Created Equal: A History of the United States, Volume 2, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2017

  • Jacqueline A. Jones University of Texas in Austin
  • Peter H. Wood Duke University
  • Tim Borstelmann
  • Elaine Tyler May University of Minnesota
  • Vicki L. Ruiz University of California, Irvine

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ISBN-13: 9780137501021 (2021 update)

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Created Equal: A History of the United States examines American history through the lens of contested equality. The text frames the American experience as the stories of various groups of men and women, all “created equal” in their common humanity, claiming an American identity for themselves. Presenting rich analysis in a chronological framework, the authors examine the ongoing struggles over equal rights and the shifting boundaries of inclusion and acceptance that have characterized American history.

Updated with the latest data and statistics, the 5th Edition covers contemporary issues of inclusion such as marriage equality. Additionally, the authors have revised the text’s photographs, figures and maps to be more prominent, interesting and instructive.

  1. Consolidating a Triumphant Union, 1865 to 1877
  2. Standardizing the Nation: Innovations in Technology, Business and Culture, 1877 to 1890
  3. Challenges to Government and Corporate Power, 1877 to 1890
  4. Political and Cultural Conflict in a Decade of Depression and War: The 1890s
  5. Visions of the Modern Nation: The Progressive Era, 1900 to 1912
  6. War and Revolution, 1912 to 1920
  7. All That Jazz: The 1920s
  8. Hardship and Hope: The Great Depression of the 1930s
  9. Global Conflict: World War II, 1937 to 1945
  10. Cold War and Hot War, 1945 to 1953
  11. Domestic Dreams and Atomic Nightmares, 1953 to 1963
  12. The Nation Divides: The Vietnam War and Social Conflict, 1964 to 1971
  13. Reconsidering National Priorities, 1972 to 1979
  14. The Cold War Returns and Ends, 1979 to 1991
  15. Post-Cold War America, 1991 to 2000
  16. A Global Nation in the New Millennium

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