Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called 'Don't Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A', 1st edition

Published by Pearson (April 28, 2009) © 2009

  • Garry Ridge
  • Ken Blanchard
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Ken Blanchard's Leading at a Higher Level techniques are inspiring thousands of executives and entrepreneurs to lead their people to greatness, as they create high-performance organizations that make life better for everyone. Blanchard's immense audience has asked for one more thing: specific, in-depth examples of how leaders and their organizations are actually implementing these techniques: the challenges they've faced, the solutions they've developed, and the results they've achieved. Starting with this book, the new Leading at a Higher Level Series will give them precisely that. In Helping People Win at Work, WD-40 Company President/CEO Garry Ridge reveals how his company has used Blanchard's techniques to "Partner for Performance" with every employee, and achieve unprecedented levels of employee engagement and commitment. Ridge introduces WD-40's performance review system, explaining its goals, its features, and the cultural changes it required. Next, Ridge shares his "leadership point of view": what he expects of people, what they can expect of him, and where his beliefs about leadership and motivation came from. Finally, in Part IV, Ken Blanchard explains why WD-40's Partnering for Performance program works so well and how it can work for you, too. This book isn't about cheerleading: it's about transforming performance review one step at a time and reaping record-breaking results!

Introduction  1

Chapter 1        Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A  17

Chapter 2        Building the Right Culture  43

Chapter 3        My Leadership Point of View  67

Chapter 4        The Simple Truths About Helping People Win at Work  89

    Simple Truth 1: Performing Well: What Makes People Feel Good About Themselves  91

    Simple Truth 2: To Help People Perform Well, an Effective Performance Management System Must Be Established  94

    Simple Truth 3: It All Starts with Performance Planning  97

    Simple Truth 4: The Biggest Impact on Performance Comes from Day-to-Day Coaching  101

    Simple Truth 5: Trust Is Key to Effective Coaching  117

    Simple Truth 6: The Ultimate Coaching Tool: Accentuating the Positive  122

    Simple Truth 7: Redirection Helps Get Performance Back on Track  125

    Simple Truth 8: Deliver Reprimands with Caring Candor  129

    Simple Truth 9: Performance Reviews Should Be About Retaking the Final Exam  133

    Simple Truth 10: Developing and Sharing Your Leadership Point of View Is a Powerful Communication Tool for Your People  136

    Simple Truth 11: Servant Leadership Is the Only Way to Go  139

    Simple Truth 12: Celebrate Successes  149

Epilogue  155

Appendix A      The WD-40 Company Goal Review Form  159

About the Authors  171

Services Available  175

Index  179

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