and Tests: Pre-built quizzes and tests allow you to quiz students without having to grade the assignments yourself.

  • HR Bloopers present scenarios that describe potential mistakes that may occur in HR practice. Questions that follow in MyManagementLab® provide students with the opportunity to test their understanding and recall of the chapter material based on the information contained in the scenario.
  • Tables and figures are included throughout the text to enhance student learning by providing visual examples of HR practices or analytical tools (for example, the series of “what-if” questions that help companies to determine whether individuals are contingent workers or full-fledged employees).

Chapter Specific Updates

  • Chapter 1 - Expanded discussions of the HR profession and HR as a strategic business partner are included. A competency model for the work HR professionals perform has been added as well as a brief introduction to human capital, or the idea that employees are assets.
  • Chapter 2 - Several new examples are added throughout the chapter that put corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability practices in context.
  • Chapter 3 - The introduction compares and contrasts equal employment opportunity (EEO) and workforce diversity.
  • Chapter 4 - A new section on competencies and competency modeling has been added given the increased use along with or instead of traditional job analysis.
  • Chapter 5 - The discussion of contingent workers has been expanded. Explicit criteria for distinguishing between contingent workers and employees are now included.
  • Chapter 6 - The discussions of selection norms and selection test reliability have been expanded. Drug testing has been added as a possible component of the selection process.
  • Chapter 7 - The ordering of Chapters 7 and 8 have been reversed. The discussion of performance appraisal methods has been expanded greatly and organized into four categories: trait, comparison systems, behavioral systems, and results-based systems. In addition, samples of many of the methods have been added to this chapter.
  • Chapter 8 - The presentation of training needs assessment was expanded. A brief discussion of massive open online courses has been added to the e-learning section. A new section on team training and the types and applications of team training has been included.
  • Chapter 9 - The focus on components of compensation system design has been enhanced. The discussions on seniority pay, merit pay, incentive pay, and person-focused pay (skill-based and competency-based) have been expanded. The discussion of pay policy incorporates the role of pay mix as an important element. Interindustry wage differentials are explained to further convey why pay differs from company to company.
  • Chapter 10 - A brief historical explanation has been added to help students understand the existence of some employee benefit offerings as well as why some are required by law and others are not. The discussion of health-care plans has been expanded to include fee-for-service plans. Additional information has been added to the section on consumer-driven health care. The life insurance section has been expanded by including specific kinds of life insurance options.
  • Chapter 11 - Chapters 11 through 13 have been reordered. A brief historical perspective on the economy and nature of the workplace is presented to help set the context for unionization. An expanded discussion to help explain the rise of unionization is included, as well as an expanded discussion of the challenges to the status of unions today. Additional reasons for union decertification are discussed.
  • Chapter 12 - The discussion of employment at will has been expanded to more fully explain its three exceptions. The just cause standard for terminations is introduced. Along with this discussion, the seven tests to determine whether a planned termination decision meets the just cause standard are included.
  • Chapter 13 - Several new examples are added throughout the chapter to enhance the context of safety, health, and wellness in companies.
  • Chapter 14 - A new section that more effectively sets the context for global HR has been added. It is organized into four areas – country politics and economic structure, national cultural norms, legal system, and labor force characteristics and dynamics.

Also available with MyManagementLab

MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

MyManagementLab allows you to engage your students in the course material before, during, and after class with a variety of activities and assessments.

