Electricity, Electronics, and Control Systems for HVAC, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (October 18, 2007) © 2008

  • Thomas E. Kissell

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For courses in Principles of Heating, Ventilating, AC/Refrigeration, Electricity and Electronics for HVAC and Controls for HVAC. Electricity, Electronics, and Control Systems for HVAC was written to help students understand how to install, troubleshoot and repair electrical parts of air-conditioning, heating, and refrigeration systems. The author uses over 20 years of experience to simplify electrical theory, show the operations of motors and controls and teach various troubleshooting techniques. Chapters are devoted to reading and writing diagrams and a unique chapter is included on how to find and keep a job. With strong visuals and a clear presentation, this book is simple enough for beginners yet detailed enough to serve as a reference in the field.

New to the Edition


New! Chapter 6, Reading and Writing Schematic (Ladder) Diagrams and Wiring Diagrams conveys to students the important skills of reading, converting, and writing electrical schematic and wiring diagrams.

New! Chapter 8, Installing HVAC and Refrigeration Systems pulls together all of the essential information for successful installations.

New! Chapter 18, Troubleshooting Modern Refrigeration, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Control Circuitry and Systems presents a consistent and simplified process for attacking problems of all kinds. 

New! Chapter 21, Getting and Keeping an HVAC and Refrigeration Job is unique to this text. Searching for a job, writing a résumé, and preparing for the job interview are explained in detail.

Now features a complete teaching system that includes a Student Lab Manual, an Instructor’s Manual, a Test Generator, and a PowerPoint Slide Set. 

Revised! Chapter 1 (safety) covers the introduction to safety.

·           Provides complete understanding of how to work safely around electricity.

·           Discusses shop safety, construction site safety, and safety for working in a residential setting.

Revised! Chapters 9, 10 and 11 (motors) provide an in-depth study of the operation of motors and how to install and troubleshoot them.

·           Gives students a strong background in motors so that they are better prepared for their time on the job.

·           Devotes three chapters to this topic because of the amount of time spent in the field installing and troubleshooting motors and compressors.

Restructured! Chapter 19 and Chapter 20 (electronic and computer control devices and systems) provide a look into the future. These chapters offer synthesized treatment of electronic and computer control devices and systems so material can be covered (or excluded) depending on one’s curriculum. 

New! Job Assignment exercises begin each chapter.

·           Gives students a task they would be expected to do on the job. (Solutions to job assignments are provided at the end of each chapter.)

New! Learning Objectives and Vocabulary Terms are provided at the beginning of each chapter.

·           Help readers become acquainted with chapter material.

Hallmark Features

Fundamentals of AC and DC electricity—provides a firm foundation in basic concepts and then develops the knowledge and skills needed to install, troubleshoot, and repair electrical circuits and components.

·         Gives students a thorough understanding of the basic operating systems of HVAC equipment.

Basic electric theory—focuses on the components and circuits found in air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration systems and presents theory in the context in which students will use it to troubleshoot each component.

·         Provides students with basic knowledge of electric theory as it relates to their jobs.

Thorough coverage of controls—appears in Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

·           Provides an in-depth presentation of the controls used in all types of HVAC and refrigeration systems.

·           Makes it easy to learn the controls that apply to each system and reference material quickly.

Strong visuals, in-depth explanations and complete electrical diagrams—of the motors and controls found in air conditioning, furnaces, heat pumps, and refrigeration equipment.

·         Appeals to visual learners.

·         Helps students see how each component works individually and together in the system.

Step-by-step examples of solving for volts, ohms, amps, and power in any circuit—introduces only one theory in each problem and provides follow-up problems and applications that are directly linked to real-life HVAC applications.

·         Guides students through calculations and allows them to practice and apply what they have learned.

Real-world examples—uses many examples to illustrate electric theory as it applies to real-life HVAC problems.

·           Allows students to see how electric theory relates to the real world.

End-of-chapter activities—includes a variety of multiple choice, true/false, and open-ended questions that can be used as homework or end-of-chapter tests.

New to this Edition


New! Chapter 6, Reading and Writing Schematic (Ladder) Diagrams and Wiring Diagrams conveys to students the important skills of reading, converting, and writing electrical schematic and wiring diagrams.

New! Chapter 8, Installing HVAC and Refrigeration Systems pulls together all of the essential information for successful installations.

New! Chapter 18, Troubleshooting Modern Refrigeration, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Control Circuitry and Systems presents a consistent and simplified process for attacking problems of all kinds.

New! Chapter 21, Getting and Keeping an HVAC and Refrigeration Job is unique to this text. Searching for a job, writing a résumé, and preparing for the job interview are explained in detail.

Now features a complete teaching system that includes a Student Lab Manual, an Instructor’s Manual, a Test Generator, and a PowerPoint Slide Set.

Revised! Chapter 1 (safety) covers the introduction to safety.

·           Provides complete understanding of how to work safely around electricity.

·           Discusses shop safety, construction site safety, and safety for working in a residential setting.

Revised! Chapters 9, 10 and 11 (motors) provide an in-depth study of the operation of motors and how to install and troubleshoot them.

·           Gives students a strong background in motors so that they are better prepared for their time on the job.

·           Devotes three chapters to this topic because of the amount of time spent in the field installing and troubleshooting motors and compressors.

Restructured! Chapter 19 and Chapter 20 (electronic and computer control devices and systems) provide a look into the future. These chapters offer synthesized treatment of electronic and computer control devices and systems so material can be covered (or excluded) depending on one’s curriculum. 

New! Job Assignment exercises begin each chapter.

·           Gives students a task they would be expected to do on the job. (Solutions to job assignments are provided at the end of each chapter.)

New! Learning Objectives and Vocabulary Terms are provided at the beginning of each chapter.

·           Help readers become acquainted with chapter material. 

Table of Contents


1.    Safety Practices for HVAC

2.    Fundamentals of Electricity

3.    Electrical Circuits

4.    Meters and Tools for HVAC

5.    Components, Symbols and Diagrams for HVAC and Refrigeration Systems

6.    Reading and Writing Schematic (Ladder) and Wiring Diagrams

7.    Magnetism, Alternating Current, and Power Distribution

8.    Installing HVAC and Refrigeration systems

9.    Single-Phase Open Motors

10.  Single-Phase Hermetic Motors

11.  Three-Phase Open Motors and Three-Phase Hermetic Compressors

12.  Relays, Contactors, Solenoids, Motor Starters and Overcurrent Controls

13.  Thermostats, Pressure Controls and Timers

14.  Controls for Gas, Electric and Oil Heating Systems

15.  Controls for Air Conditioning Systems

16.  Electrical Control of Heat Pump Systems

17.  Electrical Control of Refrigeration Systems

18.  Troubleshooting Modern Refrigeration, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Control Circuitry and Systems

19.  Electronic Devices for HVAC Systems

20.  Direct Digital Controls (DDC) And Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCS)

21.  Getting and Keeping an HVAC and Refrigeration Job

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