Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (January 29, 2018) © 2019

  • Marjorie J. Kostelnik University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • Anne K. Soderman Michigan State University
  • Michelle L. Rupiper
  • Alice P. Whiren Michigan State University

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ISBN-13: 9780134695600 (2018 update)

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Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum Education emphasizes the “how” of curriculum development as well as the “what and why” to help you create the best programs for young children ages 3 through 8. It's an all-in-one guide that brings together everything pre-service teachers need to implement an integrated, developmental approach to curriculum-based instruction. Sample activities and lesson plans are included for each curriculum domain. Practical research-based guidelines and a focus on teaching methods give you the tools you need to translate theory into age-appropriate practice that accommodates individual, social and cultural differences.

The 7th Edition addresses all aspects of classroom life from conceptualization and planning, through implementation, to evaluation.


Part 1: Foundations of Early Childhood Education

1. Developmentally Appropriate Practice
2. Teaching and Learning in Developmentally Appropriate Programs

Part 2: Setting the Stage for Learning
3. Planning and Implementing Effective Small-Group Activities
4. Planning and Implementing Effective Group-Time Activities
5. Organizing Space and Materials
6. Child Guidance in Early Childhood Classrooms
7. Assessing and Evaluating Children's Learning
8. Strengthening Developmentally Appropriate Programs Through Family Engagement

Part 3: The Curriculum

9. The Aesthetic Domain
10. The Affective Domain
11. The Cognitive Domain
12. The Language Domain
13. The Physical Domain
14. The Social Domain

Part 4: Integrating Curriculum
15. Integrating Curriculum Through Pretend and Construction Play
16. Organizing Children's Learning Over Time

Appendix A: Sample Lesson Plans
Appendix B: Field Trips
Appendix C: The Big, Big Turnip

Name Index
Subject Index

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