Part I: Setting the Stage

1.   Human Resource Management: An Overview

2.   Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

3.   Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Workforce Diversity

Part II: Staffing

4.    Strategic Planning, Human Resource Planning, and Job Analysis

5.    Recruitment

6.    Selection

Part III: Performance Management and Training

7.    Performance Management and Appraisal

8.    Training and Development

Part IV: Compensation

9.    Direct Financial Compensation (Core Compensation)

10.  Indirect Financial Compensation (Employee Benefits)

Part V: Labor Relations, Employee Relations, Safety, and Health

11.  Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining

12.  Internal Employee Relations

13.  Employee Safety, Health, and Wellness

Part VI: Operating in a Global Environment

14.  Global Human Resource Management

R. Wayne Mondy

I have always had a strong interest in business practices as evidenced by my many years of academic and professional experience. I believe that managing people is the crucial side of business because a firm’s human resources are the foundation on which everything is accomplished. Prior to entering academics, I had business experience with such companies as Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Co. (now KPMG), General Electric Corporation, Gulf South Research Institute, and Houston Data Center. In addition, I served in the U.S. Air Force as a management analysis officer. Several examples in your text relate to my business experience.

I received my DBA from Louisiana Tech University and have enjoyed many years of teaching and administration, having served as professor, department head of the Department of Management & Marketing, and Dean of the College of Business. I have authored or co-authored seven college textbooks in a total of thirty-one editions, fifty-four articles, and twenty papers. The textbooks are Management: Concepts, Practices, and Skills (8th edition); Human Resource Management (14th edition); Personal Selling: Function, Theory and Practice (4th edition); Supervision (3rd edition); Management Concepts and Canadian Practices (2nd edition); Staffing the Contemporary Organization; and Management and Organizational Behavior. In addition to the 14th edition of Human Resource Management, the book has been translated into Spanish (Administracin de Recursos Humanos, Prentice Hall, 1997, 2001, and 2005), and Chinese (Prentice Hall, 1998, 2002, 2005, and 2011). A special 2008 two-part international edition of the 10th edition was prepared for India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. In addition, a Pearson International Edition was prepared for the 10th edition. A 2010 international edition was prepared for the 11th edition. Articles have been published in such journals as Business Journal, Journal of Education for Business, HR Magazine, and The Journal of Business Ethics.

I am also Life Certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) by the Human Resource Certification Institute. During my career at various universities, I have had the opportunity to charter three student chapters of the Society for Human Resource Management. In one instance, about 20 students wanted to take the certification examination. I was excited about their enthusiasm until they informed me, “Dr. Mondy, you have to take it, too.” I have never studied so hard but we all were successful in achieving our objectives. That is how I received my SPHR designation–I earned it.

Joseph J. Martocchio

My interest in the human resource management field began while I was a junior at Babson College. I found myself wanting to practice in the field as well as to become a university professor and researcher. I pursued both professional desires by working at Cameron and Colby (a reinsurance company) in Boston and for General Electric’s Aerospace business group in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

I advanced my education in the HR field by earning a master’s degree and Ph.D. degree at Michigan State University. My master’s degree enabled me to build an even stronger foundation in practice and my doctoral degree provided me with the skills to conduct scholarly research and teach college-level courses. Since earning my graduate degrees, I have been a professor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois, Urbana—Champaign and assumed administrative roles as a Provost Fellow, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Interim Dean. All the while, I have taught a variety of courses in the HR field. These include compensation systems, employee benefits, employment systems (HR and labor relations), HR planning and staffing, and statistics. For many years, I served as the faculty advisor to the student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management at the University of Illinois during which time students earned Merit Awards and Superior Merit awards on multiple occasions.

As a researcher, I have studied a variety of topics that include employee absenteeism, employee training and development, compensation systems, employee benefits, and generational diversity. My work appears in leading scholarly journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Personnel Psychology. I received the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and I was subsequently elected as a Fellow in both the American Psychological Association and SIOP. Following the attainment of this recognition, I served as the Chair of the HR Division of the Academy of Management as well as in various other leadership roles within that organization.

Besides writing scholarly articles, I have two sole-authored textbooks: Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach (Pearson Higher Education), which is in its 8th edition,and Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals (McGraw-Hill),which is in its 5th edition. The compensation textbook was translated for use in China and India. Joining as a co-author on the 14th edition of Human Resource Management has been an exciting opportunity.

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