Foundations of Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 7, 2011) © 2012

  • Effie P. Kritikos
  • Phyllis L. LeDosquet
  • Mark Melton



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·         Field-based case studies present real-life scenarios which discuss a variety of disabilities at the beginning of each chapter and include questions that are answered at the end of the chapter to help readers see the ideas in real-life contexts.

·         Current research and standards in the field ground each chapter’s content.

·         Current legal changes, as well as the latest revisions of formal and informal assessments keep readers up to date on the topics critical to the field.

·         Different types of assessment tools are discussed to help educators with ongoing assessment and the decision-making process.

·         Early childhood special education standards are included at the beginning of each chapter to ground the chapter content in standards from the field.

·         Web links related to the chapter content appear at the end of each chapter to provide additional resources for readers in order to better understand the ideas presented.

·         Key terms at the end of each chapter help readers focus on important ideas in the chapter as they read and learn the material.

·         Breakpoint practice sections following each section in every chapter help readers check their understanding of major ideas.

·         Activities at the end of each chapter help readers further check their understanding of the chapter content.

·         Tables of relevant assessments used for the content area are dispersed throughout chapters to give readers access to the assessments discussed, including critical measurement information.

Assessing the Needs of Young Children in Early Childhood Special Education:

A Focus on Best Practices for Effective Intervention and Development



Part I              Foundations of Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education


Chapter One: Introduction to Children with Special Needs

History of Early Childhood Special Education

History of Assessment

Overview of Text

        Part I: Foundations of Assessment in ECSE

        Part II: Assessment Approaches and Considerations

        Part III: Developmental Domains

Using the Text



Chapter Two:  Legal Issues

Chapter Objectives

Assessing Huan

History of Legislation

        The Public Law (P.L. 94-142)                                                     

Breakpoint Practice

The Individual with Disabilities Education Act

        Structure of the IDEA

        Part B Services                                                 

        Part C Services                                                 

Breakpoint Practice

Key Provisions of Part C Services

        Interagency Coordinating Councils

        Assessment and Eligibility

        Natural Environments

        Individualized Family Service Plan

Breakpoint Practice

No Child Left Behind and IDEIA

Early Childhood Special Education Assessment and Legal Trends

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Huan



Key Terms



Chapter Three:  Family Diversity and Assessment

Chapter Objectives

Assessing Sarah

Diversity in America Today

Family Systems Theory






Breakpoint Practice

Culture Defined

        Race and Ethnicity







        Contextualizing Culture

Breakpoint Practice

Family Centered Service Delivery

Breakpoint Practice

Knowledge for Developing Cultural Competencies

Breakpoint Practice

Skills for Developing Cultural Competency

Breakpoint Practice

Steps for Self-Reflection

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Sarah



Key Terms



Chapter Four:  Collaboration


Chapter Objectives

Assessing Michelle


Breakpoint Practice      

        Team Process

Collaboration Models

        Multidisciplinary Approach

        Interdisciplinary Approach

        Transdisciplinary Approach

Breakpoint Practice

Best Collaboration Practice

Breakpoint Practice

        Fostering Collaborative Assessment Relationships

Breakpoint Practice

        Effective Communication

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Michelle



Key Terms



Part II             Assessment Approaches and Considerations


Chapter Five:  Technical Aspects of Assessment


Chapter Objectives

Assessing Judy

Norm-Reverenced, Standardized Testing

        Application to the Classroom


Breakpoint Practice      

        Reliability Types

Breakpoint Practice


        Validity Types   

Breakpoint Practice                  

Curriculum-Based Measurement and Validity and Reliability

Curriculum-Based Assessment

Breakpoint Practice                  

        Norms and Testing

Breakpoint Practice

Breakpoint Practice

Breakpoint Practice

Breakpoint Practice

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Judy



Key Terms



Chapter Six:  Assessment Models


Chapter Objectives

Assessing Anna

Alternative Assessment Models

Breakpoint Practice      

        Performance-Based Assessment

        Authentic Assessment

        Judgment-Based Assessment

        Portfolio Assessment

Breakpoint Practice

        Play-Based Assessment

        Dynamic Assessment

Revisiting Anna



Key Terms



Chapter Seven: Environmental Analysis


Chapter Objectives

Assessing Carlos

Early Childhood Environments

        Environmental Analysis

Breakpoint Practice

Environmental Rating Scales

Breakpoint Practice

Functional Behavioral Assessment

Breakpoint Practice

Supporting Assessment Tools

Breakpoint Practice

Environmental Analysis and Curriculum

        Special Needs and the Learning Environment

        Health and Safety

        Families as Partners

        Natural Environments




        Scaffolding and Mediation

        Embedded Instruction

        Positive Behavioral Supports

Breakpoint Practice

Reassessing Carlos



Key Terms



Chapter Eight: Observational Assessment

Chapter Objectives

Assessing Athena



Breakpoint Practice


Breakpoint Practice

ABC Procedure

Observational Recording System

            Recording Techniques   

Breakpoint Practice

Checklists and Rating Scales

        Checklists and Rating Scales for Autism

        Checklists and Rating Scales for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

