Developmental Mathematics: College Mathematics and Introductory Algebra, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (January 2, 2019) © 2020

  • Marvin L. Bittinger Indiana University Indianapolis
  • Judith A. Beecher Indiana University Indianapolis


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For courses in Developmental Mathematics.

Trusted author-educators. Thoughtful innovation.

Math hasn't changed, but students and the way they learn have. In Developmental Mathematics: College Mathematics and Introductory Algebra, 10th Edition, the Bittinger author team brings their extensive experience to developmental math courses, paired with thoughtful integration of technology and content. Part of the Bittinger Worktext Series, this revision enables students to get the most out of their course through an updated learning path, new review resources, and engaging new exercises that offer the support they need when they need it.  

Hallmark features of this title

  • Margin Exercises help students apply concepts by solving problems that parallel the Examples.
  • Section Exercises, including Skill Maintenance, Synthesis, and real-data Applications, offer abundant practice, review, and development of critical-thinking skills.
  • Mid-Chapter Review helps students pause and actively review with Concept Reinforcement, Guided Solutions, Mixed Review, and Understanding through Discussion and Writing.
  • Summary and Review at the end of each chapter promotes review and reinforcement of skills and concepts, including:
    • Vocabulary Reinforcement, Concept Reinforcement, Study Guide, Review Exercises, and Understanding through Writing and Discussion exercises
    • Chapter Tests, Chapter Test Prep videos, and Cumulative Review.

New and updated features of this title

  • The updated learning path is structured, yet flexible. It highlights author-created, faculty-vetted content and gives students what they need exactly when they need it. The learning path directs students to resources for easy-to-find, relevant support.
  • Skill Review in nearly every section of the text reviews a previously presented skill at the objective level where it is key to learning the new material.
  • Chapter Opener applications with graphics use current data and applications to present the math in context. These applications are linked to additional examples and exercises in the text to help students model, visualize and learn the math. 
  • Check Your Understanding with Reading Check and Concept Check exercises at the beginning of each section exercise set give students the opportunity to assess their grasp of the skills and concepts before they move on to the homework.
  • Student Activities begin with real-world data and guide students to examine a key concept in each chapter, while analyzing the data and connecting other concepts. There is one activity per chapter.

Features of MyLab Math for the 10th Edition

  • Skill Review in nearly every section reviews a previously presented skill at the objective level where it is key to learning the new material. Author-created Skill Review Videos offer a concise, stepped-out solution for each Skill Review Exercise.
  • Chapter Opener applications with graphics are linked to exercises in the text and MyLab Math course to help students model, visualize and learn the math.
  • Student Activities begin with real-world data and guide students to examine a key concept in each chapter. There is 1 activity per chapter, available in MyLab Math and in the printed MyMathGuide.
  • Interactive Animations, available in MyLab Math, allow students to examine visual representations of concepts through both guided and open-ended exploration to further solidify their understanding of these concepts.
  • Bittinger-specific Learning Catalytics questions are now available. Learning Catalytics is an interactive student response tool that uses students' smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking.
  • Guided Solutions exercises added to MyLab Math reinforce the step-by-step problem-solving process, while the new Drag & Drop functionality is applied to matching exercises throughout to assess students' understanding of concepts.

About our authors

Marvin Bittinger has been teaching math at the university level for more than 38 years. Since 1968, he has been employed at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and is now professor emeritus of mathematics education. Professor Bittinger has authored over 190 publications on topics ranging from basic mathematics to algebra and trigonometry to applied calculus. He received his BA in mathematics from Manchester College and his PhD in mathematics education from Purdue University. Special honors include Distinguished Visiting Professor at the United States Air Force Academy and his election to the Manchester College Board of Trustees from 1992 to 1999. His hobbies include hiking in Utah, baseball, golf, and bowling. Professor Bittinger has also had the privilege of speaking at many mathematics conventions, most recently giving a lecture entitled "Baseball and Mathematics." In addition, he also has an interest in philosophy and theology, particularly apologetics. Professor Bittinger currently lives in Carmel, Indiana with his wife Elaine. He has 2 grown and married sons, Lowell and Chris, and 3 granddaughters.

Judy Beecher has an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Indiana University and a graduate degree in mathematics from Purdue University. She has taught at both the high school and college levels with many years of developmental math and precalculus teaching experience at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). In addition to her career in textbook publishing, she enjoys traveling, spending time with her grandchildren and promoting charity projects for a children's camp.

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