Educational Governance and Administration, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (September 12, 2008) © 2009

  • Thomas J. Sergiovanni
  • Paul Kelleher
  • Martha M. McCarthy Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
  • Frances C. Fowler Miami University of Ohio

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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  • Serves as a clear and comprehensive introduction to school finance issues and a highly readable introduction to schools as political systems.
  • Features the continuous theme of how conflicting values influence educational governance and administration.
  • Shows a deep appreciation of conflicting values in American education and their influence on administration.
  • Incorporates treatment of gender issues in the field.
  • Includes substantive case materials and descriptive studies of how schools work with an analysis of public values that underlie present conflict in the field.
  • Provides a balanced view of professionalism in educational administration, making it an excellent resource for all professionals.  
  • Summarizes today's most cutting-edge research on the roles of students, teachers, principals, and superintendents.
  • Integrates  the complex and pervasive impacts of NCLB throughout the text, including new introductory sections that examine the law in the context of  enduring social values and that consider  the impacts of NCLB on student achievement
  • Contains new, innovative, and student-friendly pedagogical features such as data, charts, and graphs.
  • Provides a completely updated overview of school law that reflects the most recent and most important court decisions and their impact
  • Includes new and comprehensive information on standards-based leadership and the current controversy about administrative preparation.
  • Presents an entirely new chapter that examines the evolving nature of today's students, and evaluates comtemporary research on this subject.

1        Public Values and School Policy:

The Roots of Conflict



            Demands, Constraints, and Choices

            Defining the Context

            Policy Instruments and Their Impact on Reform

            Public Values and School Policy

            Competing Values and Images of Schooling

            A Value-Added Approach to Equity and Excellence

            The No Child Left Behind Act




2        Issues Shaping School Policy and Administration


School Autonomy and Governmental control

Standards and Accountability

Local Autonomy

Balancing Democratic and Professional Authority

School Choice

Maintaining Public Confidence

Managing Public Confidence

Appendix 2.1   Layered Standards

A Final Word



3        Educational Administration


An Overview

Policy and Policy in Use

Administration Defined

Critical Responsibilities of Administrators

Evaluating Administrators

Dimensions and Measures of School Effectiveness

Critical Administrative Process

The Privacy of the Educational Leadership Role

Qualitative Aspects of Leadership

Indirect Versus Direct Instructional Leadership




4        Educational Administration as an Emerging Profession


Some Background

The Changing Focus

A Standard-Based Approach

Other Views of Administrator Preparation

Appendix 4.1   New Standards for Advanced Programs in Educational Leadership



5        The Development of Thought in Educational Administration


Models of Administrative Practice

Educational Evangelists Versus Professional Managers

Major Stands of Thought in Administration

Educational Administration as an Applied Science

A Reflective-Practice Persepective

Educational Administration as a Moral Craft



6        Administrative Work, Roles, and Tasks


Work-Activity Research

Variations in Administrator’s Work

The Eight Basic Competencies



7        Students




Role of Student

The Powerful Influence of Peer Culture



8        Teacher



Two Conceptions of Role

Three Core Elements of the Role:  Instruction, Management, and Politics

Three Unique 21st Century Challenge

The Workplace for Teachers

Teacher Preparation




9        Principals


History of the Role

Who Are Principals Today

How Principals See Their Jobs

The Role Today

The Role in the Future

Preparation of School Leaders



10    Superintendents



History and Evolution of the Role

What is the Superintendent’s Job?

Who Superintendents Are Today

How Superintendents See Their Jobs

Leadership Challenges




11    School as Political System


The Myth That Politics and Education Do Not Mix

System Shock

Decisional Power

Politics, Governance, and Policy

The Stage Model of Policy Making

A Look Ahead




12    The Local System of Policymaking


Overview of Local Education Governance

Special Issues in Local Politics and Policymaking

Have School Boards Outlived Their Usefulness?

Micro-politics Within Schools




13    The State Level of Policymaking


Overview of State Education Governance

Special Issues in State Politics and Policymaking




14    The Federal Level of Policymaking


Overview of Federal Education Governance

A History of Federal Involvement in Education

The Impact of Federal Involvement on Politics

No Child Left Behind




15    The Legal Foundation for Public Education:  An Overview


Constitutional Provisions

Statutory Provisions

Administrative Rules and Regulations

Contractual Provisions

Judicial Role

Preventive Law



16    Leading Public Schools:  Legal Considerations


Legal Principles

Selected Substantive Aspects of the Law

Religious Activities and Observances in Public Schools

Legal Liability for Impairments of Federally Protected Rights

Judicial References



17    School Finance


Revenue Generation

Distribution of School Revenues

Market-Driven Delivery Systems

Constitutional Challenges to State School Finance Systems

Adequately Financing Schools in an Era of Accountability





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