Electronic Systems Technician, Level 1, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (July 7, 2010) © 2010


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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes Introduction to the Trade, Wood and Masonry Construction Methods, Concrete and Steel Construction Methods, Pathways and Spaces, Craft-Related Mathematics, Hand Bending of Conduit, Introduction to the National Electrical Code® and Low-Voltage Cabling.

All levels are being updated to current technology, boast new content, photographs and illustrations, and contain ‘going green’ features to highlight ecologically friendly work practices.

Level One

  • Now in full color!
Former ‘Construction Materials and Methods’ module divided into residential and commercial modules.
  • Former ‘Fasteners and Anchors’ module now integrated into these distinct modules and applications.
  • Total Level Hours: 160  (includes 72.5 hours of Core Curriculum which is a prerequisite for Level 1 completion and must be purchased separately.)


    33101-10 Introduction to the Trade

    (2.5 Hours)

    Provides an overview of the alarm, telecommunications, and entertainment electronics industries from a technician’s perspective. Also introduces the elements of professional conduct and trainees’ responsibilities to themselves and their employers, customers, and fellow workers.


    33102-10 Wood and Masonry Construction Methods

    (12.5 Hours)

    Gives the trainees an overview of the materials and techniques used in constructing and finishing residential and commercial buildings, including wood frame, brick and block, and post and beam. Covers common drills, bits, and techniques used to drill through wood and masonry. Also reviews the various types of fasteners used with these materials.


    33103-10 Concrete and Steel Construction Methods

    (12.5 Hours)

    Gives the trainees an overview of the materials and techniques used in constructing and fi nishing residential and commercial buildings, including poured and prefabricated concrete and structural steel. Covers common drills, bits, and techniques used to drill through concrete and steel. Also reviews the various types of fasteners used with these materials.


    33104-10 Pathways and Spaces

    (12.5 Hours)

    Introduces the many types of conduits and wireways used in low-voltage applications, along with their supporting hardware and fittings. Provides an overview of telecommunications cable pathways from the source to the destination, including maintenance holes, ducts, equipment rooms, and telecommunications closets.


    33105-10 Craft-Related Mathematics

    (12.5 Hours)

    Expands on the knowledge gained in the Core Curriculum module Introduction to Construction Math. Emphasizes the metric system, including how to convert between corresponding English and metric system units. Also covers the use of scientific notation, powers and roots, and the basic concepts of algebra, geometry, and right-angle trigonometry.


    33106-10 Hand Bending of Conduit

    (7.5 Hours)

    Provides an introduction to conduit bending and installation. Covers the techniques for using hand-operated conduit benders, as well as cutting, reaming, and threading conduit.


    33107-10 Introduction to the National Electrical Code®

    (7.5 Hours)

    Provides a navigational road map for using the NEC®. Introduces the layout of the NEC® and the types of information found within the code book. Allows trainees to practice finding information using an easy-to-follow procedure.


    33108-10 Low-Voltage Cabling

    (20 Hours)

    Covers the makeup, identifi cation, and applications of various types of conductors and cables used in telecommunications and security systems. Describes the tools, materials, and procedures for pulling cables through conduit and raceways.

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