        Checklists and Rating Scales for Atypical Behavior

        Checklists and Rating Scales for Environmental Assessments

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Athena



Key Terms                               




Part III            Developmental Domains


Chapter Nine:  Sensory Assessment


Chapter Objectives

Assessing Louie           

Vision Assessment

        Visual Process

        Vision Disorders

Breakpoint Practice

        Visual Concerns

        Functional Vision Assessment

Breakpoint Practice

        Assessment of Visual Motor Skills

Breakpoint Practice

        Final Considerations                              

Hearing Assessment

        Physiology of Hearing

        Hearing Testing

        Types of Hearing Loss



        Modes of Communication

Breakpoint Practice

        Central Auditory Hearing Loss

Breakpoint Practice

        Auditory Processing Tests

Breakpoint Practice

Assistive Technologies              

        Models of Assistive Technology

        Assistive Technology Areas

Breakpoint Practice

Other Considerations

Breakpoint Practice

        Sorting it Out

Breakpoint Practice

        Failures in Self-Regulation

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Louie



Key Terms



Chapter Ten: Cognitive and Social-Emotional Assessment


Chapter Objectives

Assessing Joey

Cognition and Social-Emotional Development      

Major Theories


Breakpoint Practice                  


Breakpoint Practice

        Multiple Intelligences

          Social-Emotional Intelligence

Breakpoint Practice

Assessment of Cognition

        Standardized (Norm-Referenced) Assessments

        Criterion and Curriculum-Referenced Assessments

Breakpoint Practice

Assessment of Social-Emotional Development

        Assessment Tools for Social-Emotional Development

Breakpoint Practice

Assessment Considerations

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Joey



Key Terms                                                                               



Chapter Eleven: Communication

Chapter Objectives

Assessing Anita           

Definitions of Receptive and Expressive Language

        Form, Content and Use

Breakpoint Practice

Assessing Language


        Screening Tools

Breakpoint Practice

Comprehensive Assessment

        Comprehensive Standardized Assessment Tools

        Global Testing

        General Language Tests

        Receptive Vocabulary

        Expressive Vocabulary

        Auditory Comprehension and Discrimination

        Pragmatic Language

Breakpoint Practice

Criterion and Curriculum Referenced Assessment

Breakpoint Practice                                          

Informal Measures

        Language Samples

        Dynamic Assessment

Breakpoint Practice

Revisiting Anita


Key Terms




Chapter Twelve:  Motor Development and Adaptive Skills

Chapter Objectives

Assessing Marcus

Motor Development       

Gross Motor Development

        Reflex Assessment

Breakpoint Practice

        Muscle Tone

Breakpoint Practice

        Gross Motor Milestones

Fine Motor Development

Breakpoint Practice

Self-help/Adaptive Development


        Development of Feeding Skills

Breakpoint Practice




Breakpoint Practice

        Self-Help Skill Assessments

Revisiting Marcus


Key Terms







Dr. Effie Papoutsis Kritikos is a professor in the Department of Special Education at Northeastern Illinois University, where she has taught for ten years. She is multi-certified in various areas of special education, including speech-language pathology. Dr. Kritikos has written, reviewed and presented numerous papers for a multitude of organizations and is the author of the textbook, Special Education Assessment: Issues and Strategies Affecting Today’s Classrooms.

Dr. Phyllis LeDosquet is an associate professor in early childhood special education in the Department of Special Education at Northeastern Illinois University where she has coordinated and taught courses in the early childhood special education program for seven years. She has over 20 years experience in the assessment of infants, toddlers, and young children with exceptional learning needs and has provided support to children, families and educators in both home and school environments. 

Dr. Mark Melton, LCSW, is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education at Northeastern Illinois University, where he has taught for five years. Dr. Melton has experience as a classroom teacher, school administrator, and clinical supervisor in various special education settings. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Dr. Melton maintains a private practice in clinical social work supporting children with behavioral and regulatory challenges and their families.

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