Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2018

  • Jeanne Ellis Ormrod University of Northern Colorado (Emerita)
  • Brett D. Jones Virginia Tech
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1. Introduction to Educational Psychology
2. Learning, Cognition, and Memory
3. Complex Cognitive Processes
4. Learning in Context
5. Motivation and Affect
6. Cognitive Development
7. Personal, Social, and Moral Development
8. Instructional Strategies
9. Strategies for Creating an Effective Classroom Environment
10. Assessment Strategies

1. Introduction to Educational Psychology
Using Research Findings to Make Instructional Decisions
Developing as a Teacher
Strategies for Learning and Studying Effectively

2. Learning, Cognition, and Memory
Thinking and Learning in the Brain
Learning as Active Construction
How Human Memory Operates
Why Learners May or May Not Remember What They Have Learned
Promoting Effective Cognitive Processes
Supporting Optimal Brain Functioning
Remembering the Limitations of Attention and Working Memory
Encouraging Effective Long-Term Memory Storage Processes
Facilitating Retrieval
Monitoring Students' Progress

3. Complex Cognitive Processes
Self-Regulation and Metacognition
Effective Self-Regulated Learning
The Roles of Metacognition
Problem Solving and Creativity
Critical Thinking
Promoting Self-Regulation Skills and Metacognitive Development
Creating a Classroom Environment that Nurtures Complex Processes.

4. Learning in Context
Immediate Stimuli as Context
Social Interaction as Context
Culture, Society, Technology and Academic Domains as Contexts
Culture as Context
Society as Context
Technology and Media as Contexts
Academic Content Domains as Contexts
How Learners Modify Their Environments
Providing Supportive Contexts for Learning
Encouraging Productive Behaviors
Providing Physical, Social, and Technological Support for Effective Cognitive Processes
Taking Students' Broader Cultural and Socioeconomic Context into Account

5. Motivation and Affect
The Nature of Motivation
Basic Human Needs
Cognitive Factors in Motivation
Affect and its Effects on Motivation and Learning
Promoting Motivation and Productive Affect
Strategies That Empower Students
Strategies That Demonstrate the Usefulness of Activities
Strategies That Foster Success
Strategies That Stimulate Interest
Strategies That Show and Promote Caring
Strategies That Generate Productive Affect for Learning

6. Cognitive Development
General Principles of Development
Developmental Processes
Trends in Cognitive Development
Addressing Students' Developmental Needs
Accommodating Developmental Differences and Diversity
Fostering Cognitive Development in All Students

7. Personal, Social, and Moral Development
Personality and Sense of Self
Peer Relationships
Social Cognition
Moral and Prosocial Development
Promoting Personal, Social, and Moral Development
Fostering Personal Development
Encouraging Effective Social Cognition and Interpersonal Skills
Promoting Moral Reasoning and Prosocial Behavior
Supporting Students Who Face Exceptional Personal or Social Challenges

8. Instructional Strategies
Planning Instruction
Conducting Teacher-Directed Instruction
Conducting Learner-Directed Instruction
General Instructional Strategies

9. Strategies for Creating an Effective Classroom Environment
Creating an Environment Conducive to Learning
Expanding the Sense of Community Beyond the Classroom
Reducing Unproductive Behaviors
Addressing Aggression and Violence at School

10. Assessment Strategies
Using Assessments for Various Purposes
Guiding Instructional Decision Making
Diagnosing Learning and Performance Problem
Determining What Students Have Ultimately Learned from Instruction
Evaluating the Quality of Instruction
Promoting Learning
Enhancing Learning through Classroom Assessment Practices
Important Qualities of Good Assessment
Informally and Formally Assessing Students' Progress and Achievements
Conducting Informal Assessments
Designing and Giving Formal Assessments
Evaluating Students' Performance on Formal Assessments
Summarizing Students' Achievement with Grades and Portfolios
Assessing Students' Achievement and Abilities with Standardized Tests

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