Electrical, Level 1 (in Spanish), 1st edition

Published by Pearson (January 29, 2009) © 2009

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  • Instructor's Version Paperback 0-13-605755-1


(Total Level Hours: 185; includes 72.5 of Core Curriculum)

26101-08 Orientation to the Electrical Trade (2.5 Hours) 

Provides an overview of the electrical trade and discusses the career paths available to electricians.


26102-08 Electrical Safety (10 Hours)

Covers safety rules and regulations for electricians. Teaches the necessary precautions to take for various electrical hazards found on the job. Also covers the OSHA-mandated lockout/ tagout procedure.


26103-08 Introduction to Electrical Circuits (7.5 Hours)

Offers a general introduction to the electrical concepts used in Ohm’s law applied to DC series circuits. Includes atomic theory, electromotive force, resistance, and electric power equations.


26104-08 Electrical Theory (7.5 Hours)

Introduces series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits. Covers resistive circuits, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, and circuit analysis.


26105-08 Introduction to the National Electrical Code® (7.5 Hours)

Provides a navigational road map for using the NEC®. Introduces the layout of the NEC® and the types of information found within the code book. Allows trainees to practice finding information using an easy-to-follow procedure.


26106-08 Device Boxes (10 Hours)

Covers the hardware and systems used by an electrician to mount and support boxes, receptacles, and other electrical components. Covers NEC® fill and pull requirements for device, pull, and junction boxes under 100 cubic inches.


26107-08 Hand Bending (10 Hours)

Provides an introduction to conduit bending and installation. Covers the techniques for using hand-operated and step conduit benders, as well as cutting, reaming, and threading conduit.


26108-08 Raceways and Fittings (20 Hours)

Introduces the types and applications of raceways, wireways, and ducts. Stresses the appropriate NEC® requirements.


26109-08 Conductors and Cables (10 Hours)

Focuses on the types and applications of conductors and covers proper wiring techniques. Stresses the appropriate NEC® requirements.


26110-08 Basic Electrical Construction Drawings (7.5 Hours)

Focuses on electrical prints, drawings, and symbols. Teaches the types of information that can be found on schematics, one-lines, and wiring diagrams.


26111-08 Residential Electrical Services (15 Hours)

Covers the electrical devices and wiring techniques common to residential construction and maintenance. Allows trainees to practice making service calculations. Stresses the appropriate NEC® requirements.


26112-08 Electrical Test Equipment (5 Hours)

Focuses on proper selection, inspection, and use of common electrical test equipment, including voltage testers, clamp-on ammeters, ohmmeters, multimeters, phase/motor rotation testers, and data recording equipment. Also covers safety precautions and meter category ratings.

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