Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2012

  • Christopher R. Williams University of West Georgia
  • Bruce A. Arrigo University of North Carolina at Charlotte

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ISBN-13: 9780137549399 (2021 update)

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Part I: An Invitation to Ethics
1. Criminal Justice and the Study of Morality
2. Choices, Values, and Ethics

Part II: Metaethics and Moral Psychology
3. Free Will and Moral Responsibility
4. Is Morality Relative? The Variability of Norms and Values
5. Why Should We Be Good?
6. Morality, Human Nature, and Social Cooperation
7. Becoming Ethical. The Development of Morality

Part III: Normative Ethics. Theory and Application
8. Means and Ends. The Importance of Consequences
9. Respecting Persons, Respecting Rights. The Ethics of Duty
10. The Virtuous and the Vicious. Considering Character
11. The Examined Life. A Guide to Moral Thinking and Decision-Making
12. Applying Ethics. Utilizing Ethical Concepts and Frameworks for Decision-Making


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