Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (April 19, 2024) © 2025

  • Theodore P. Remley University of Holy Cross , University of New Orleans
  • Barbara P. Herlihy University of New Orleans

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ISBN-13: 9780138173777 (2024 update)

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Written by 2 counseling professors, 1 an attorney and the other an expert in ethics, Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling walks you through the ethical, legal and professional challenges you'll encounter in your career as a practicing counseling. It includes numerous case studies to highlight ethical and legal situations faced by counselors as well as practical advice on how to resolve these situations.

The 7th Edition discusses the major impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every aspect of the counseling profession in every chapter. Additional case studies, updated information on the use of technology, and expanded focus on multicultural, social justice and advocacy issues keep you informed and up to date.

Section 1: Foundations

  1. Introduction
  2. Professional Identity of Counselors
  3. Multiculturalism, Social Justice, Advocacy, and Values

Section 2: Issues

  1. Client Welfare and Informed Consent
  2. Confidentiality and Privileged Communication
  3. Records and Subpoenas
  4. Competence, Assessment, and Diagnosis
  5. Malpractice and Resolving Legal and Ethical Challenges
  6. Boundary Issues
  7. Technology in Counseling
  8. Counseling Children and Vulnerable Adults
  9. Counseling Families and Groups
  10. Professional Relationships, Private Practice, and Health Care Plans
  11. Issues in Counselor Education
  12. Supervision and Consultation
  13. Professional Writing, Conducting Research, and Publishing


  1. ACA Code of Ethics
  2. Counseling Disclosure and Agreement Forms
  3. Client Request Form to Transfer Records
  4. Client Permission Form to Record Counseling Session for Supervision Purposes
  5. Guidelines for Counseling Case Notes
  6. Clinical Supervision Model Agreement

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