Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 2nd edition
Published by Sams Publishing (September 6, 2017) © 2018
- Robert Lafore
- Available for purchase from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
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Appropriate for all courses in data structures and algorithms, and for many intermediate-to-advanced level courses in Java programming.
Many students view data structures and algorithms as difficult to understand, but this book thoroughly demystifies them. Working in Java, Robert Lafore presents each essential data structure and algorithm, using clear and simple example programs accessible through a Web browser-based “Workshop Applets.” These programs demonstrate graphically exactly what each data structure looks like and how it works. Coverage includes: arrays, stacks, queues, simple and advanced sorts, linked lists, recursion, binary trees, red-black trees, 2-3-4 trees, external storage, hash tables, heaps, weighted graphs, and more. For this Second Edition, Lafore has rewritten each program to improve its operation, clarify the algorithms it illustrates, and reflect the latest versions of the Java 2 SDK. Lafore has also added brand-new questions and exercises at the end of every chapter. The result: students gain deep mastery over today's best practices and approaches for manipulating virtually any form of data with Java.
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