Generalist Social Work Practice: An Empowering Approach, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (January 4, 2016) © 2017

  • Karla Krogsrud Miley Black Hawk College
  • Michael W. O'Melia St. Ambrose University Professor Emerita
  • Brenda Dubois St. Ambrose University, Late Professor Emerita
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  • A print text

Brief Table of Contents


1. Generalist Social Work Practice

2. Human System Perspectives

3. Values and Multicultural Competence

4. Strengths and Empowerment

5. An Empowering Approach to Generalist Practice


6. Engagement: Forming Partnerships
7. Engagement: Articulating Situations

8. Engagement: Defining Directions



9. Assessment: Identifying Strengths

10. Assessment: Assessing Resource Capabilities
11. Assessment: Framing Solutions



12. Intervention: Activating Resources

13. Intervention: Creating Alliances

14. Intervention: Expanding Opportunities

15. Evaluation: Recognizing Success

16. Intervention: Integrating Gains


Detailed Table of Contents

1. Generalist Social Work Practice 1
Social Work Values and Purpose 3
Human Dignity and Worth 4
Social Justice 4
Defining Social Work 5
Achieving the Purpose of Social Work 6
Generalist Social Work 7
Levels of Intervention in Generalist Practice 8
Policy and Generalist Practice 10
Research in Generalist Practice 10
Advantages of a Multifaceted Approach 12
Social Work Functions and Roles 12
Consultancy 13
Resource Management 15
Education 16
Integrating Generalist Functions 18
Looking Forward 19

2. Human System Perspectives 20
Key Perspectives for Empowering Practice 20
Ecosystems 21
Social Constructionism 22
Feminist Perspective 23
Life Course Theory 24
Critical Theory 25
Biology and Behavior 26
Trauma-Informed Perspective 28
Applying Theory in Practice: A case example 29
Social Systems 33
System Defined 33
Dimensions of Systems 35
Ecosystems: Perspective and Framework 39
Ecosystems Perspective 39
Ecosystems Framework: As an Assessment Tool 42
Ecosystems Framework: As a Practice Model 45
Looking Forward 45

3. Values and Multicultural Competence 47
Professional Values and Practice Principles 48
Acceptance 48
Individualization 48
Nonjudgmentalism 49
Objectivity 49
Self-Determination 50
Access to Resources 50
Confidentiality 51
Accountability 51
Value Conflicts in Practice 51
Personal Values and Resources 52
Frames of Reference 52
Use of Self in Social Work 53
Increasing Self-Awareness 54
Values and Principles in Action: A Practice Example 54
How Values Influence Practice 56
Values and Diversity 58
Multicultural Competence 58
Cultural Diversity and Social Work Practice 59
Cultural Competence 59
Cultural Sensitivity 60
Cultural Responsiveness 60
A Generalist View of Cultural Competence 60
Practitioner-Level Cultural Competence 62
Agency-Level Cultural Competence 65
Community-Level Cultural Competence 68
Looking Forward 68

4. Strengths and Empowerment 69
Strengths Perspective 70
Practice Assumptions 71
Key Transitions 71
Applying a Strengths Perspective 73
Empowerment 74
Personal Dimensions of Empowerment 75
Interpersonal Dimensions of Empowerment 76
Sociopolitical Dimensions of Empowerment 76
Power 77
Empowerment Social Work and Oppression 79
Empowerment-Based Practice 79
The Paradox of an Empowering Process 80
Collaboration and Partnership 80
Ethical Preferences for Empowerment Social Work 83
Characteristics of Empowerment-Centered Social Workers 87
Empowerment-Oriented Strategies 89
Looking Forward 92

5. An Empowering Approach to Generalist Practice 93
Elements of an Empowering Generalist Approach 94
Infusing an Ecosystems Perspective 94
Reflecting a Social Justice Commitment 94
Applying a Strengths Orientation 95
Collaborating with Clients and Constituencies 95
Constructing an Empowering Reality 95
Phases and Processes of Empowering Practice 96
Engagement: The Dialogue Phase 96
Assessment: The Discovery Phase 98
Intervention and Evaluation: The Development Phase 99
The Recurring Nature of Dialogue, Discovery, and Development 101
From Solving Problems to Promoting Competence 103
Processes in Action: Practice Examples 103
An Example at the Microlevel 104
An Example at the Mezzolevel 107
An Example at the Macrolevel 112
Multilevel Practice in Generalist Social Work: An Integrative Case Example 114
Social Work Practice at the Microlevel 115
Social Work Practice at the Mezzolevel 117
Social Work Practice at the Macrolevel 120
Looking Forward 121

