Heavy Equipment Operations, Level 2, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (May 23, 2013) © 2013

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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: On-road Dump Trucks, Scrapers, Loaders, Rough Terrain Forklifts, Excavation Math, Interpreting Civil Drawings, Site Work, Skid Steers, and Soils

Instructor Supplements

Instructors: Product supplements may be ordered directly through OASIS at http://oasis.pearson.com. For more information contact your Pearson NCCER Sales Specialist at http://nccer.pearsonconstructionbooks.com/store/sales.aspx.  

  • Instructor's Resource Card 978-0-13-340383-1
  • Trainee Guide Paperback + Access Card Package 978-0-13-340937-6
  • Access Card ONLY for Trainee Guide (does not include print book)  978-0-13-340377-0
  • ELECTRONIC Access Code ONLY for Trainee Guide (must be ordered electronically via OASIS; does not include print book)


  • TestGen Software and Test Questions - Available for download from  www.nccerirc.com. Access code comes in AIG and also available separately. 

(Total Level Hours: 167.5)


On-road Dump Trucks

(20 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340319-0

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340329-9

Covers uses, inspection, startup, shutdown, operator maintenance, and operation of dump trucks used to carry loads on public highways. Includes operation of dump trucks in normal and emergency situations.



(17.5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340320-6

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340330-5

Describes the types of scrapers used in site preparation, as well as the safe practices associated with the operation of scrapers. Covers operator inspection and maintenance requirements, along with startup, shutdown, and operating techniques.



(17.5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340321-3

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340331-2

Covers the uses of wheel and track loaders, as well as operator maintenance, loader safety, and operating procedures. Includes procedures for using loaders in excavation, grading, and demolition work.


Rough Terrain Forklifts

(22.5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340322-0

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340333-6

Covers the uses of forklifts on construction sites. Includes instructions for lifting, transporting, and placing various types of loads, as well as safety, operation, and maintenance procedures.


Excavation Math

(17.5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340323-7

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340334-3

Covers basic math skills required for site excavation work. Includes methods and practice in calculating the areas and volumes of various geometric shapes, as well as formulas and methods used to calculate cut and fill requirements on a job.


Interpreting Civil Drawings

(20 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340325-1

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340335-0

Explains how to read site plans to calculate cut and fill requirements. Provides instruction and practice in interpreting both roadway and construction site drawings used for excavation and grading work.


Site Work

(20 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340326-8

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340336-7

Expands on information covered in Level 1 in relation to setting and interpreting grade stakes. Also provides information and instructions on controlling surface water and ground water on a job site, as well as the layout of foundations and laying of pipe.


Skid Steers

(22.5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340327-5

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340337-4

Describes the many uses of skid steers and the attachments available for these machines. Covers safety practices, as well as inspection, startup, shutdown, and operation of skid steers.



(10 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340328-2

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340338-1

Describes soil classification systems and explains how shrink and swell factors affect equipment selection. Discusses how soil conditions affect equipment performance and explains techniques for working with various types of soils.

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