Developing Management Skills, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (August 25, 2025) © 2026

  • David A. Whetten Brigham Young University
  • Kim S. Cameron University of Michigan


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For principles of management and management skills courses.

Skill development for tomorrow’s managers

Developing Management Skills is the gold standard for hands-on training in management skills. Designed for all levels, it focuses on what effective managers do and provides actionable guidance for modern management challenges. By studying theory from an applied, skills-based perspective, students learn how to turn knowledge into practice.

The 11th Edition features new cases, examples and assessments addressing contemporary issues, while maintaining its unique skills-focused approach. Highlighted issues include DE&I, remote work, international and cultural differences, and management issues in an age of rapid environmental change.

Hallmark features of this title

Contextual skill development

  • Chapters are grouped by personal, interpersonal and group skills so students can see both the relationship and distinction between these skill areas.
  • A five-step learning model for skill development helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. The five steps are Skill Assessment, Learning, Analysis, Practice and Application.
  • Skill Assessments in each chapter help learners identify the aspects of each skill topic they should focus on most.

New and updated features of this title

Foundational revisions

  • REVISED: Updated and revised coverage in all chapters, including new cases, examples and assessments, keeps content approachable and impactful for students.
  • NEW: A new, integrated approach to skill assessments in each chapter streamlines the experience for both learners and instructors, for any course format.
  • REVISED: Learning objectives in each chapter were modified to better unite common themes across the five sections of each chapter.

Learning aids

  • EXPANDED: Skill Assessments have been updated in each chapter, and all skill assessments can now be completed across multiple formats, within the text or online.
  • NEW: Learning Resource Guides at the start of each chapter help students navigate chapter content, tailor skill development to their needs, and link key concepts, skill assessments and assignments.
  • EXPANDED: New and updated cases, exercises and skill-based assignments illustrate real-world applications of management skills.

Features of MyLab Management for the 11th Edition

  • NEW: Interactive Reading Assignments engage students through an integrated blend of narrative, media and assessment, while holding them accountable for coming to class prepared.
  • NEW & UPDATED: New Personal Inventory Assessment Reflection Assignments prompt learners to reflect on their results from the updated Personal Inventory Assessments. Based on the pioneering Skill Assessments from the text, these tools help students build the self-awareness they need to thrive in the workplace.
  • UPDATED: Mini Sims put students in professional roles and ask them to respond to real business challenges.
  • UPDATED: Dynamic Study Modules pose a handful of questions and then respond to each student’s progress in real time. Learners deepen their grasp of concepts as they go.
  • NEW: Video Assignments provide a curated selection of videos connecting course concepts to real-world business scenarios. Built-in assessment questions accompany the assignments.
  • NEW: Case Study Assignments offer brief, assignable case studies to help learners work through real-world business cases. They include options for both auto-graded and manually graded assessment.

Features of Pearson+ eTextbook for the 11th Edition

  • NEW: Interactive Skill Assessments support hands-on learning and comprehension analysis.
  • NEW: Embedded concept and knowledge check questions help students gauge their grasp of concepts as they read.


  1. Developing Self-Awareness
  2. Managing Stress and Well-Being
  3. Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively


  1. Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively
  2. Gaining Power and Influence
  3. Motivating Performance
  4. Resolving Conflict


  1. Empowering and Engaging Others
  2. Building Effective Teams and Teamwork
  3. Leading Positive Change

About our authors

David A. Whetten is an emeritus professor at Brigham Young University. Prior to his retirement, he served as the Jack Wheatley Professor of Organizational Studies in the Marriott School. In addition, he served as Director of BYU’s Faculty Development Center.

Prior to joining BYU, he was on the faculty at the University of Illinois for 20 years. During this time, he served as the Harry Gray Professor of Business Administration, Director of the Office of Organizational Research, and Associate Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration.

In addition to his extensive list of professional publications, David served as founding editor of the Foundations for Organizational Science and editor of the Academy of Management Review. In addition, he has served on the editorial boards of 15 professional journals.

He and his co-author Kim Cameron received the Distinguished Educator Award from the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society for their pioneering textbook, Developing Management Skills.

A former president of the Academy of Management, David is also an Academy of Management Fellow and a recipient of the Academy’s Distinguished Citizenship Award. In addition, he’s been recognized as a Distinguished Scholar by the Academy’s Organization Management and Theory division and the Western Academy of Management, and as the Distinguished Researcher as well as the Distinguished Faculty by the BYU Marriott School.

David has held visiting professorships at Jiaotong University in Xian, China; National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan; and Oxford University.

Kim Cameron is the William Russell Kelly Professor Emeritus of Management and Organizations in the Ross School of Business as well as Professor Emeritus of Higher Education in the School of Education at the University of Michigan. Past assignments include serving as Associate Dean and department chair in the Ross School, Dean of the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, and Associate Dean in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. He organized and directed the Organizational Studies Division of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems in Boulder, Colorado.

Kim helped found the Center for Positive Organizations at the University of Michigan, which was awarded the Research Center Impact Award by the Academy of Management. He is a Fellow in the Academy of Management and a recipient of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society’s Outstanding Educator Award.

Kim’s past research on organizational virtuousness, downsizing and the development of leadership excellence has been published in more than 140 academic articles and 16 scholarly books. He was recently recognized as being among the top 10 scholars in the organizational sciences whose work has been most frequently downloaded from Google.

Kim received BS and MS degrees from Brigham Young University and MA and PhD degrees from Yale University. He served on the National Research Council and was a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar. He is the proud father of seven children and 25 grandchildren.

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