6. Engagement: Forming Partnerships 123
Engaging with Clients 124
Collaboration and Partnership 124
Making Initial Contacts 126
Recognizing What Clients Bring 126
Beginning Steps: A Practice Example 127
Qualities of Professional Partnerships 131
Genuineness 132
Acceptance and Respect 132
Trustworthiness 134
Empathy 134
Cultural Sensitivity 135
Purposefulness 136
Constructing Empowering Relationships 137
Recognizing Rights 138
Taking Responsibilities 138
Avoiding Dual Relationships 139
Discussing Rights and Responsibilities 139
Augmenting Power 140
When Clients Feel Powerless 141
Collaborating with Oppressed Clients 142
Voluntary and Involuntary Clients 142
Partnerships with Larger Systems 143
Respecting Confidentiality 143
Absolute and Relative Confidentiality 144
Violations of Confidentiality 144
Informed Consent for Releasing Information 145
Privileged Communication 145
Balancing Accountability and Privacy 147
Looking Forward 148

7. Engagement: Articulating
Situations 149
Empowering Dialogue 150
Active Listening and Proactive Responding 150
Proactive Responding: Describing the Current Situation 151
Proactive Responding: Orienting Toward Goals 152
Proactive Responding: Searching for Strengths and Resources 153
Accessing the Client’s Perspective 153
Applying Models of Communication 154
Verbal Communication 155
Nonverbal Communication 156
Influences on Communication Processes 157
Responding to What Clients Say 160
Allowing Space 161
Nonverbal Responses 161
Single-Word Responses 161
Restatement 162
Clarification 163
Summary Clarification 163
Requests to Continue 164
Questioning 165
Combining Responses 166
Practice Example 166
Special Issues in Responding 168
Responding to Feelings 168
Responding to Anger 170
Responding to Silence 171
Responding to Trauma 172
Responding to Questions 173
Responding to Feedback from Clients 173
Responding to Larger Client Systems 174
Looking Forward 175

8. Engagement: Defining Directions 177
Transforming Challenges into Directions 179
Orienting Forward, Not Back 180
Framing the Search for Resources 181
Integrating Transactional Dimensions 181
Considering Client Motivation 182
Enhancing Client Motivation 182
Motivating Clients Who Have Given Up 183
Aligning Worker and Client Motivations 184
Collaborating with Clients Who Resist 185
Motivating Larger Systems 187
Cooperating with Mandated Clients 188
Constructing Workers’ Expectations 188
Structuring a Working Partnership 189
Defining a Motivating Direction 190
Taking Priority Actions 190
Responding to Trauma and Crises 190
Responding to Large-Scale Disasters 192
Responding to the Threat of Suicide 193
Responding to Threats Toward Others 196
Responding to Child Maltreatment 198
Responding to Elder Abuse 200
Responding to Intimate Partner Violence 200
Responding to Survival Needs 201
Responding to Signs of Addiction 201
Looking Forward 202

9. Assessment: Identifying Strengths 204
Infusing a Strengths Perspective 205
What Are Strengths? 205
Why Identify Strengths? 206
Balancing Strengths and Challenges 208
Highlighting Strengths 208
Solution-Focused Dialogue 211
Recognizing Cultural Strengths 215
The Challenge of Activating Cultural Strengths 215
A Closer Look at Cultural Identity 216
The Critical Use of Research About Cultural Groups 217
Ethnic Group Strengths 218
African Americans 218
Non-Hispanic White Americans 220
Latino Americans 221
Asian Americans 223
Native Americans 223
Strengths in Cultural Group Memberships 224
Women 225
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals 226
Older Adults 227
Religious Affiliations and Spirituality 228
Persons with Disabilities 229
Clients as Resources for Understanding Cultures 230
Uncovering Strengths in Adversity 230
Surviving Oppression 230
Surviving Violence 232
Surviving Family Disruption 234
Looking Forward 235

10. Assessment: Assessing Resource Capabilities 236
Exploring Resource Systems Through Assessment 237
Recognizing Environmental Resources 238
Turning Challenging Situations into Resources 238
Collaborating to Search for Resources 239
Adding Viewpoints 240
Assessing Through Observation 241
Organizing Assessment by Using a 5-Point Ecosystems Schema 243
Practice Example: Franklin Courts 245
Ecosystems Assessment Questions 247
Ecosystems Questions: Assessing Structures 247
Ecosystems Questions: Assessing Interactions 250
Ecosystems Questions: Assessing Thinking and Feeling 251
Ecosystems Questions: Assessing Cultural Influences 252
Ecosystems Questions: Assessing Spiritual Dimensions 253
Ecosystems Questions: Assessing Physical Environments 254
Using Assessment Tools 255
Social Histories 256
Genograms 257
Eco-Maps 259
Culturally Sensitive Assessment 259
Social Network Maps 261
Group Assessment 261
Organizational Assessment 262
Neighborhood and Community Assessment 263
Tools as Resources for Empowerment 265
Record-Keeping 266
Recording 266
Types of Recording Formats 267
Ethical and Legal Issues in Record-Keeping 270
Looking Forward 271

