Creating Environments for Learning: Birth to Age Eight, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 27, 2023) © 2024

  • Julie Bullard University of Montana Western

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ISBN-13: 9780137539567 (2023 update)

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Creating Environments for Learning helps early childhood educators design play-based environments that ensure effective teaching and learning while meeting national and state standards. This easy-to-use resource helps you understand the outcomes you want to achieve, know how to design an environment to realize those outcomes, and understand your role as a facilitator. Emphasis is placed on considering the unique background of each child and being aware of possibilities to customize the design of your curriculum and environment to meet their full potential. Numerous examples and color photos demonstrate theory, research and possibilities in action.

The 4th Edition includes expanded information on diversity, learning theories, working in early childhood settings, and 21st century learning initiatives. The most current information on research, curriculum standards, and play-based learning make this resource practical for future and practicing teachers in family childcare homes, childcare centers, preschools and elementary schools.

  1. Understanding the Importance of the Environment
  2. Establishing an Emotionally Supportive and Equitable Environment
  3. Establishing a Context for Learning: Designing Schedules, Transitions, and Routines
  4. Design Considerations and Challenges
  5. Arranging an Effective Environment
  6. Planning a Play-Based Curriculum
  7. Creating Outdoor Environment
  8. Developing Dramatic Play Centers
  9. Developing Visual Art Centers
  10. Developing Music and Dance Centers
  11. Developing Literacy Centers
  12. Developing Physical Centers: Manipulative, Sensory, Indoor Fitness
  13. Developing Block and Building Centers
  14. Developing Science Centers
  15. Developing Math Centers
  16. Integrating Technology
  17. Creating Spaces for Families and Teachers

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