For all introductory courses in health care administration.
This foundational text introduces future health care administrators to the full scope of responsibilities associated with these crucial positions. Fundamentals of Health Care Administration prepares students for comprehensive education on the health care industry, and helps them build the strong critical thinking and analysis skills they will need as administrators. Its broad coverage includes finance, human resources, risk assessment, crisis management, compliance, internal and external audits, quality assessment/control, performance improvement, legal and ethical concerns, and more. The first chapter includes a bulleted list of required knowledge and skills from an actual health care administrator’s job description. The remaining chapters tie directly to that job description. Each chapter illustrates key concepts with relevant examples, including short selections from authoritative government documents. Complex concepts are organized into bulleted lists or steps, making them easier to understand and use. Extensive chapter review includes multiple choice, matching, short answer, and true/false questions.
Hallmark Features
Thorough coverage of the knowledge and skills modern health care administrators need–beginning with an actual job description, and then drilling down to each key area of focus
“When You Are the Administrator…” boxes–encouraging students to envision themselves as health care administrators, and showing why they need to learn each key concept
Critical Thinking and Analysis assignments–promoting active engagement and deeper thinking in both the classroom and in homework assignments
Real life case studies from the Department of Justice and the Office of the Inspector General–ensuring that students will thoroughly understand the life-or-death implications of their work as administrators
Full-color photographs, line art, and graphs–illuminating key concepts throughout, and supporting visual learning
Bulleted lists and steps–organizing complex concepts into bite-size phases, steps, and skills
Consistent, proven pedagogical elements throughout–promoting efficient learning through clear Learning Objectives, case studies, practical feature boxes, concise summaries, and more
Extensive, flexible chapter review sections–including multiple choice, matching, short answer, and true/false questions to support diverse instructional goals, courses, and students
AHRQ “30 Safe Practices for Better Health Care” fact sheet and other Quality of Care resources–helping students join and lead health care quality and safety initiatives
Authoritative resources for addressing key administrative trends and challenges–including guidelines for preventing workplace violence, compliance plan contents, guidance for both physician practices and hospitals, a strategic plan from the Department of Health and Human Services, and a risk management and medical liability plan from the US Federal Government, Department of Indian Affairs
Coverage of administration in all care settings–ranging from a single physician office to a chain of clinics, a network of hospitals, home health and hospice agencies, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, or continuing care communities
Key terms, abbreviations, and acronyms–includinglists of important terms at the beginning of each chapter; first references in boldface with definitions, and a complete glossary at the end of the book
Up-to-date web links and additional resources–providing extensive opportunities for further exploration