11. Assessment: Framing Solutions 273
Collaborative Planning Processes 274
Client Expertise in Planning 274
Worker Expertise in Planning 275
Issues Affecting Collaborative Planning 275
Planning in Multiperson Systems 277
Goals and Objectives 278
Differentiating Goals and Objectives 278
Considering Goals 279
Translating Goals into Objectives 280
Constructing Action Plans 284
Clarifying Outcome Goals 284
Writing Effective Objectives 288
Prioritizing Objectives 289
Screening Generalist Intervention Strategies 289
Choosing Effective Strategies 293
Delineating Tasks and Responsibilities 295
Setting Reviews and Evaluations 296
Contracting 296
Looking Forward 298

12. Intervention: Activating Resources 299
Maintaining Progress in Action Plans 301
Implementing Action Plans 302
Enhancing Interactions 303
Sustaining Motivation 306
Developing Power 307
Promoting Leadership 308
Facilitating Choices 308
Shaping Competence 309
Changing Perspectives 310
Offering Feedback 310
Creating New Concepts 311
Using Narrative Strategies 313
Trying Out New Behaviors 315
Managing Resources 318
Linking Clients with Resources 318
Client Advocacy 319
Maximizing Clients’ Rights 321
Fair Hearings and Appeals 321
Educating 322
Teaching 322
Sharing Information 324
Looking Forward 326

13. Intervention: Creating Alliances 327
Developing Alliances Through Small Groups 328
Groups and Empowerment 330
Mutual Aid in Groups 331
Self-Help Groups 332
Social Action Through Group Work 334
Natural Support Alliances 334
Case Management: Client–Service Alliances 338
Overview of Case Management 338
The Purpose of Case Management 339
Case Management Activities with Clients 340
Case Management Activities Within the Delivery System 342
Case Management as Policy Practice 343
Workers’ Resources for Case Management 344
Case Management in Action: A Practice Example 344
Critical Issues and Ethical Dilemmas in Case Management 345
Organizational Alliances for Service Delivery 349
Participating in Nongovernmental Organizational Alliances 349
Building Interagency Coalitions 350
Working on Teams 350
Leading Effective Meetings 351
Professional Support Networks 352
Alliances Within Organizations 352
Antidotes to Burnout 354
Professional Memberships 356
Alliances Through Technology 357
Looking Forward 358

14. Intervention: Expanding Opportunities 359
Opportunities: Keys to Empowerment 360
Empowerment and Opportunities 360
Empowerment in Groups and Communities 361
Identifying Resource Shortages 362
Mobilizing Resources 363
Educating the Public 363
Writing Grant Proposals 363
Community Change 365
Generalist Processes for Working with Communities 366
Working with Communities Through Organizing 366
Working with Communities Through Development 367
Social Work as a Political Profession 369
Policy Development 370
Policy Analysis and Change 370
Consumer Participation in Policy Development 371
Social Activism and Social Advocacy 372
A Heritage of Social Reform 373
Promoting Social Action 373
Advocacy Role 373
Legislative Advocacy 375
Looking Forward 378

15. Evaluation: Recognizing Success 379
Social Work Research and Evaluation 380
Integrating Research and Practice 381
Client Involvement in Research and Evaluation 382
Evidence-Based Practice 382
Steps for Evidence-Based Decision Making 383
Implications for Social Work Practice 385
Ethics in Research 385
Research-Informed Practice 386
The Research Process 386
Research Terminology 387
Client Outcome Evaluation 390
Client Outcome Assessment 391
Using Standardized Instruments in Practice Evaluation 392
Progress Evaluation 393
Monitoring and Evaluating Action Plans 393
Goal Attainment Scaling 394
Single-System Designs 395
Elements of Single-System Designs 396
Types of Single-System Designs 396
Limitations of Single-System Designs 402
Program Evaluation 402
Program Evaluation Design 403
Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 404
Empowerment Evaluation 406
Looking Forward 407

16. Intervention: Integrating Gains 408
Social Work Endings 409
Completing Contracts 410
Preparing for Resolution 411
Discussing Readiness 412
Evaluating 412
Sharing Feelings 413
Generalizing Outcomes 414
Celebrations and Ritualized Endings 415
Looking to the Future 416
Following Up 416
Responding to Clients’ Discontinuation of Services 417
Closing with Referral 419
Acknowledging Limited Resources 419
Implementing Legal Mandates 421
Making Referrals 421
When Clients Die 423
Grief 423
End-of-Life Care 424
Grieving the Death of a Client 424
Resolving Relationships with Larger Systems 425
Small Group Endings 426
Resolving Intermember Relationships 428
Endings with Organizations and Communities 429
Endings Are Beginnings 431
Epilogue 432

References 434
Glossary 000
Name Index 000
Subject Index 000

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