Essentials of Strategic Management, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2011

  • J David Hunger
  • Thomas L. Wheelen

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ISBN-13: 9780137546541 (2021 update)

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For undergraduate and graduate level Strategic Management courses.
Get straight to the heart of important strategic management concepts.
This brief text offers a concise explanation of the most important concepts and techniques in strategic management. Further, cases and simulations are a perfect supplement to Essentials of Strategic Management, while its brevity also makes it suitable for use in corporate and executive training programs.
This edition contains new information to reflect the latest changes in the discipline while remaining brief and to the point.

Brief Contents

Part 1: Introduction to Strategic Management

  • Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Strategic Management
  • Chapter 2: Corporate Governance, Ethics, and Social Responsibility

Part 2: Scanning the Environment

  • Chapter 3: Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis
  • Chapter 4: Internal Scanning: Organizational Analysis

Part 3: Strategy Formulation

  • Chapter 5: Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy
  • Chapter 6: Strategy Formulation: Corporate Strategy
  • Chapter 7: Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy and Strategic Choice

Part 4: Strategy Implementation and Control

  • Chapter 8: Strategy Implementation: Organizing for Action
  • Chapter 9: Strategy Implementation: Staffing and Leading
  • Chapter 10: Evaluation and Control

Part 5: Introduction to Case Analysis

  • Chapter 11: Suggestions for Case Analysis

Appendix A: Suggested Techniques for Case Analysis and Presentation

Appendix B: Resources for Case Research

Appendix C: Strategic Audit of a Corporation

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