Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals, The, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (May 24, 2019) © 2020

  • Jeffrey O. Bennett University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Megan O. Donahue Michigan State University
  • Nicholas Schneider University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Mark Voit Michigan State University

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ISBN-13: 9780135775394 (2019 update)

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Mastering Astronomy with Pearson eText for Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals, The

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The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals is a brief introduction to astronomy, inspired by an activities-based classroom approach. The text actively engages you while focusing on the process of science and fundamental concepts of astronomy. Each concisely written chapter is formatted into 2 main sections to target learning and make expectations clear..

The 3rd Edition features major scientific updates, content that focuses on the possibility of life in the universe, and recent discoveries with modern contexts to help you see the relevance of astronomy to your world.

  1. A Modern View of the Universe
  2. Understanding the Sky
  3. Changes in Our Perspective
  4. Origin of the Solar System
  5. Terrestrial Worlds
  6. The Outer Solar System
  7. Planets Around Other Stars
  8. The Sun and Other Stars
  9. Stellar Lives
  10. The Bizarre Stellar Graveyard
  11. Galaxies
  12. Galaxy Distances and Hubble's Law
  13. The Birth of the Universe
  14. Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  15. Life in the Universe

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