Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, 2nd edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (October 12, 2004) © 2005

  • Alan Shalloway
  • James R. Trott



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Design Patterns Explained, Second Edition is a simple, clear, and practical introduction to patterns.  Using dozens of new C# and updated Java examples, it shows students how to use patterns to design, develop, and deliver software far more effectively. Students should read this book before they they try and tackle Gamma's well-known work, Design Patterns

The book starts with a complete overview of the fundamental principles of patterns, and the role of object-oriented analysis and design in contemporary software development. Then, using easy-to-understand sample code, Alan Shalloway and James Trott illuminate dozens of today's most useful patterns: their underlying concepts, advantages, tradeoffs, implementation techniques, and pitfalls to avoid. Many patterns are accompanied by UML diagrams.

Building on their best-selling First Edition, Shalloway and Trott have thoroughly updated this book to reflect new software design trends, patterns, and implementation techniques. Reflecting extensive reader feedback, they have deepened and clarified coverage throughout, and reorganized content for even greater ease of understanding.

A thoroughly-revised and timely second edition to one of the most successful introductory design patterns books on the market.

° Gain a pragmatic and conceptual understanding of design patterns and the fundamentals of object technology design

° Examples in both Java and C Sharp

° Part of the acclaimed Software Patterns Series from Addison-Wesley, the leading publisher of design patterns reference material


1. The Object-Oriented Paradigm.


    Before the Object-Oriented Paradigm: Functional Decomposition.

    The Problem of Requirements.

    Dealing with Changes: Using Functional Decomposition.

    Dealing with Changing Requirements.

    The Object-Oriented Paradigm.

    Object-Oriented Programming in Action.

    Special Object Methods.


    Review Questions.

2. The UML-The Unified Modeling Language.

Alan Shalloway is founder, CEO, and principal consultant of Net Objectives, an object-oriented consulting and training organization. An object-oriented consultant and software developer for over 20 years, he is a frequent speaker at leading development conferences, including SD Expo, Java One, OOP, and OOPSLA. He is a certified Scrum master. He is co-author of An Introduction to XML and its Family of Technologies. Shalloway holds a master's degree in computer science from MIT.

James R. Trott currently works as a senior consultant for a large financial institution in the Pacific Northwest. He has used object-oriented and pattern-based analysis techniques throughout his 20-year career in knowledge management and knowledge engineering. He holds a master of science in applied mathematics, an MBA, and a master of arts in intercultural studies.

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