Developmental Mathematics through Applications: Basic College Mathematics and Algebra, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (January 13, 2013) © 2014

  • Geoffrey Akst
  • Sadie Bragg



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The Akst/Bragg series’ success is built around clear and concise writing, a side-by-side “teach by example” approach, and integrated applications throughout that help students achieve conceptual understanding. The user-friendly design offers a distinctive side-by-side format that pairs examples and their solutions with corresponding practice exercises. Students understand from the very beginning that doing math is an essential part of learning it. Motivational, real-world applications demonstrate how integral mathematical understanding is to a variety of disciplines, careers, and everyday situations.

A clear and concise, student-focused text that teaches by example and through applications

  • Pretests and Posttests promote individualized learning by helping students gauge their level of understanding of chapter topics both at the beginning and at the end of each chapter. These are particularly useful in a self-paced lab or digital environment.
  • Section Objectives clearly state the learning objective at the beginning of each section to identify topics to be covered. In this revision, the end-of-section exercises more fully align with the learning objectives in order to encourage and facilitate review.
  • A distinctive Side-by-Side Example/Practice Format pairs examples and their solutions with practice exercises and promotes active learning from the start. Students complete practice exercises while they follow alongside the step-by-step solution for the example exercises. Students use this format for solving skill exercises and application problems throughout the text. This feature was redesigned to follow a notebook style, which encourages students to write in the text as they follow along.
  • An early introduction to algebra allows instructors to show students the connection between arithmetic and algebra and helps students grasp key algebraic concepts early in the course.
  • Examples and Exercises are based on real data with additional and more varied applied problems that are useful, realistic, and authentic.
  • Applications show how math can be used in a wide range of disciplines, careers, and everyday situations. Throughout the text, students are exposed to relevant applications to help answer the often-asked question “When will I ever use this?”
  • Cultural Notes show how mathematics has evolved in many cultures throughout the world over the centuries. Each chapter features a compelling Cultural Note that investigates and illustrates the origins of mathematical concepts.

Exercise and End-of-Chapter Highlights

  • A variety of exercises gives students the practice they need to master the material.
    • Paired Exercises closely reflect the same learning objective. Almost one of every problem type covered in the textbook is now assignable in MyMathLab!
    • Mixed Practice exercises, located in nearly every section's exercise sets, reinforce students’ knowledge of topics and problem-solving skills covered in the section.
    • Mathematically Speaking exercises help students understand and master mathematical vocabulary.
    • Journal Entry exercises help students understand concepts better by asking them to explain concepts in their own words. Open-ended questions throughout the text give students the opportunity to check their understanding. Students can build on these questions by keeping individual journals. Suggestions for optional journal entries are included in the Annotated Instructor's Edition.
    • Mindstretchers are engaging activities that incorporate investigation, critical thinking, reasoning, pattern recognition, and writing exercises in one comprehensive problem set, along with corresponding group work and historical connections.
    • Application Exercises at the end of the section show how to apply the topic at hand in a wide range of contexts.
  • End-of-chapter material offers students a wealth of review- and retention-oriented material to reinforce the concepts presented in current and previous chapters.
    • Say Why Exercises are fill-in-the blank problems that provide practice in reasoning and communicating mathematical ideas. These are located at the beginning of each chapter review.
    • Key Concepts and Skills give students quick reminders of the chapter’s most important elements and provide a one-stop quick review of the chapter material. Each concept/skill is keyed to the section in which it was introduced and is accompanied by a brief description and example.
    • Chapter Review exercises are keyed to the corresponding sections for easy student reference. Numerous mixed application problems complete each of these exercise sets to help students test their overall comprehension of chapter topics.
    • Each chapter's Posttest allows students to practice for their classroom test.
    • Cumulative Review Exercises build on the mathematical content covered in previous chapters.

Optional Technology Features

  • Calculator Inserts show ways to use calculators and computer software to solve section problems.
  • Video Resources on DVD with Chapter Test Prep Videos are available on DVD and in MyMathLab. Included is a video lecture for each section of the textbook and a Chapter Test Prep Video for all Posttest exercises for each chapter. The Chapter Test Prep Videos are also available on YouTube.

Study Skills Features

  • Math Study Skills Foldout provides tips on organization, test preparation, time management, and more for a variety of course formats.
  • Student Tips offer helpful reminders and suggestions for understanding certain concepts, skills, or rules, and advice on avoiding common mistakes.
  • For Extra Help boxes, found at the top of the first page of every section’s exercise set, direct students to helpful resources that will aid in their study of the material.

Available Additional Student Resources

  • MyWorkBook with Chapter Summaries provide extra practice exercises for every chapter of the text. This workbook can be packaged with the textbook or with the MyMathLab access kit and includes the following resources:
    • Mathematically Speaking key vocabulary terms and vocabulary practice problems
    • Guided Examples with stepped-out solutions and similar Practice Exercises, keyed to the text by Learning Objective
    • Additional Exercises with ample space for students to show their work, keyed to the text by Learning Objective
    • End-of-Chapter Summaries from the textbook

For Instructors

  • Teaching Tips, found in the Annotated Instructor’s Edition, help instructors with explanations, reminders of previously covered material, and tips on encouraging students to write in a journal.
  • Journal Entry Suggestions are included in the Annotated Instructor's Edition to go along with the Journal Entry exercises in the book.

Highlights of the Akst MyMathLab®

Two MyMathLab course options are available: a standard course and a Ready to Go course.

  • Standard MyMathLab courses allow instructors to build their course their way, offering maximum flexibility and complete control over all aspects of assignment creation. 
  • The Ready to Go courses provide students with all the same great MyMathLab features, but make it easier for instructors to get started. Each course includes pre-assigned homework and quizzes to make creating a course even easier.

