Elementary Algebra for College Students, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (January 5, 2018) © 2019

  • Allen R. Angel Monroe Community College
  • Dennis Runde State College of Florida


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For courses in Beginning Algebra.

Making math clear

The Angel/Runde program offers market-leading content written by respected author-educators, with concise sentences and clear examples to ensure that all students develop true understanding. In the 10th Edition of Elementary Algebra for College Students, the author team retains their hallmark clarity of language while revamping exercise sets and creating innovative resources to give students a comprehensive learning and practice environment. More than any other, the Angel/Runde series of texts fosters the clarity, motivation and understanding students need to master algebra.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Clear, visual presentation gives students content in a readable, easy-to-understand format.
    • Examples use color to highlight the variables and important notation to clearly illustrate the solution process.
  • Applications help students make connections between abstract math concepts and the real world.
    • Chapter-Opening Applications begin each chapter with a real-life scenario related to that chapter's material. By the time students complete the chapter, they should have the knowledge to work the application.
  • Now Try Exercises (which follow each example) are enhanced with additional focus on odd-even pairing, ensuring that students work a parallel exercise to reinforce the concepts from the example.

New and updated features of this title

  • New and revised Understanding Algebra call-outs highlight key points throughout the text, allowing students to identify the most important topics at a glance. Many are updated for greater clarity, supporting students in understanding the language of algebra.
  • Revamped exercise sets ensure students have access to optimal practice to build understanding.
    • Exercise sets include Warm-Up Exercises, Practice the Skills, and Problem Solving. Many exercise sets also contain Concept/Writing Exercises, Challenge Problems, and/or Group Activities. 
    • Precise gradation from simple exercises to more complex has been refined, allowing students to begin more with basic concepts and work their way into more difficult problems.
    • Revisions more closely correlate each odd and even exercise, so that exercises are truly paired. Even exercises can be used for classroom examples.

Features of MyLab Math for the 10th Edition

  • New Skill Builder assignments offer adaptive practice that helps students complete their assignments. By monitoring performance on homework, Skill Builder adapts to each student's needs and provides just-in-time, in-assignment practice to help them improve their proficiency of key learning objectives.
  • An updated video program includes new resources to support and motivate students:
    • New Chapter Opener videos highlight how the math students are about to learn in each chapter can be applied in the real world. These videos can be assigned to students for homework or to kick off a lecture in the classroom.
    • Updated instructional videos walk students through the concepts and examples in a modern presentation format. 
  • Enhanced Sample Assignments make course set-up easier by providing a starting point for each chapter. Each sample assignment has been carefully curated for this specific text by author Dennis Runde, based on his experience in the classroom, and have been crafted to include a thoughtful mix of question types. Instructors can copy and assign these in the Assignment Manager in MyLab Math and modify them as needed.  
  • A premade learning path in MyLab Math encourages students to use their resources, such as the eText or videos, before going to their homework.  

1. Real Numbers

  • 1.1 Study Skills for Success in Mathematics
  • 1.2 Problem Solving
  • 1.3 Fractions
  • 1.4 The Real Number System
  • 1.5 Inequalities and Absolute Value
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 1.1-1.5
  • 1.6 Addition of Real Numbers
  • 1.7 Subtraction of Real Numbers
  • 1.8 Multiplication and Division of Real Numbers
  • 1.9 Exponents, Parentheses, and the Order of Operations
  • 1.10 Properties of the Real Number System

2. Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

  • 2.1 Combining Like Terms
  • 2.2 The Addition Property of Equality
  • 2.3 The Multiplication Property of Equality
  • 2.4 Solving Linear Equations with a Variable on Only One Side of the Equation
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 2.1-2.4
  • 2.5 Solving Linear Equations with the Variable on Both Sides of the Equation
  • 2.6 Formulas
  • 2.7 Ratios and Proportions
  • 2.8 Inequalities in One Variable

3. Applications of Algebra

  • 3.1 Changing Application Problems into Equations
  • 3.2 Solving Application Problems
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 3.1-3.2
  • 3.3 Geometric Problems
  • 3.4 Motion, Money, and Mixture Problems

4. Exponents and Polynomials

  • 4.1 Exponents
  • 4.2 Negative Exponents
  • 4.3 Scientific Notation
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 4.1-4.3
  • 4.4 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
  • 4.5 Multiplication of Polynomials
  • 4.6 Division of Polynomials

5. Factoring

  • 5.1 Factoring a Monomial from a Polynomial
  • 5.2 Factoring by Grouping
  • 5.3 Factoring Trinomials of the Form ax2 + bx + c, a = 1
  • 5.4 Factoring Trinomials of the Form ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 1
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 5.1-5.4
  • 5.5 Special Factoring Formulas and a General Review of Factoring
  • 5.6 Solving Quadratic Equations Using Factoring
  • 5.7 Applications of Quadratic Equations

6. Rational Expressions and Equations

  • 6.1 Simplifying Rational Expressions
  • 6.2 Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions
  • 6.3 Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions with a Common Denominator and Finding the Least Common Denominator
  • 6.4 Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 6.1-6.4
  • 6.5 Complex Fractions
  • 6.6 Solving Rational Equations
  • 6.7 Rational Equations: Applications and Problem Solving
  • 6.8 Variation

7. Graphing Linear Equations

  • 7.1 The Cartesian Coordinate System and Linear Equations in Two Variables
  • 7.2 Graphing Linear Equations
  • 7.3 Slope of a Line
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 7.1-7.3
  • 7.4 Slope-Intercept and Point-Slope Forms of a Linear Equation
  • 7.5 Graphing Linear Inequalities
  • 7.6 Functions

8. Systems of Linear Equations

  • 8.1 Solving Systems of Equations Graphically
  • 8.2 Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution
  • 8.3 Solving Systems of Equations by the Addition Method
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 8.1-8.3
  • 8.4 Systems of Equations: Applications and Problem Solving
  • 8.5 Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities

9. Roots and Radicals

  • 9.1 Evaluating Square Roots
  • 9.2 Simplifying Square Roots
  • 9.3 Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Square Roots
  • 9.4 Dividing Square Roots
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 9.1-9.4
  • 9.5 Solving Radical Equations
  • 9.6 Radicals: Applications and Problem Solving
  • 9.7 Higher Roots and Rational Exponents

10. Quadratic Equations

  • 10.1 The Square Root Property
  • 10.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
  • 10.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula
  • Mid-Chapter Test: Sections 10.1-10.3
  • 10.4 Graphing Quadratic Equations
  • 10.5 Complex Numbers


  • A. Review of Decimals and Percent
  • B. Geometry

About our authors

Allen Angel received his BS and MS in mathematics from SUNY at New Paltz. He completed additional graduate work at Rutgers University. He taught at Sullivan County Community College and Monroe Community College, where he served as chairperson of the Mathematics Department. He served as Assistant Director of the National Science Foundation at Rutgers University for the summers of 1967 - 1970. He was President of The New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (NYSMATYC). He also served as Northeast Vice President of the American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). Allen lives in Palm Harbor, Florida but spends his summers in Penfield, New York. He enjoys playing tennis and watching sports. He also enjoys traveling with his wife Kathy.

Dennis Runde received his BS and MS in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin - Platteville and Milwaukee, respectively. He has a PhD in Mathematics Education from the University of South Florida. He has been teaching for 27 years at State College of Florida - Manatee - Sarasota. His interests include reading, history, fishing, trivia contests and cooking. He and his wife Kristin are the proud parents of their 3 sons Alex, Nick and Max.

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