Exercises in Physical Geology, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (July 30, 2004) © 2005

  • W Kenneth Hamblin
  • James D. Howard Brigham Young University
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  • A print text

For lab courses in Physical Geology.


A top-seller for over 35 years with over one million copies sold, this lab manual represents by far the best collection of photos of rocks and minerals–and one of the best compilations of exercises–available. With exercises using maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and other materials, this classic manual encompasses all the major geologic processes as well as the identification of rocks and minerals. All changes in the Twelfth Edition are based on reviewer feedback.

  1. Minerals and Crystal Growth

  2. Mineral Identification

  3. Igneous Rocks

  4. Sedimentary Rocks

  5. Metamorphic Rocks

  6. Geologic Time—Relative Dating

  7. Maps and Aerial Photos

  8. Landforms of the United States

  9. Stream Erosion and Deposition

10. Mass Movement

11. Groundwater and Karst Topography

12. Valley Glaciation

13. Continental Glaciation

14. Shoreline Processes

15. Eolian Processes

16. Structural Geology

17. Seismology

18. Plate Tectonics

19. Divergent Plate Boundaries

20. Transform Plate Boundaries

21. Convergent Plate Boundaries

22. Plumes and Hotspots

23. Planetary Geology

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