Both course options feature the following items:

  • Robust exercise coverage provides an assignable MyMathLab exercise for almost every problem type from the text.
  • Pre-made (and pre-assigned in the Ready to Go course) section-level homework assignments.
  • Pre-made chapter review quizzes that are pre-assigned in the Ready to Go course and generate personalized homework assignments based on students’ quiz results.
  • A Pre-made(and pre-assigned in the Ready to Go Course) pre- and post- test for every chapter.
  • Pre-made (and pre-assigned in the Ready to Go course) Mathematically Speaking Vocab Check assignments for each section.
  • All videos from the Video Resources on DVD with Chapter Test Prep Videos.
  • NEW! Accessibility enhancements continue Pearson’s commitment to make products accessible to as many students as possible. This latest course release is compatible with the JAWS screen reader, enabling print-disabled students to access and interact with numerous problems as noted by an icon within the assignment manager. The course also works with the ZoomText enlarger, and includes an HTML eBook that is compatible with JAWS and other Windows screen readers, allowing all students to access the same text, at the same place, and at the same price. Additionally, all videos include subtitles.

1. Whole Numbers

1.1 Introduction to Whole Numbers

1.2 Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers

1.3 Multiplying Whole Numbers

1.4 Dividing Whole Numbers

1.5 Exponents, Order of Operations, and Averages

1.6 More on Solving Word Problems


2. Fractions

2.1 Factors and Prime Numbers

2.2 Introduction to Fractions

2.3 Adding and Subtracting Fractions

2.4 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions


3. Decimals

3.1 Introduction to Decimals

3.2 Adding and Subtracting Decimals

3.3 Multiplying Decimals

3.4 Dividing Decimals


4. Basic Algebra: Solving Simple Equations

4.1 Introduction to Basic Algebra

4.2 Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations

4.3 Solving Multiplication and Division Equations


5. Ratio and Proportion

5.1 Introduction to Ratios

5.2 Solving Proportions


6. Percents

6.1 Introduction to Percents

6.2 Solving Percent Problems

6.3 More on Percents


7. Signed Numbers

7.1 Introduction to Signed Numbers

7.2 Adding Signed Numbers

7.3 Subtracting Signed Numbers

7.4 Multiplying Signed Numbers

7.5 Dividing Signed Numbers


8. Basic Statistics

8.1 Introduction to Basic Statistics

8.2 Tables and Graphs


9. Measurement and Units

9.1 U.S. Customary Units

9.2 Metric Units and Metric/U.S. Customary Unit Conversions


10. Basic Geometry

10.1 Introduction to Basic Geometry

10.2 Perimeter and Circumference

10.3 Area

10.4 Volume

10.5 Similar Triangles

10.6 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem


11. Introduction to Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions

11.1 Real Numbers

11.2 Using Properties to Add and Subtract Real Numbers

11.3 Using Properties to Multiply and Divide Real Numbers

11.4 Algebraic Expressions and Exponents

11.5 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions and Formulas

11.6 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions


12. Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

12.1 Solving Linear Equations: The Addition Property

12.2 Solving Linear Equations: The Multiplication Property

12.3 Solving Linear Equations by Combining Properties

12.4 Solving Literal Equations and Formulas

12.5 Solving Linear Inequalities


13. Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities

13.1 Introduction to Graphing

13.2 Slope

13.3 Linear Equations and Their Graphs

13.4 More on Linear Equations and Their Graphs

13.5 Linear Inequalities and Their Graphs


14. Solving Systems of Linear Equations

14.1 Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations: Solving by Graphing

14.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution

14.3 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Elimination


15. Exponents and Polynomials

15.1 Laws of Exponents

15.2 More Laws of Exponents and Scientific Notation

15.3 Basic Concepts of Polynomials

15.4 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

15.5 Multiplying Polynomials

15.6 Special Products

15.7 Dividing Polynomials


16. Factoring Polynomials

16.1 Common Factoring and Factoring by Grouping

16.2 Factoring Trinomials Whose Leading Coefficient Is 1

16.3 Factoring Trinomials Whose Leading Coefficient Is Not 1

16.4 Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials and the Difference of Squares

16.5 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring


17. Rational Expressions and Equations

17.1 Rational Expressions

17.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

17.3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

17.4 Complex Rational Expressions

17.5 Solving Rational Equations


18. Radical Expressions and Equations

18.1 Introduction to Radical Expressions

18.2 Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions

18.3 Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions

18.4 Solving Radical Equations


19. Quadratic Equations

19.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Square Root Property

19.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square

19.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula

19.4 Graphing Quadratic Equations in Two Variables



A. Table of Symbols

B. Review of Basic Mathematics

C. Introduction to Graphing Calculators

D. Factoring the Sum of Cubes and the Difference of Cubes

Online Bonus Material:

E. Solving Compound Inequalities

F. Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

G. Introduction to Functions

H. Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities

I. Variation

J. Radical Expressions and Rational Exponents

K. The Distance and Midpoint Formulas; the Circle

Geoffrey Akst and Sadie Bragg have worked together for many years as professors of mathematics at Borough of Manhattan Community College/City University of New York. They met as graduate students at Teachers College, Columbia University, where they were both working on degrees in the teaching of college mathematics. The emphasis on applications in their texts reflects a concern they share for helping students understand why the topics to be studied are useful. Dr. Akst for years has begun his classes with the payoff question:­ Why is this material worth learning? A native New Yorker, he enjoys surfing the Web, listening to good music, and traveling to exciting places. Dr. Bragg, who began her career in math education as a high school geometry teacher, credits her teachers with inspiring her love for mathematics and an appreciation of its utility. A transplanted Virginian, she spends her time with her family and her beautiful grandchildren.

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