Essential Statistics, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (January 27, 2016) © 2017

  • Robert N. Gould University of California, Los Angeles
  • Colleen Ryan California Lutheran University
  • Rebecca Wong West Valley College
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Index of Applications


1. Introduction to Data

            Case Study–Deadly Cell Phones?

1.1 What Are Data?

1.2 Classifying and Storing Data

1.3 Organizing Categorical Data

1.4 Collecting Data to Understand Causality

            Exploring Statistics–Collecting a Table of Different Kinds of Data


2. Picturing Variation with Graphs

            Case Study–Student-to-Teacher Ratio at Colleges

2.1 Visualizing Variation in Numerical Data

2.2 Summarizing Important Features of a Numerical Distribution

2.3 Visualizing Variation in Categorical Variables

2.4 Summarizing Categorical Distributions

2.5 Interpreting Graphs

            Exploring Statistics–Personal Distance


3. Numerical Summaries of Center and Variation

            Case Study–Living in a Risky World

3.1 Summaries for Symmetric Distributions

3.2 What’s Unusual? The Empirical Rule and z-Scores

3.3 Summaries for Skewed Distributions

3.4 Comparing Measures of Center

3.5 Using Boxplots for Displaying Summaries

            Exploring Statistics–Does Reaction Distance Depend on Gender?


4. Regression Analysis: Exploring Associations between Variables

            Case Study–Catching Meter Thieves

4.1 Visualizing Variability with a Scatterplot

4.2 Measuring Strength of Association with Correlation

4.3 Modeling Linear Trends

4.4 Evaluating the Linear Model

            Exploring Statistics–Guessing the Age of Famous People


5. Modeling Variation with Probability

            Case Study–SIDS or Murder?

5.1 What Is Randomness?

5.2 Finding Theoretical Probabilities

5.3 Associations in Categorical Variables

5.4 Finding Empirical Probabilities

            Exploring Statistics–Let’s Make a Deal: Stay or Switch?


6. Modeling Random Events: The Normal and Binomial Models

            Case Study–You Sometimes Get More Than You Pay For

6.1 Probability Distributions Are Models of Random Experiments

6.2 The Normal Model

6.3 The Binomial Model (optional)

            Exploring Statistics–ESP with Coin Flipping


7. Survey Sampling and Inference

            Case Study–Spring Break Fever: Just What the Doctors Ordered?

7.1 Learning about the World through Surveys

7.2 Measuring the Quality of a Survey

7.3 The Central Limit Theorem for Sample Proportions

7.4 Estimating the Population Proportion with Confidence Intervals

7.5 Comparing Two Population Proportions with Confidence

            Exploring Statistics–Simple Random Sampling Prevents Bias


8. Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportions

            Case Study–Dodging the Question

8.1 The Essential Ingredients of Hypothesis Testing

8.2 Hypothesis Testing in Four Steps

8.3 Hypothesis Tests in Detail

8.4 Comparing Proportions from Two Populations

            Exploring Statistics–Identifying Flavors of Gum through Smell


9. Inferring Population Means

            Case Study–Epilepsy Drugs and Children

9.1 Sample Means of Random Samples

9.2 The Central Limit Theorem for Sample Means

9.3 Answering Questions about the Mean of a Population

9.4 Hypothesis Testing for Means

9.5 Comparing Two Population Means

9.6 Overview of Analyzing Means

            Exploring Statistics–Pulse Rates


10. Analyzing Categorical Variables and Interpreting Research

            Case Study–Popping Better Popcorn

10.1 The Basic Ingredients for Testing with Categorical Variables

10.2 Chi-Square Tests for Associations between Categorical Variables

10.3 Reading Research Papers

            Exploring Statistics–Skittles


Appendix A Tables

Appendix B Check Your Tech Answers

Appendix C Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises

Appendix D Credits


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