Family in Transition, 17th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2014

  • Arlene S. Skolnick New York University
  • Jerome H. Skolnick New York University

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ISBN-13: 9780137617708 (2021 update)

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Illustrates dramatic transformations in the American family

Family in Transition, 17/e, creates a balanced view of the family from both current and historical points of view. The authors tap a range of research disciplines to create a broadly defined portrait of how great shifts in such areas as the national economy, life expectancy, and education are transforming the American family.

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Brief Contents

Part I The Changing Family

  1. Families Past and Present
  2. Public Debates and Private Lives

Part II Sex and Gender

  1. Changing Gender Roles
  2. Sexualtiy and Society
  3. Courtship and Marriage
  4. Divorce and Remarriage

Part III Parents and Children

  1. Parenthood
  2. Childhood and Youth

Part IV Families in Society

  1. Work and Family Life
  2. Family and the Economy
  3. Dimensions of Diversity
  4. Trouble in the Family

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